Monday, September 12, 2016

"A Boost And A Blast"

Day moon looks down on me as I sit in my backyard. Enjoying it a lot. 0-12-2016 Perryton, Texas/
              In the same moment the sun is fastely falling to earth. 9-12-2016 Perryton, Texas.

I came home from working at Chuck’s house just in time to rest a bit, and take pictures of two gorgeous signs of Gods miracles. A little to the east, but mostly above me I saw this full white moon so perfectly shinning on me. Then I looked to the west and saw this bright sun almost to the earth line. Both sights made me feel so blessed to be living still in a peaceful part of the world with a plentiful supply of food, water, medicine, clean air, nice homes, doctors, trustworthy lawyers, churches, social clubs, good neighbors, great schools, pleasant weather, and many more wonderful blessing of life. I am so glad I am still able to fight for the freedom, and all the privileges that we now still have. I will not give up any of it before fighting till I die. Jesus is the reason we have all these blessings, and I will always shout out His power almighty. It is mine, it is real, and it is here to stay with me till I am called away to heaven. Hope I get an amen on that.

I have been lifted up today in other ways besides viewing the moon and the sun. An Insurance claim that I thought was going to be denied me came through today in satisfactory terms. It made the second insurance claim in the last week that has settled with me without hesitation. A lot of work, and a great lot of faith brings us help in many ways unimaginable. I love, dearly love the encouragement I get from some people who never know they have been a blessing to me. I do let people know this sometimes, but it is not always possible to let everyone know. That is why I say speak your heart, which God has given you to speak, and someone, somewhere will receive a blessing from it. We may never know who, but we can always be assured someone received the blessing. Someday it will be made known to us either on this earth or in the heaven above. We can always be assured that when we speak our hearts, a blessing will come to us in a golden platter.

I most recently have been blessed with an extra amount of patience. Even after I have blown my stack at times, it soon passes away, and I am made so peaceful, and happy. I just don’t let the sun go down on my anger. God is judging me, and everyone whom I become angry with. He will do it right, and that’s all that matters. I have also been given extra strength to help do a lot of work on my son’s house since he has had open-heart surgery. It is amazing at how quickly he has healed and gained strength to also help with the work. It has just been a hard, but fun time for both of us. We can see the progress we are making and that makes us defiant. Life never gets boring, because I won’t let that happen.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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