Thursday, September 29, 2016

"When The Flowers Are Gone What Then"

Fading away fast but I still enjoy them. A little white butterfly is eating from one of the flowers. 9-29-2016 Perryton, Texas.
                I spend a lot of evenings here enjoying my flowers. 9-29-2016 Perryton, Texas.

One more day left in September, and I will be seeing less and less of my flowers. They have been quite a blessing to me all summer long. I will have to find another place of interest for the long winter months ahead. I am hoping to get back to my painting, but it takes a special brain power to do that. My brain seems to have been washed by all the political up and downs for the past year. I can hardly leave the TV long enough to go out and get some fresh air and sunshine, as much as I love that too. Hopefully after one more month and a few days I can get myself back to normal.

I managed to get some business taken care of today, and even made chicken and home-made egg noodles. I have been eating sandwiches for several days since I have been gone from home. I had to remember to cook again. Chuck is good at reminding me by bringing in meat and other stuff to fix. If it weren’t for him I’m sure I wouldn’t cook at all even though I have always loved to. I am not a lover of restaurant food, and choose not to eat there much. Our church serves a wonderful dinner once a month, and a lovely luncheon also once a month, but I have been missing out on that for several months due to unavoidable reasons. I have a lot of “getting back to normal” to do. It will take a lot of effort for me to succeed.

I have never gotten away from my prayer and bible study each night before I go to bed. That is what I enjoy more than anything else. I learn something new every time I read a chapter in the bible, even though I have read it many times before. I believe God intended for the brain to work that way. I call it, “Bible Physiology.” A continuous study of the bible with the best of all physiologist in earth or in heaven. I’m standing true to that belief, and I hardly ever feel defeated by Satan. Oh! The joy that the creator of all mankind and heaven and earth can give if one will just believe. It is not seasonable like my flowers. It is everlasting forever and ever. However, if I miss very many nights of Prayer and Bible study, like when I am away from home, then my joy will start to turn to worry. Its like food for our bodies. We must eat from the word of God or we famish away spiritually. I love that spiritual food for it taste so good. I gain strength and vitality that natural food cannot supply alone. I feel more equipped to help others with their problems when I am full of spiritual food. God knows, and expects us to know, and do something to help Him help his little children. How little can He ask of us in exchange for so much He has done for us. “Here am I Lord.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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