Sunday, February 12, 2017

"A Tacky Story"

               Good Sunday morning sunrise. You light up my heart. 2-12-2017 Perryton, TX
                      I don't worship the sun. I worship It's Creator. 2-12-2017 Perryton, Tx.

This Sunday morning sunrise was my energy pill for today. I always marvel at the beauty of God’s way of lighting up the world. I am taking time this morning to send out greetings to all my readers before I start doing other things. I have been neglecting to say hello first before satisfying my ambitious ego. I appreciate all the hits I’ve been receiving, but feel ashamed that I had not posted a blog in several days. I’ve been working on something that I plan to post shortly. It is taking a lot of my time, but feel it is a product from God. This image makes me feel good, and I hope it will do the same for you.

I have to tell a tacky story that really stunned me yesterday. I had been painting most of the day, but needed to go to the store for some paint. My hair was a terrible sight, and my work cloths were even sightier. I stopped at a little story to pick up the news paper. I got 50 cents out of my purse and hurriedly entered the store. I laid the paper down on the counter then noticed a special kind of candy bar that I never can find. They usually cost two or three dollars when I can find them, but this one was $1.50. I said to myself good-bye diet, I’ll see you later. I noticed the man who was checking out ahead of me had huge tattoo’s on his arm. I always say a silent prayer for anyone I see with body piercing. Yes, I do feel this is against God’s will. I told the clerk I needed to go to the car and get some more money and started walking away. I didn’t hear the tattooed man tell the clerk he would pay for my stuff, but the clerk called me back. I thanked the guy, and said to him I don’t know what I did to deserve that. I am thinking he thought I looked so ungodly and tacky that I needed some financial help. I was so stunned I picked up the money he had laid on the counter and my paper, and candy bar then started to walk out. It struck me the money was suppose to go in the cash register. I turned around and apologized and started counting out the money. The fellow didn’t see my paper so I was 22 cents short. I told the clerk I still needed to go to the car. She said “you don’t need to I will get the rest.” By now I am totally confused. The moral to this story is, I am a better giver than receiver. This has happened to me several times lately, and I feel so unworthy. God needs to teach me a lesson on receiving. I feel so inadequate when being given something physically. I just always say “God Bless you.”  I do mean that and ask God that night to bless my giver.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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