Friday, September 30, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "Cool Un-calm And Flustered"

Jean's Comment's: "Cool Un-calm And Flustered":                Hibiscus are still blooming. They always look happy. 9-30-2016 Perryton, Texas.                 Daises slept all summer b...

"Cool Un-calm And Flustered"

               Hibiscus are still blooming. They always look happy. 9-30-2016 Perryton, Texas.
                Daises slept all summer but have awaken now until frost. 9-30-201 Perryton, Texas.
We are having a real cool day here in Perryton. It seems like fall is just around the corner. Not happy about that, but I guess I have to accept whatever comes my way. I probably have posted for the last time this year pictures of my flowers. The mums and daisy’s will survive for quite some time longer than the other flowers. They look very healthy. I will have lots of pulling up old dead stems and some large zinnia stalks in a few days. Some plants will come back next spring such as roses, and a few other perennials. I don’t bother them. It all amounts to a lot of work, however. This hard work is what keeps me young and healthy. Its more fun than riding bicycles or lifting weights.

Other than watching TV today I have done nothing but wash a few dishes and make a pot of chili. These kinds of days can get very boring. I am so thankful for my computer which I stay on a lot every day. Face book keeps me informed of what my family and friends are doing. That is a real blessing to me. Then I read lots of news on there that never appears on TV. The affordable, unlimited, telephone calls  is another great advantage we didn’t use to have. Technology is becoming more like magic every day. It almost scares me to think what it will be like a year from now. Will we ever have any privacy again? Or will we ever be self contained as far as making it work? I think I will never be good at reading the minds of technology genius. They use their least amount of descriptive devices that they possible can to teach us. The aim is to make genius out of all of us. Work, work, and keep working on mastering the technology system. Patience is the most costly piece of art the brain has to sale. I don’t buy that, OK? If I can’t get it free, I will do without. I know this puts me in the Lazy Susan dish, but I would rather look appetizing than be brain washed. I prefer to have someone else do my complicated work. However, I do appreciate all the help I can get.

My TV has already been off for two hours, and it’s a long time before bedtime. After many attempts to reach the company, I finally got a recording saying there was a problem in the Texas area, but no approximate time to be fixed. The last time it went off was last week. It was off for two days. Do I need to ask for patience or a fighting spirit? I have checked with other people using different TV companies and they seem to have the same problems. Does anyone have the answer to this problem other than patience? It will get better I’m sure. I can survive.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "When The Flowers Are Gone What Then"

Jean's Comment's: "When The Flowers Are Gone What Then": Fading away fast but I still enjoy them. A little white butterfly is eating from one of the flowers. 9-29-2016 Perryton, Texas.    ...

"When The Flowers Are Gone What Then"

Fading away fast but I still enjoy them. A little white butterfly is eating from one of the flowers. 9-29-2016 Perryton, Texas.
                I spend a lot of evenings here enjoying my flowers. 9-29-2016 Perryton, Texas.

One more day left in September, and I will be seeing less and less of my flowers. They have been quite a blessing to me all summer long. I will have to find another place of interest for the long winter months ahead. I am hoping to get back to my painting, but it takes a special brain power to do that. My brain seems to have been washed by all the political up and downs for the past year. I can hardly leave the TV long enough to go out and get some fresh air and sunshine, as much as I love that too. Hopefully after one more month and a few days I can get myself back to normal.

I managed to get some business taken care of today, and even made chicken and home-made egg noodles. I have been eating sandwiches for several days since I have been gone from home. I had to remember to cook again. Chuck is good at reminding me by bringing in meat and other stuff to fix. If it weren’t for him I’m sure I wouldn’t cook at all even though I have always loved to. I am not a lover of restaurant food, and choose not to eat there much. Our church serves a wonderful dinner once a month, and a lovely luncheon also once a month, but I have been missing out on that for several months due to unavoidable reasons. I have a lot of “getting back to normal” to do. It will take a lot of effort for me to succeed.

I have never gotten away from my prayer and bible study each night before I go to bed. That is what I enjoy more than anything else. I learn something new every time I read a chapter in the bible, even though I have read it many times before. I believe God intended for the brain to work that way. I call it, “Bible Physiology.” A continuous study of the bible with the best of all physiologist in earth or in heaven. I’m standing true to that belief, and I hardly ever feel defeated by Satan. Oh! The joy that the creator of all mankind and heaven and earth can give if one will just believe. It is not seasonable like my flowers. It is everlasting forever and ever. However, if I miss very many nights of Prayer and Bible study, like when I am away from home, then my joy will start to turn to worry. Its like food for our bodies. We must eat from the word of God or we famish away spiritually. I love that spiritual food for it taste so good. I gain strength and vitality that natural food cannot supply alone. I feel more equipped to help others with their problems when I am full of spiritual food. God knows, and expects us to know, and do something to help Him help his little children. How little can He ask of us in exchange for so much He has done for us. “Here am I Lord.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "Sisterly Love is A God Sent"

Jean's Comment's: "Sisterly Love is A God Sent":                             Here I am back home safe and sound. 9-28-2016 Perryton, Texas. Here I am back home after a pleasant trip to ...

"Sisterly Love is A God Sent"

                            Here I am back home safe and sound. 9-28-2016 Perryton, Texas.

