Sunday, September 11, 2016

"Where The Flowers Grow There Is Peace."

Another butterfly eating from my flowers. Dozens are flying around, not very big, and don't stay landed very long. 9-11-2016 Perryton, Texas.
                  The Marigolds are so pretty.I have lots of them. 9-11-2016 Perryton, Texas.

Enjoying these cool, late summer days so much. The flowers are prettier now than they have been all summer. Butterflies are flying over them right and left. They don’t land very often, and when they do its almost like an instant. But it is so interesting to watch them. I guess this is the time of year for them to migrate. We have not been bothered with mosquitoes or flies very much this summer. That is a blessing for sure. Rabbits and squirrels have been our most unwanted visitors. The frogs have all disappeared, and I am truly glad for that. For awhile I was jumping more in my back yard than they  were. I couldn’t see them until I nearly stepped on them. This is one summer we didn’t have any fruit at all. We had such a late freeze till everything died out. That hadn’t happened in many years. We hope for a better fruit season next year.

On this fifteenth anniversary of 911 I have studiedly been watching the memorial services. It arouses anger, sorrow, fear, and pride to watch again all the many brave, honorable people who banded together to help in anyway they could to redeem faith and integrity to our Great America. Many lives were lost, but not in vein. I believe this 911 anniversary will make everyone to realize even more that our country is still under attack, and they will not be deceived by some who claim it is not. I truly believe we as a nation are weaker now than ever before. Our weakness is coming from within our own camps. Some people are just not aware that the enemy has been in the highest power of our land for nearly eight years now. The democratic presidential nominee has said she wants to keep it that way if she is elected. She has the backing of many enemy countries who have poured money into her campaign in hopes she will win and give them more power to take America into their own evil hands. That is not going to happen. This country is still strong in it’s belief in God, and He will stand by us. At least those who trust in Him. I heard the Reverend Jeffress from First Baptist Church of Dallas say last night on Sean Hannity’s program that those who stay home this election year and don’t go vote are hypercritics and a disgrace to America. I agree with him whole heartily. The very least a person can do is go vote for the nominee that they are sure, positively sure, will be honest and capable of defending our country. Anyone who has been watching the news at all for the past year or two should not have any trouble distinguishing between that. If you have not been interested enough to keep up with the news, then I would advise you not to go vote. That would be worse than voting for a traitor to our country. It is not that your vote is going to make that much difference to America, but it will make a lot of difference to your future. You can say, “I voted to keep America safe and free. I cared.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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