Wednesday, February 15, 2017

"Feeling Like A Sweetheart"

Valentines dinner was great. Best steak ever. 2-15-2017 Perryton, TX.
      I am facing the camera. Just finished eating a wonderful dinner. 2-15-2017 Perryton, TX.

Last night was a great time for food and fellowship. The Valentine’s dinner was a big success with over 100 people attending. The steak was the best I had ever eaten. A dipper of bon appitit potato casserole was extra special, topped off with a feta salad. A delicious  dessert  was the final, great tasting filler. The staff and cooks did a fantastic job of serving a scrumptious dinner. My evening was filled with fun and pleasure.

Today I am deciding my plans for the rest of the week. I have a choice of several things. My life is beginning to take on new meaning. That is something more than just politics. I am working toward an art display later on this summer. I’m excited about that. I also agreed to do some voluntary work at the Museum. This place is usually a busy community effort to serve the local and surrounding areas with means of social and business affairs. A large dinning area with kitchen facilities is used often. The food is catered by remarkable cooks. I look forward to working with the nicest people who dedicate their time in making our city a great place to live. I think about how much time I have spent on procrastinating. It’s so easy to let unimportant things hinder you from doing the job you really need to do. Too often we let idle thoughts take over our lives. It’s a good thing to let the mind explore extensively, but decisions must come and be executed or the brain is useless to you. I so often think of the man who was so honest in expressing his worth. He was given a job of selecting good apples from the bad ones. After a short time on that job he remarked, : “I can dig ditches or plow the ground all day, but these decisions  are killing me.” How honest are we about our worth? Or how honest are we about making excuses for doing nothing? Surly there is a time and a place for all of us to contribute some time to society. I’m working on that now.

I say all of this, but I still say we can, and should do much to help our elected leaders with their very difficult jobs. Some elected leaders are opposed to our own conscience. This is the way God decided to allow the world to operate. It’s up to us to not only make right decisions, but to express them in many different ways. Silence is a sign of ignorance. Let us make ourselves knowledgeable instead of choosing to stay silent. Of course we will not always be on the winning side, but to participate is better than to sit it out. I feel so strongly that our country is flooded with evil doers who is working around the clock to destroy our democracy and everything else that Jesus died for. I will do all I can to fight those evil doers, and most of all pray for their lives to end if they will not repent and go straight. I am a strong supported of our President, Donald Trump. He is God’s man for today. We will win if everyone who supported him in the beginning will not be swayed by the evil doers.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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