Here I am back home after a pleasant trip to visit two of my sisters in Oklahoma City. The trip was enjoyable after I got there, but on the way down I drove through a terrible flood for about twenty-five miles. It was very scary because some of the time I couldn’t see a white line at all on the highway. Trucks were whizzing past me constantly because I was driving slowly. I couldn’t see how to get off the highway so I kept on driving. My silent partner kept telling me to have faith and everything would be OK. When I finally got to I-35 where I turned off to go to Norman the rain had stopped, but I came upon a traffic jam where the cars were almost stopped for miles. After a lengthy period of start, stop, I saw a wreck and when I got waved through that it was much better. Then a litter farther down the road I came upon construction, and again I was slowed down for quite awhile. When I finally got to the motel in Norman my sisters were waiting for me and we checked into the room and relaxed for awhile. I was too tired to go out and do much so I mostly rested the rest of the evening.

The next day we began to laugh and get involved in our old time kidding each other. We went for breakfast then played the slots for awhile. That night, Monday, was the presidential candidate debate and I was determined to stay rested up for that. I can say I had a great time and came home rested and refreshed. I thank God for His mighty protecting hand. I believe He knew I needed to get away, and made sure I was treated with tender, loving care. I also thank my sisters and a niece for treating me so nice. If it would have been possible I would have stayed longer, but I had to get back to business.

About the debate I believe Donald Trump made Hillary Clinton look even more non-presidential than she already looked. She is totally unfit to be our president. This next month and few days is going to be very exciting. The time will tell if our great God has given us another chance to repent and turn from our wicked ways; or if He has made up His mind that we are not ever going to be worthy of his blessings again. I have to believe he is going to be merciful to us. We have the candidate who can make our country great again, but whether God will allow it to happen or not remains to be seen. It does seem like the greatest kind of evil has been unleashed upon us. The only hope is if God will stop the corrupt government we now have, and let a good, honest, American-loving man named Donald Trump take the reins of leading America to victory. I don’t think its over yet.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "A Strong Shoulder To Play And To Fight"

Jean's Comment's: "A Strong Shoulder To Play And To Fight": Perryton Rangers gearing up for football game tonight. GO BIG RED!!9-22-2016 Perryton, Texas.           These little fellows are workin...

"A Strong Shoulder To Play And To Fight"

Perryton Rangers gearing up for football game tonight. GO BIG RED!!9-22-2016 Perryton, Texas.
          These little fellows are working toward a football career. 9-22-2016 Perryton, Texas.

The excitement around our place has already started. Football is everywhere you look. Even the little guys are giving it their best while they wait for the game to start. Oh, so many memories come back to me every year when football season begins. All three of my boys played football on this same stadium across the street from where I live. Needless to say I have been living here in this house for 49 years. It is my favorites’ spot in the world. I still enjoy the games being played there from first graders to twelfth graders. How I pray that our freedom and culture will never be taken away. “God Bless America.” Charles and I used to have reserved seats in that stadium every year. Such great memories to treasure.

My day has been a good one so far. I’m trying not to overtire myself before leaving on this trip to Oklahoma City. The trip is always tiring for me so I want to save all the energy I can before I start out. I will be enjoying a nice Motel with lots of good food and entertainment all around it. But best of all I will be sharing my good time with two of my sweet sisters. I wish it could have turned into a family reunion, but not this time. I would enjoy having all my large family together again. Still trusting that to happen soon. I am so proud of all of them. “When we all get to Heaven what a day of rejoicing that will be.”  One of my favorite old hymns. We never hear it sung any more, but the words are recorded in my heart. I also love to hear, “When the saints go marching in.”  These are two of the good old shouting songs.

I hate to spoil my good feeling by switching over to the news about the third night of rioting in Charlotte NC, but I cannot be not concerned about the terrible condition of our country. It is getting worse by the day. No matter how much we may try and deny it, it still is the truth. I stand seemingly helpless, but I am always ready to do anything I can to help our great police and military men and women. My prayers are with them constantly. There are some wonderful, intelligent, and wise people working around the clock to bring back our lost respect for God and morality. I have faith that it will happen, but not until much blood has been shed. Much more than what’s already been. God knows everyone who is guilty of taking sides with His enemies, and He will make them suffer whether it’s intentionally or out of ignorance. We must remember our God is a just God. He makes no mistakes. I feel like it’s already too late for some to change their minds. The damage they have done is un-repairable for some. The consequences must be paid.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "An Unidentified Alien"

Jean's Comment's: "An Unidentified Alien": Here is that wicked bug again.So scary looking. It eats on this flower a lot. 9-21-2016 Perryton, Texas. This sucker is as big as a toa...

"An Unidentified Alien"

Here is that wicked bug again.So scary looking. It eats on this flower a lot. 9-21-2016 Perryton, Texas.
This sucker is as big as a toad frog. I can't even scare it away today. 9-21-2016 Perryton, Texas.

One hot day today. I had to water all the flowers again. The ground is very dry. I couldn’t believe when I saw this same old wicked-looking bug that I posted the other day. He is an unidentified  alien of some kind. I could not even scare him away. I’ll go back tomorrow and see if he died there. It looks kind of like a huge black widower spider, but its not one. As for now I will let him rest for the night.

