Thursday, February 16, 2017

"A Little Bird Told Me Spring Was Here"

     Ring neck collard doves are already moving into the apple tree. 2-16-2017 Perryton, TX.

It’s one beautiful afternoon today. The ring neck collard doves are already occupying the apple tree in my yard. They come every year about this time, and rule the tree until late in the spring. No other birds are allowed to land in the tree until the doves leave for the year. My outdoor spirit is almost here. I just dread doing all the work that I see has to be done by me. There will be lots of raking and tree trimming. I don’t know when I will get in the mood, but I need to hurry. The yard is too un-kept due to cold weather that set in early last fall. I enjoy sitting out in my back yard a lot, but I must have it looking nice before I do. My bird and animal friends are so much company to me. I can’t let them down and not clean up their summer vacation homes. The birds and rabbits, squirrels, and other species give birth to their little ones here. I don’t allow stray cats and dogs in my yard, so everything else is friendly and enjoyable. I used to have a fish pond which I really enjoyed, but it became so much trouble to clean so I gave the fish to my neighbor. I filled in the hole and made a flower bed out of it. I am adding a bird bath, and feeder to my yard this year.

I would rather be out mixing with the crowd today. I seemed to have sprouted a new desire to eat and gab with friends. I just hope it doesn’t take first place in my life. I know I have a home and yard to take of, and I don’t intend to quit painting any way soon. Maybe I will arrange everything so I can do plenty of all. This is Thursday, and I am already looking forward to the widow, and widower’s get-together Saturday evening. I plan to attend at least two senior luncheons next week. I never thought it would happen after loosing my husband four years ago, but I am finally moving on. My sweet children have not given up on me, and are always trying to think of things to make me happy. My youngest son begged, and even almost insisted that I go on a cruise with he and his wife. My excuse was that I don’t like being out on water. I know that most any other mother would have jumped at the chance to do this, but I could not make myself go. After all, my son and daughter-in-law are loads of fun to be with. I just have not fully recovered from the loss of my husband. I feel like I need to stay home with him, although I realize he is not here. I am slowly, but surely getting my life back. I am flying through dark clouds with faith, and not by sight. Someone higher than I is clearing the way.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp


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