Wednesday, February 22, 2017

"The Lumberjack In Me"

                 I am sawing off a broken limb on my apple tree. 2-22-2017 Perrytpn, Texas.
             Sawing makes strong muscles. I need to do a lot of it. 2-22-2017 Perryton, TX.

The limb on my apple tree broke during the hard freeze a few weeks ago. I am now sawing it completely off. I am partly a lumberjack. Being raised on a creek bottom I learned young how to saw trees and limbs. I have always enjoyed it. My brothers and I used to cut our Christmas trees. Sometimes we cut firewood. My farm life has educated me in a lot of fields of hard work. Something my children missed out on. They thought they were supposed to be paid for carrying out the trash. I love the way I spoiled my kids. They now enjoy helping me do hard yard work when they are around. I still supervise them.

Today I will be eating lunch at the Citizens Center. I have starting back to leaving this house a lot now. I seem to have started a new life, or at least started the old one back. After attending Happy Timers yesterday I have renewed my dedication to the group happy group, Everything is taking on new meaning. I have at least one more hang-out planned for this week. Dinner with the singles is always fun. There for awhile I had put my wedding rings back on, but I will be taking them off again before long. I just must leave the past behind.

I still am keeping up with the world conditions. I believe we are facing a crisis like we’ve never seen before. So many people have lost their minds, and no one can reason with a crazy person. It is going to be pure hell on earth. Some of us have seen this coming for a long time. The evil just keeps  increasing, and the fight is getting more fierce every day. What do we do now”? Keep praying and trusting God. Get involved more with Christians, and fight for what you know is right. “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” This famous quote is simply saying. Those who do not want to take a stand for good, are helping the evil ones to triumph. No coward is accepted in the army. Let us all denounce cowardly threats, and join up in the fight for God. A soldier in the army does not bully, or invent stories not founded on facts. If they do they immediately get discharged from the army. This fact applies also to the army of God, who is much stricter than earthly armies. We cannot live a haphazard live and please God. We must always be in control of our unsure minds, not wavering to the left or right. There are two sides only. Good or bad, no in between. If we disagree on a situation, we stand to be questioned and hopefully come to a common ground. If we are wrong it only means we will not be blessed by God. It adds more pain to the body than we already have. Study the Word of God to show thyself approved.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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