I finished a day full of turmoil and stress trying again to take care of insurance business. I am glad to now have a company in my own city that I can go in and talk with the representative. What a blessing! For awhile it was the “jet age,” and now it is the “online-age.” All the older people have to go back to school and learn how to operate the sophisticated computer with all its unfamiliar phrases and programs. This is the day where grandchildren are teaching their grandparents. We might as well give up. The American culture has already become the global culture. We the older generation got left behind. However, I will keep betting against the odds. “I can do all things through Christ who strength me.” says the apostle Paul. The evil invaders  of our computers makes it even harder for us to manage. I have not learned how to clean off the viruses that some freaks like to put on my computer. I must not complain because I do like the modern technology if I could just learn a little faster how to handle it.

I am proud of the accomplishments I made today even though it was quite stressful. I did have some good news from some of my family and that makes everything better. I will be taking a few days off to go visit them shortly. Chuck will keep things going for me here. I think a good change of atmosphere will do me a lot of good. My two sisters and I will celebrate a short get-together, and let our hair down for awhile. I have a very loving family and I want to spend as much time with them as I can. I miss my three brothers, but I still have three sisters. When we get together we know how to laugh and forget all of our troubles. We don’t get to see each other very often, but it sure is fun when we do get together. I always know I will return home feeling “on top of the world,” and will stay that way for quite awhile.

I did get my car washed and vacuumed today. I will finish with my packing and returning a few phone calls tomorrow. I always have to do some last minute shopping also. Then I will rest before leaving on my trip. The best thing about going on a trip is getting back home. I will admit I am looking forward to that also.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "Beauty And The Best"

Jean's Comment's: "Beauty And The Best": Asparagus plants are probably 9' tall if staked up. So thick I can't stake them. Should have a bountiful crop next year. 9-20-2016...

"Beauty And The Best"

Asparagus plants are probably 9' tall if staked up. So thick I can't stake them. Should have a bountiful crop next year. 9-20-2016 Perryton, Texas.
                       Gold is the name of this group. Marigold. 9-20-2016 Perryton, Texas.

One more day of enjoying my flower garden. I’m sure it will all be dead in a few more days. It seems like such a short summer, I can’t believe it’s nearly over. Time is going by very fast now. Just a few more days and I will be gone also. In fact we all will be gone. Here today, and gone tomorrow. What was it all about? As I’m reading in the book of Genesis I become so amazed at all the happenings that led us to be here today. The bible is a history book of how it all started, how it progressed, and how it will end. But what then? Everyone has their own idea of what will happen after this life is over, but I don’t even give an opinion on that. I just trust my God to take me safely and securely to another place much better than where I’ve lived for several years. I have to struggle every day and night to get my friends and loved ones who have gone on before me off my mind. But I know they are one step ahead of me, and I have to continue to wonder what’s out there. I can’t see how anyone can read the bible without lamenting. I call it the ‘book of bloodshed.” From Geneses to Revelations there is the stories of sorry and bloodshed. Surely there has to be something better in the future. I would never trust scientist to reveal that to me because no human being on earth will ever know the mysteries of God. I am still here in this world to help anyone in anyway to survive the hurt and agony they are feeling. Why else would any of us be here if not for that reason?  Jesus tells us to occupy till He comes. I am doing that, but with much effort.

So as I enjoy my flowers, dream my dreams, and brake a rule now and then, I am moving on to a better life. I don’t believe in perfection, so I will not even try to empress anyone as being such. I try hard to please God, by loving His children, and feel their pain just as He does. I try hard to forgive, and turn the other cheek just as Jesus asked us to do. But I am just human and I cannot be perfect. For those who think they are, sorry, but I love you too. I may not lie to you and tell you I think you are a great Christian, for like I said no one is great except God the Father, but neither will I reduce you to ashes if you make me disagree with you. “Love covereth a multitude of sin.” Sin is not always recognized by putting someone in jail. Those who say they are good are sinning already, because Jesus said,” no one is good except God.” I am not good, but I am trying hard to be. That’s all he asks us to do.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, September 19, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "An Outside View From The Inside Hogwash"

Jean's Comment's: "An Outside View From The Inside Hogwash": An opening in my big apple tree was allowing the sun to come through as it was nearing the earth's line. Beautiful colors, but not sho...

"An Outside View From The Inside Hogwash"

An opening in my big apple tree was allowing the sun to come through as it was nearing the earth's line. Beautiful colors, but not showing in the picture. 9-19-2016 Perryton, Texas.
           Miss Bumble Bee stays calm and collective through it all. 9-19-2016 Perryton, Texas.

