Friday, February 17, 2017

"Friendly Cat Touched My Feet"

My neighbor's cat is welcoming me to their place. She is the only live thing I saw in this fascinating yard. Unusual breed. 2-17-2017 Perryton, TX

Another gorgeous evening today in Perryton, Texas. I made a quick trip to the store and stopped on my way home to view my neighbor’s fascinating yard. They have all kinds of interesting things as well as some unusually bred cats. When I saw this yellow cat walking on the picket fence I had to stop and take a picture. It quickly jumped down and ran to my feet. I had to give a little attention to it. Several of my neighbors are like myself. We have lots of yard work to do after the terrible bad freeze. The yards are still full of small limbs that the clean-up people didn’t get. I can say that when the raking is finished there will be some beautiful yards around me. It will be worth it.

Today has not been one of my better days. Several things happened that I regret. I have to believe God gave me this day to come down off my high horse, since I had been boasting of so much excitement. I was in a cranky mood, and let my time bomb go off. Too much criticism coming from me today, even if I did think I had a right to it. When it backfires on me it is then that I realize I have made someone more important than me really angry. I also am reminded that I am still human. I did punish myself by doing some work that I wouldn’t have done had I not been trying to get rid of guilt. I still am glad I told someone I love dearly, that they need to stop doing things that cause confusion in some peoples lives. I’m now waiting to be told the same thing by someone else. God help us all. After all I think Jesus scolded a few people in His life time, yet there was never any greater love than His. We often wonder why there can’t be peace on earth. I just have to say it’s because God didn’t plan it that way. Jeremiah 8:22 tells us. They have healed the wounds of my people saying, “Peace, peace, when there is no peace.” This life is going to be hard no matter how old we get. The evil spirit is constantly at work to see to that. This is biblical also. What is so healing is when Jesus kisses our wounds and says, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” That is why we can live happy lives most of the time.

As for the world, it is full of evil, and who knows when God will say, “enough is enough.” I’m glad I’m on His side. From what I’m reading in the bible time for the world to end could be close. I hope and pray that I can keep my robe white, even if I have to wash it every day.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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