Friday, September 30, 2016

"Cool Un-calm And Flustered"

               Hibiscus are still blooming. They always look happy. 9-30-2016 Perryton, Texas.
                Daises slept all summer but have awaken now until frost. 9-30-201 Perryton, Texas.
We are having a real cool day here in Perryton. It seems like fall is just around the corner. Not happy about that, but I guess I have to accept whatever comes my way. I probably have posted for the last time this year pictures of my flowers. The mums and daisy’s will survive for quite some time longer than the other flowers. They look very healthy. I will have lots of pulling up old dead stems and some large zinnia stalks in a few days. Some plants will come back next spring such as roses, and a few other perennials. I don’t bother them. It all amounts to a lot of work, however. This hard work is what keeps me young and healthy. Its more fun than riding bicycles or lifting weights.

Other than watching TV today I have done nothing but wash a few dishes and make a pot of chili. These kinds of days can get very boring. I am so thankful for my computer which I stay on a lot every day. Face book keeps me informed of what my family and friends are doing. That is a real blessing to me. Then I read lots of news on there that never appears on TV. The affordable, unlimited, telephone calls  is another great advantage we didn’t use to have. Technology is becoming more like magic every day. It almost scares me to think what it will be like a year from now. Will we ever have any privacy again? Or will we ever be self contained as far as making it work? I think I will never be good at reading the minds of technology genius. They use their least amount of descriptive devices that they possible can to teach us. The aim is to make genius out of all of us. Work, work, and keep working on mastering the technology system. Patience is the most costly piece of art the brain has to sale. I don’t buy that, OK? If I can’t get it free, I will do without. I know this puts me in the Lazy Susan dish, but I would rather look appetizing than be brain washed. I prefer to have someone else do my complicated work. However, I do appreciate all the help I can get.

My TV has already been off for two hours, and it’s a long time before bedtime. After many attempts to reach the company, I finally got a recording saying there was a problem in the Texas area, but no approximate time to be fixed. The last time it went off was last week. It was off for two days. Do I need to ask for patience or a fighting spirit? I have checked with other people using different TV companies and they seem to have the same problems. Does anyone have the answer to this problem other than patience? It will get better I’m sure. I can survive.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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