Tuesday, February 28, 2017

"Bird Love Is Real"

         Mr. and Mrs Sweettalk are flirting on the radio antenna today. 2-28-2017 Perryton, Texas.

Another sign spring is near is these two ring-necked doves flirting on the radio antenna. The male landed first then called for the female to join him. I love this bit of nature that makes the world beautiful. The part that never knows worries, or having to change their minds about something. I haven’t checked this out, but I’ve been told that birds, once they mate, are mates till death departs them. They are not privileged to divorce. Can you imagine? Whether that’s true or not, it sounds good. The fowls, and the sea life, the  animals, and all other kinds of amphibians are all exempt from sin. The reptile has never been forgiven of their sin, and are still paying by crawling on their bellies. Adam and Eve are the reason we, as humans, live in a sinful world filled with jealousy and hate. That is the part of nature that God didn’t intend. His beautiful paradise garden became a place of constant war with the human and animal lives that He intended to live together in peace. I am grateful for the gift of forgiveness that I have been privileged to receive, but I must still live among the evil, Satanic, power that dominates the earth. Its up to us to control, and claim our rights, and with God’s promised help, we can do it. The closer I get to heaven the more I want to stay here and help others weather the storm. I may not be that much help to many, but the fact that I am fighting is enough to make me keep trying. When I become disabled, and the Master gives me an honorable discharge, it’s then that I will be ready to say good-bye world, good-bye.

When I sit down at this computer I never know what I am going to write, but as the Lord directs I start typing away. The message usually is what I need for my own uplifting. I look forward to receiving, and delivering it every day. My enemies cannot reach me with their weapons, although they do try. I don’t like being rude even to my enemies, but sometimes we have to unload on them. Then I pray that they will recover. The little birds don’t know how blessed they are. Sometimes I have to tell them. They do get my attention a lot. After all it was a dove that let Noah know when it was safe to come out of the ark. My son, Chuck, has always had a special love for all harmless wild life. I never knew why, but I am understanding it better all the time. They don’t harm him. Can anyone want more out of life than that? It is something for every Christian to think about. “Love covereth a multitude of sins.: 1 Peter 4:8.  1 Corinthians chapter 13 tells us that “Love keeps no record of wrongs.”  How many of us qualify?

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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