Tuesday, February 14, 2017

"Hope Is Still Alive"

Second day of hazy, drizzly weather in Perryton, TX. Thankful for the moister. 2-14-2017 Perryton, TX

After two days of no sunshine I am beginning to darken just a bit. I know the sun is shinning I just can’t see it from my house. I’m trusting God with all my heart to let the sun shine brightly on our President, Donald Trump. He is leading one of the most dangerous, and evil-infiltrated countries in the world. Yes, I do believe that. This country was founded on Christian virtues. In my opinion it was a God given power invested in great Christian men whom He chose to construct the greatest country on earth. It has taken over two hundred years for demon spirits to put out country on the run. At this time it is about half and half Christian, and non Christian. Many who would deny that they are not Christian, their lives tell a different story.

Hypocrites have multiplied by millions in America in addition to the millions of honest Christian-haters who want to destroy America’s religion completely. Many martyrs are still lying in their graves waiting for that day when all would be martyrs will join them, then all will be raised and rewarded together. Revelations 6:11 KJV.  I feel sure the end times are close at hand. Who can dare not say that America is fully involved in a civil war? Will Christianity win or lose? The Christ Himself died for His cause. Will all Christians be called to die for their cause? I feel strongly we must make that choice now, and be willing to suffer as a martyr if it’s God will.

The Holy Bible is the Word of God, KJV is my choice of all versions. Who with a good mind could not believe in the Word of God? It has been proven over and over, and at this time is proving to be true.

For all Americans who are against taking America back, I suggest you take a reality pill and sleep till you come to your senses. This is a crucial time, and there is no time left to halt or hope for the best. If you can’t stand up for our President, please don’t try to crucify him. It would be better to die as a martyr than to be guilty of crucifying God’s chosen person to redeem His chosen people. I may be putting myself at the top of the list for becoming a martyr, but I believe strongly, that we are being tried by an angry God who is fed up with evil from a one-time Christian nation. “My spirit doth  not always strive with man.” Genesis 6:3 KJV. We often wonder why we keep trying to convince people of listening to the wrong voice, but Jesus never gave up hope and went all the way to the cross. President Trump may go all the way to the cross, but that is how much he believes in God’s chosen people. “Arise and take arms against the enemy of America even those who are listening to the wrong voice.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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