Saturday, February 4, 2017

"Business Entertainment Pleasure And Rest"

                         Dinner with friends at the singles club. 2-4-2017 Perryton, Texas.

I just got home from eating and visiting with friends at the singles club. We had a nice crowd, and everyone enjoyed sharing some of their week’s activities. it’s a night out that I always look forward to. Nothing can take the place of close friends whom you can depend on at all times when needed. What peace and joy one is made to feel when joining hands in prayer before eating. After a couple of hours the group is ready to go home and watch the continuous protesting that is growing quickly out of control. We are made to wonder if our nation will ever be safe again. I do thank God for a support group such as I sat with tonight, although we never mention the condition of our country. We all want to pretend that all is great in the world of today. After all it does no good to talk about it, and everybody has a right to their own opinion. Therefore we keep our opinions to ourselves. Tonight was only the third time I have attended this meeting, and by now I am convinced it is a blessing from God that I was invited to join. How great He is, and how marvelous just to know that He is always by our side.

I was able to accomplish several things today before I had to start getting ready for this meeting. I took in an estate sale, and although I didn’t buy anything I did have plans to buy a car for my son who lives in Houston. I had made it a matter of prayer since I had never bought a car without my husband being present. I had put out a petition before the Lord, and I am totally in agreement with myself that I was not suppose to buy the car. The situation took all of my morning before I could turn down the bidding. Then I came home and painted for a couple of hours with a lot of improvement showing up. I had a couple of interesting phone calls, so all in all this has been a great day for me. In other words my day has not been in vain. I just wonder how I got so much accomplished in one day. It would be nice if every day could be like this one.

I want to say before I sign off that without my faith in God I would not be here. He is the reason I am still strong in body, soul, and mind, and He answers my prayers every day. I might liked to have had Him answer in a different way than He did, but I know He always knows what’s best for me. I feel so blessed to be able to trust him with all my heart. I am happy and satisfied with whatever God chooses for me. It is hard for me to understand how He could love me when I am so unworthy, but I know He does, and that’s all that matters.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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