Evening outside beauty gives me a spiritual uplift. Sun shinning so bright as it lowers itself to the ground, birds darting to and fro with gleeful, amusing sounds, flowers showing colorful, healthy life, all makes me regain my joy for the tiresome day I struggled with. My hard labor days are not near as stressful as those agonizing days when I spend hours just trying to get representatives on the telephone to answer some unreasonable questions about my bills. The trend these days is do it yourself on line. If the companies you are calling can keep you holding for thirty minutes or longer they think this will encourage you to learn to help yourself on line. The truth is there is sometimes questions that have to be answered by representatives no matter what. Most of the time one has to argue with a person in direct contact. It is often attempted by companies to collect more money than what was quoted, If the customer is diligent enough to finally get a representative in person, they can usually get the matter corrected. I wonder how many customers would rather pay whatever they are billed than spend hours waiting to pay what is really the right amount. I am a true believer that these days of now are full of rigged efforts to rip people off and get as much extra money as they possible can. I have made numerous calls to many different places before ever getting a situation resolved. It makes a person just want to give up, but I have never been a quitter, especially if I know I am right. I am not one to file lawsuits, but I will go as far as I can up to that point. I have been able to reclaim more than one hundred dollars this week because I stayed determined not to be cheated. I am still working with another situation that finally settled with me on a broken TV the technician knocked off the table and broke while installing dish service. It has been four weeks now and I still haven’t received the check yet. I was told by phone I would be receiving one soon, but I am wondering about it now. Every time I try to call the company its like the same old thing. Hold, listen, then a voice says, ”I will have someone call you back.” They never do, and I have to try, try again. This is such a far cry from the way things used to be. I know I am not perfect, but I also know when I am being deceived. I believe any Christian can be dependent upon God for the resolutions to all their problems, but they must be diligent. So this ends my complaint for the day. Just wanted to share what I believe is the gruesome, changing times we must live the rest of our live with. I don’t feel alone.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "I Think It's A Terrorist Bug"

Jean's Comment's: "I Think It's A Terrorist Bug": Some kind of wicked bug is on this flower. I can't identify, but not a butterfly. 9-18-2016 Perryton, Texas.                One of m...

"I Think It's A Terrorist Bug"

Some kind of wicked bug is on this flower. I can't identify, but not a butterfly. 9-18-2016 Perryton, Texas.
               One of my beautiful flowers hanging on for dear life. 9-18-2016 Perryton, Texas.

On this day, September 18, 2016 my flowers are still beautiful. They are hanging on for dear life. I think they know how much they mean to me. I noticed a wicked, large bug eating from them, but the picture I took of it don’t show the identity very well.  It must be a terrorist bug, because it had most of its body hid by something. I could just see the big white eyes. Once it flew toward my face, and I dodged before it landed on me. If it was some kind of bee I had never seen a bee like that before. It was the size of a humming bird. Birds, bees, or whatever I spent a long time watching it, and trying to get a good picture of it. I cut weeds and grass from among the flowers for three hours. I have spent most of the summer helping my son to recover from open-heart surgery. The flower garden had grown full of ugly weeds and grass. After a hot bath, and a few hours of rest, I think I am going to live now. My body has had plenty of exercise this summer. I finished laying two rooms of tile at my son’s house yesterday. It took me three or four days to move my sore legs enough to finish the job. I think every muscle in my legs got the work-out of their life. I feel pretty limber today. I am sure I will freeze up again during the winter.

I missed a lot of news today after the three bombing in New York and New Jersey yesterday and the day before. However, I will catch up pretty quickly because the same old thing is repeated over and over. The news keeps us in suspense a lot these days. We never know from one minute till the next what horrible thing is going to happen right here in the United States. My country takes first priority over everything else in my life. God expects us to love and respect it for He made it possible for us to live this life, and that more abundantly. He also expects us to fight for our Promised Land. I’m on board and sailing on. I am so happy to donate a fraction of my time and money to help win this evil war that’s going on against us. My prayers are constantly going up in praise to the Eternal King of all good and blessed. I know He will never leave us nor forsake us if we put our trust in Him. I  wouldn’t dare not call upon my Lord every day. I want Him to know that I am still trusting Him, and I haven’t left him, nor forsaken him. Heaven and earth may pass away, but God’s Word will never pass away. My strength comes from Him. Yes, I need Him every day. I shall stand, and not fall as long as I call upon Him daily.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, September 12, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "A Boost And A Blast"

Jean's Comment's: "A Boost And A Blast": Day moon looks down on me as I sit in my backyard. Enjoying it a lot. 0-12-2016 Perryton, Texas/               In the same moment the s...

"A Boost And A Blast"

Day moon looks down on me as I sit in my backyard. Enjoying it a lot. 0-12-2016 Perryton, Texas/
              In the same moment the sun is fastely falling to earth. 9-12-2016 Perryton, Texas.

I came home from working at Chuck’s house just in time to rest a bit, and take pictures of two gorgeous signs of Gods miracles. A little to the east, but mostly above me I saw this full white moon so perfectly shinning on me. Then I looked to the west and saw this bright sun almost to the earth line. Both sights made me feel so blessed to be living still in a peaceful part of the world with a plentiful supply of food, water, medicine, clean air, nice homes, doctors, trustworthy lawyers, churches, social clubs, good neighbors, great schools, pleasant weather, and many more wonderful blessing of life. I am so glad I am still able to fight for the freedom, and all the privileges that we now still have. I will not give up any of it before fighting till I die. Jesus is the reason we have all these blessings, and I will always shout out His power almighty. It is mine, it is real, and it is here to stay with me till I am called away to heaven. Hope I get an amen on that.

I have been lifted up today in other ways besides viewing the moon and the sun. An Insurance claim that I thought was going to be denied me came through today in satisfactory terms. It made the second insurance claim in the last week that has settled with me without hesitation. A lot of work, and a great lot of faith brings us help in many ways unimaginable. I love, dearly love the encouragement I get from some people who never know they have been a blessing to me. I do let people know this sometimes, but it is not always possible to let everyone know. That is why I say speak your heart, which God has given you to speak, and someone, somewhere will receive a blessing from it. We may never know who, but we can always be assured someone received the blessing. Someday it will be made known to us either on this earth or in the heaven above. We can always be assured that when we speak our hearts, a blessing will come to us in a golden platter.

