Monday, February 6, 2017

"Just Before The Sun Set"

                  Just as the sun went down. Beautiful sky all around. 2-6-2017 Perryton, Texas.
 I needed another touch of God's beauty this evening. How real He is. 2-6-2017 Perryton, TX

After a busy day I rushed out to take a picture of the sun just as it was going down. I could see all the colorful streaks going across the sky from my kitchen window. Within minutes after I snapped the picture, the sky turned dark. I am anxious for it to come up again in the morning. I hate going to sleep and missing out on so much of happenings in God’s big world. I know my sleep is very important so I don’t have to wait to be scolded before I go to bed, like my dad used to do. I still hear his words every night, “Sis it’s time to go to bed.” It’s funny how some things never leave your mind for long. God lets me visit with my mom and dad, and my husband so much while I sleep. I can never thank God enough for His blessings to me.

I started another painting today.  I now am working on three. Some of the paint I use has to dry two or three days before I can continue. That’s why I keep at least two going all the time. I put off paying some bills today because I didn’t want to quit painting. I must do that the first thing in the morning or I will again put it off. By the end of the week I am sure I will be ready to go out to eat with my friends in the singles club. There are some older folks who know a lot of good jokes. I always enjoy hearing them and laughing my heart out. Crazies have more fun than anybody. Since my husband passed away I don’t laugh much. He used to joke about every word I spoke. And about other peoples words too. He was a natural born humorist, and didn’t even know it. People laughed at him when all he knew what to say was pop a joke. It came so naturally. I no longer have that bright side of life with me, and it’s been very hard to get used to. I have one son who inherited his dad’s humor, but I don’t get to be around him much.

I keep my mind open for news from heaven. I live from day to day by trusting in the Lord. He promised me many years ago to never leave me nor forsake me. He has kept that promise all these years, but I have to stay tuned into Him. If He closes one door He opens up another. I’m never shut out. I don’t know my future, but I know who does. I trust him with every breath I take. He didn’t promise us a bed of roses, but He did promise us to hold our hand. Our job here on earth is to pick someone up when they fall. Not to always be trying to knock them down. I will stand strong against every foe. How about you?

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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