I most recently have been blessed with an extra amount of patience. Even after I have blown my stack at times, it soon passes away, and I am made so peaceful, and happy. I just don’t let the sun go down on my anger. God is judging me, and everyone whom I become angry with. He will do it right, and that’s all that matters. I have also been given extra strength to help do a lot of work on my son’s house since he has had open-heart surgery. It is amazing at how quickly he has healed and gained strength to also help with the work. It has just been a hard, but fun time for both of us. We can see the progress we are making and that makes us defiant. Life never gets boring, because I won’t let that happen.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "Where The Flowers Grow There Is Peace."

Jean's Comment's: "Where The Flowers Grow There Is Peace.": Another butterfly eating from my flowers. Dozens are flying around, not very big, and don't stay landed very long. 9-11-2016 Perryton,...

"Where The Flowers Grow There Is Peace."

Another butterfly eating from my flowers. Dozens are flying around, not very big, and don't stay landed very long. 9-11-2016 Perryton, Texas.
                  The Marigolds are so pretty.I have lots of them. 9-11-2016 Perryton, Texas.

Enjoying these cool, late summer days so much. The flowers are prettier now than they have been all summer. Butterflies are flying over them right and left. They don’t land very often, and when they do its almost like an instant. But it is so interesting to watch them. I guess this is the time of year for them to migrate. We have not been bothered with mosquitoes or flies very much this summer. That is a blessing for sure. Rabbits and squirrels have been our most unwanted visitors. The frogs have all disappeared, and I am truly glad for that. For awhile I was jumping more in my back yard than they  were. I couldn’t see them until I nearly stepped on them. This is one summer we didn’t have any fruit at all. We had such a late freeze till everything died out. That hadn’t happened in many years. We hope for a better fruit season next year.

On this fifteenth anniversary of 911 I have studiedly been watching the memorial services. It arouses anger, sorrow, fear, and pride to watch again all the many brave, honorable people who banded together to help in anyway they could to redeem faith and integrity to our Great America. Many lives were lost, but not in vein. I believe this 911 anniversary will make everyone to realize even more that our country is still under attack, and they will not be deceived by some who claim it is not. I truly believe we as a nation are weaker now than ever before. Our weakness is coming from within our own camps. Some people are just not aware that the enemy has been in the highest power of our land for nearly eight years now. The democratic presidential nominee has said she wants to keep it that way if she is elected. She has the backing of many enemy countries who have poured money into her campaign in hopes she will win and give them more power to take America into their own evil hands. That is not going to happen. This country is still strong in it’s belief in God, and He will stand by us. At least those who trust in Him. I heard the Reverend Jeffress from First Baptist Church of Dallas say last night on Sean Hannity’s program that those who stay home this election year and don’t go vote are hypercritics and a disgrace to America. I agree with him whole heartily. The very least a person can do is go vote for the nominee that they are sure, positively sure, will be honest and capable of defending our country. Anyone who has been watching the news at all for the past year or two should not have any trouble distinguishing between that. If you have not been interested enough to keep up with the news, then I would advise you not to go vote. That would be worse than voting for a traitor to our country. It is not that your vote is going to make that much difference to America, but it will make a lot of difference to your future. You can say, “I voted to keep America safe and free. I cared.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "An Never Ending Story"

Jean's Comment's: "An Never Ending Story":                     Butterfly having a taste of flower for lunch. 9-10-2016 Perryton, Texas. Its always nice to have a fresh cut lawn. ...

"An Never Ending Story"

                    Butterfly having a taste of flower for lunch. 9-10-2016 Perryton, Texas.
Its always nice to have a fresh cut lawn. Asparagus is falling over. Too tall for its weight. 9-10-2016 Perryton, Texas.

My lawn was nicely mowed today, and the butterflies were having a hey day with the flowers. It was a lovely late summer afternoon with a cool, enjoyable  breeze. I have been too busy to keep my asparagus plants tied up, and they do look un-kept. While sitting out after the lawn was finished being mowed, I wanted to call a friend to come over and sit out with me, and just relax for awhile. Then I realized it was too late in the afternoon, and I had several things yet to do. I know I need to manage to keep my social life going better than I have lately, but it gets put on hold many times. Hanging out with friends is not a waste of time. I believe it is a must if we want to stay happy. Sharing is very important especially when you live alone. I pray I will do better soon.

It seems like each day I learn something that surprises me, but yet it thrills my heart. It makes me to know that God is still moving in peoples hearts. He causes people to forgive one another, even when it seemed impossible. I am glad everyone is not as stubborn as me, when it comes to forgiving. I can forgive, but for some reason I cannot forget. I need to be able to forget, but I think my memory is better than anyone else’s  in the world when it comes to forgetting a wrong someone has done to me. What if our Lord was that way? I would be of all people most miserable. I don’t understand the human race, and the way it works. Therefore, I just try to do my best, and hope to please my Lord. However, that requires repenting every day for my sins.

I guess I am flustered after reading the 33rd chapter of Genesis last night. Jacob cheated his brother, Esau, out of his blessing twice, yet Esau was so happy and forgiving to welcome his brother back to his homeland after 20 years of absence. After Jacob cheated his brother twice, the Lord still blessed him and gave him patience to wait 14 years for the wife he was promised in just 7 years. He also gave most of his wealth to his future father-in-law and worked for him to pay for the girl he fell in love with. He ended up having to marry the sister of the girl he loved, but he did that just to finally marry the first love. Most of us know the story of Jacob how he had eleven sons by different women and handmaids, and his favorite of all of them was Joseph. The ten other brothers of Joseph was jealous and carried him a far off and put him in a deep hole to die. Joseph was found by slave buyers and  taken to Egypt and the story goes on and on. Jacob had the twelfth son after Joseph was taken from him, and his name was Benjamin.  The twelve become known as the twelve tribes of Israel. This story is so confusing to me, but I do not even try to understand. I only trust God to do with me what he wants to do. I hope I am willing to obey.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, September 9, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "Dark Clouds Are Real Problems Sometimes"

Jean's Comment's: "Dark Clouds Are Real Problems Sometimes": Rain is just minutes away. I am afraid hail is coming with it. 9-9-2016 Perryton, Texas. Wicked looking clouds are hovering over Perr...

"Dark Clouds Are Real Problems Sometimes"

Rain is just minutes away. I am afraid hail is coming with it. 9-9-2016 Perryton, Texas.
Wicked looking clouds are hovering over Perryton, Texas this evening. 9-9-2016 perryton, Texas.

These dark clouds just appeared out of no where. It became almost pitch dark instantly. I guess I need to watch the weather channel more often. My next-door neighbors are at home, and they have a basement if we need to take shelter. Surly a tornado is not coming. We are living in scary times these days. In addition to bombs, floods, earthquakes, and tornados are hitting closer and closer each day. We never know what is going to happen tomorrow. “There is peace in the midst of storms and trouble” saith the Lord.

I spent several hours of hard labor today pulling up staples that were left in the floor after the old carpet was pulled up. Then my son and I scraped our hinnies off scraping up old foam padding that had been glued to the floor.
We are trying to prepare the floor for laying tile. I could not find anyone to do the job, so Chuck and I are doing it ourselves. The area is a kitchen and dinning room, and it had been covered with carpet. I would never put carpet on a kitchen. I do enjoy doing home repair and replacing old carpet and things, but it becomes harder every day that I get older. I don’t know when to say enough is enough. I am just thankful that I can do hard labor and enjoy it even with my pain. I think I can sleep good tonight.

I don’t know about others, but I am very concerned about our national security. I heard a General speak on Brit Hume’s program a while ago. He was saying the situation with North Korea and China looks very bad for the United States. He said most world leaders are taking advantage of our weak nation because of its leaders. I have agreed with Donald Trump on that opinion every since he announced his candidacy for president. He has constantly commented on that very important subject. How can any American citizen not see the truth in this General and others opinion. We have been sold out by the Obama administration with Hillary Clinton’s power as Secretary of State helping him do the perfect job of letting our enemy countries take us over. They received millions of dollars while our own people were starving. I believe they will not enjoy it long. But that doesn’t make things any better for the people who have lost all freedom and security in their Great United States. All the blood that has been shed for us just got mocked by these terrible leaders. They still have the beastly, evil audacity to help inhuman-like countries to obtain full power over our country. What a shameful disgrace shown by this present administration. If I am right I believe that both of these two and more, money and power seeking traitors will not be able to work against America much longer. God still answers prayer, and I am praying. Make your choice today between God or Satan.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "Me And My Roses"

Jean's Comment's: "Me And My Roses": A break from hard work to smell the roses. Shot my own picture. 9-8-2016 Perryton, Texas. I shot my own pic, Baily, but not with all th...

"Me And My Roses"

A break from hard work to smell the roses. Shot my own picture. 9-8-2016 Perryton, Texas.
I shot my own pic, Baily, but not with all the fancy stuff you use. 9-8-2016 Perryton, Texas.

I can’t keep from loving my roses. They smell like a bottle of perfume. If I had a glass heated cage I could have them to smell all winter. Otherwise they have to sleep through the winter and wake up next spring. It has truly been a great spring and summer. I had more flowers this year than ever before. They have all kept their brilliant color, and never once looked faded. They served their life spam then just dropped off the stalks. I hardly missed them because more always took their place. Sometimes when one fell two or three came back. I give the credit to a nice cooler, and moister rich season. I really haven’t put that much time or expense in taking care of them. Looking forward for another season like this last one. .

Some days it doesn’t take much to tire me out. Other days I can go like a storm raging all day long. I can’t explain that, but I think God just plans it that way. It’s all about faith, and some days faith takes over when self says no-way. We will understand it better bye-and bye. I know a person named Satan who is working around the clock to make people want to give up. I know another person named Jesus who is working around the clock to stop us from believing that Satan person. It seems so good to see that old demon tuck his tail and dwindle away to the open air after we have denied him near us. He will be back though, when he finds crawling space to enter in. We must always be on the look-out for him. God threw him out of heaven and he’s never been able to get back in. This may sound childish, but it is the truth according to God’s word. We would never have a testimony to give others without that old demon attacking us . For that reason, I am glad to have him visit me from time to time. My testimony is when I rebuked Satan, God answered my prayer. “ALWAYS.” I may have unanswered prayers that seem that way, but really those kind of prayers are always followed by, “not my will, but Thine be done.” We can’t say God didn’t answer, because we didn’t make a direct request. The word says, “if you ask in My name, Jesus,  and believe, ye shall receive.” That sounds more direct to me instead of ‘if you will please.“

Then there is no certain time for God to answer. We must keep believing, but not keep asking for the same request, and be content to wait upon the Lord. Sometimes we fail to realize that God has answered, but we forgot about asking Him. We must always acknowledge, and give thanks to God when he answers our prayers. Never, never doubt Him, for He is the truest, and most powerful source than all others put together.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "Enjoying Life's Game Of Hard Work"

Jean's Comment's: "Enjoying Life's Game Of Hard Work": Miss Bee has been taking care of the pretty caladuim plant all summer. Bunny rabbit lost an ear but is still standing by. 9-7-2016 Perryto...

"Enjoying Life's Game Of Hard Work"

Miss Bee has been taking care of the pretty caladuim plant all summer. Bunny rabbit lost an ear but is still standing by. 9-7-2016 Perryton, Texas.

The rain yesterday was nice, and it looks like more today. The growth of grass and weeds are getting ahead of me. The grass is about to overtake the flowers. We have had lots of rain in the past two weeks. I am about ready to welcome frost. Maybe I can get back to my painting. It will take a whole new pep talk and work day just to get ready to assume my painting. I stay excited and anxious, but I can never seem to fit it into my busy schedule. It will happen when the frost kills all my outside beauty of flowers and lawns.

I made a big dinner today. Meatloaf, corn-on-the-cob, mashed potatoes, salad, with side dishes of fresh tomatoes and avacado. Key lime pie for dessert. I haven’t done this since my last company a week ago. I miss cooking big meals every day since my husband passed away. But I am proud that my weight has decreased quite a bit. I do have a problem with being patient. I struggle with waiting for something when I know it is coming in time. I guess I am afraid if I get too busy on something else I will forget my excitement for waiting for something to happen. I think it’s called losing faith, and quit waiting for it. That is what we all must never do. We must wait for our boat to come in even if it sinks several times before arriving at our shoreline. Contentment is not the same as losing faith. Hold onto that dream no matter how hard it may become. Life’s hardships  never stop even when we are blessed with promotions. It just makes us reach farther out to catch a higher star. A toddler don’t stop when they fall down after taking their first step. They raise themselves up and try again. Soon they have mastered the skill of walking. That baby grows into a pre-schooler, then a first grader, then a junior high, then a high schooler. The growth goes on and on as long as the person keeps taking steps to walk better and inhale more successful wind with each step they take. A winner of tough tackles to say the least. How far do we go with this game of hard play? As long as we live. The game isn’t over till we are laid in a casket. That goes for winners and losers. Life comes with those struggles after Adam and Eve failed to keep God’s command, and not eat from the forbidden fruit tree. Let’s face it. We were born to work for our living no matter how much wealth we may have been born into. Mom and dad’s money can’t buy us a ticket to heaven. We must earn it ourselves. No other way. The sooner we realize that, the happier we will be. I’m so glad I learned it young.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "Thoughts Of Long Ago"

Jean's Comment's: "Thoughts Of Long Ago": A neat shot of a dragonfly in the center of the picture. It was long and skinny. A bit blurry. 9-6-2016 First week of September and the ...

"Thoughts Of Long Ago"

A neat shot of a dragonfly in the center of the picture. It was long and skinny. A bit blurry. 9-6-2016
First week of September and the flowers are still looking pretty. 9-6-2016 Perryton, Texas.

It’s been a nice pre-fall day with a cool slight wind. It has been one of those days where you are on the go all day, but didn’t really get much done. Some things just don’t show results quickly, but have to be done just the same. It’s kindly like planting seed, they don’t come up for awhile. I am very much contented to take things easy in my recliner after several miles of running here and there. I still have some hard work to do over at Chuck’s house, but am pleased with what we have already accomplished. We are trying to stay ahead of winter weather. I feel sure we can make it happen. As long as I stay busy I am not grieving over the loss of my dear husband, however I do see him in my dreams a lot. I can’t do anything about that.

A lot of my still time is spent mediating. I do enjoy the gift of reasoning and building a spiritual castle from day to day. Sometimes the castle I am working on is shared with others so they may help to raise it and live in it themselves. Nothing can be more rewarding than to see others prosper and be in good health. I can lay one stone at a time taking great pain to place them perfectly, and know that I helped to build a happy heaven for hopeless souls. We must use our time and talents for service to God. “Yes Lord, I saw that smile today on the face of a stranger as I passed by. I wondered if I really looked that bad, then I remembered you said, “From the heart the beauty shows. Thank you again for making me remember.” If our heart is well kept we don’t have to worry about making ourselves look pretty on the outside. If we have the joy of the Lord in our heart, our faces are invariable going to shine. Sometimes it’s hard not to even do a little joy dance. I have done that a few times with Christ as my partner. I really miss those old times years ago when people were living close to God, and assembling themselves together two or more times a week to sing praises unto him, and feel his Holy Spirit moving them to respond in different ways. It was a time when the redeemed of the Lord said so. In these times most people in our churches back away from acknowledging their “born again experience.” They seem to want to be a guest with high esteem. Admirers of their own accomplishments giving God credit for nothing. Then there are those who believe no one but themselves are true Christians. Where do we draw the line? We don’t. God will do that part of the issue. May we all know that we are held accountable for our own actions. Be your own judge until God takes over.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, September 5, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "A Light Bulb In The Sky"

Jean's Comment's: "A Light Bulb In The Sky": 10:00 moon hanging low in the west. No zooming in on this one. Taken from my back yard. 9-5-2016 Perryton, Texas. Same moon, but zoomed...

"A Light Bulb In The Sky"

10:00 moon hanging low in the west. No zooming in on this one. Taken from my back yard. 9-5-2016 Perryton, Texas.
Same moon, but zoomed in on this shot. Almost looks like a light bulb. 9-5-2016 Perryton, Texas.

I am feeling so good tonight. I have a secret that will be told soon. When I glanced out my kitchen window while putting the coffee on for in the morning I saw this lovely moon just a little above my back fence. I had to take a shot of it. I think it was a sign that something good is about to happen. I love this kind of feeling, and wish it happened more often. Since this was Labor Day I didn’t do anything but relax and watch TV. I felt the presence of God in a mighty way today. Sometimes I think we are too busy or too involved with feeling sorry for ourselves till we don’t listen to what God is saying to us. I know I heard him today. Praise His Holy Name!

I can’t say a lot about my blessing today, but I believe it was a special time for me to claim victory over several things I had been struggling with for some time now. When I was a child we used to sing in the children’s booster band at church, “My cup is full and running over.” I feel like singing that song tonight. It’s funny how one never forgets those childhood songs. I am so grateful for all the times I was taken to church and heard the word of God preached. Those memories are still a big part of my life today. A million dollars couldn’t buy those sweet memories from me even if it were possible. Some things are worth much more than silver and gold. Everyone likes to have enough money to live comfortable, but we should never put money before God. The Lord said, “I would that you prosper and be in good health even as your soul prospers.” 3 John 1:2 KJV. I take that to mean if we put God first in our lives we will be in good health and prosper financially. We should remember that our father owns all the cattle on a thousand hills. We should ask Him for anything we need and be given it. He did tell us to do that.

Our health, and protection from all harm, are our Father’s greatest concern. We are His children, and He said in His word. “Ye, being evil know how to give good gifts unto your children how much more does your Father in heaven know how to give good gifts unto you if ye ask?”  Is there any excuse that we cannot have anything we ask God for? It’s a matter of guilt. We know when we have been bad, and we hesitate to ask blessing from God, but He is quick to forgive if we will be quick to change our bad ways. No one is perfect, not even the angels, but we all must strive to be perfect. A command from our heavenly Father. Give this message some thought and prayer then see what happens.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "Growing Natural And Spiritual Fruit For God"

Jean's Comment's: "Growing Natural And Spiritual Fruit For God": Chuck's backyard garden. Worrying about it getting proper care while he was in the hospital helped him recover faster from open-heart ...

"Growing Natural And Spiritual Fruit For God"

Chuck's backyard garden. Worrying about it getting proper care while he was in the hospital helped him recover faster from open-heart surgery. 9-3-2016 Perryton, Texas
Some of a hundred or more cantaloupes he raised. Weighing as much as twelve pounds. 9-3-2016 Perryton, Texas.

After four weeks caring for my son, Chuck, while he was in the hospital, and after he got home, I am back to my blog writing. I have missed it a lot, but I never had time to hardly look up for the past month. Everything is looking good now. Chuck had lots of cantaloupes and tomatoes, and even okra to go to waste, but I just couldn’t give them away fast enough. They were very delicious. So sweet and juicy. He had planned to market them but he had the heart attack the first day he put some out to sell. He had at least 100 big cantaloupes and bushels of tomatoes, many of which went to waste. Chuck gets his farming blood from his grandfather Sharp. Grandpa Sharp took him on the tractor to plow when he was under two years old. Chuck loved it so much. We have never lived on a farm since Charles and I got married. Charles had had enough of the hard farm life while growing up. I kind of liked the farm as a child, but it just didn’t happen to us. We raised a communications professional who at 18 years old received a life long communication license. A Community Economical Development Director, a school teacher, and a backyard farmer. So proud of all of them. They are my grown-up babies who will always be babies in my heart. Three sons and one daughter. What a blessing!

I have finally got caught up on the presidential news. A lot happened while I was out of pocket, but I think for sure that God still loves us enough to give us another chance to put Him back in our government and into our lives. The only one who can do that is Donald Trump. He is moving up and passing Hillary in the polls now. I can’t thank God enough for that. I know the United States had sunken to a very low immorality level, but I also know God will save a nation if only a few God fearing, and God loving people will stand firm to the end. I’m glad to say I am standing firm and unmovable to His Word and His promises. I am reading Geneses now starting through the bible again for the numerous time. It is just as refreshing now as when I first read it many years ago. There is life in those characters even though they lived many years ago. Their spirit still speaks to us  today. I feel like I know them all personally. They are my friends indeed. How much I see some of them being the same kind of people I know today. Telling a few falsehoods when fear comes over them to protect their lives, but always admitting they told a lie. That is what our God is to us, forgiving and keeping on blessing us. But only if we truly do our best to please Him. I want to try harder each day to be that better person than I was yesterday.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp