Wednesday, September 7, 2016

"Enjoying Life's Game Of Hard Work"

Miss Bee has been taking care of the pretty caladuim plant all summer. Bunny rabbit lost an ear but is still standing by. 9-7-2016 Perryton, Texas.

The rain yesterday was nice, and it looks like more today. The growth of grass and weeds are getting ahead of me. The grass is about to overtake the flowers. We have had lots of rain in the past two weeks. I am about ready to welcome frost. Maybe I can get back to my painting. It will take a whole new pep talk and work day just to get ready to assume my painting. I stay excited and anxious, but I can never seem to fit it into my busy schedule. It will happen when the frost kills all my outside beauty of flowers and lawns.

I made a big dinner today. Meatloaf, corn-on-the-cob, mashed potatoes, salad, with side dishes of fresh tomatoes and avacado. Key lime pie for dessert. I haven’t done this since my last company a week ago. I miss cooking big meals every day since my husband passed away. But I am proud that my weight has decreased quite a bit. I do have a problem with being patient. I struggle with waiting for something when I know it is coming in time. I guess I am afraid if I get too busy on something else I will forget my excitement for waiting for something to happen. I think it’s called losing faith, and quit waiting for it. That is what we all must never do. We must wait for our boat to come in even if it sinks several times before arriving at our shoreline. Contentment is not the same as losing faith. Hold onto that dream no matter how hard it may become. Life’s hardships  never stop even when we are blessed with promotions. It just makes us reach farther out to catch a higher star. A toddler don’t stop when they fall down after taking their first step. They raise themselves up and try again. Soon they have mastered the skill of walking. That baby grows into a pre-schooler, then a first grader, then a junior high, then a high schooler. The growth goes on and on as long as the person keeps taking steps to walk better and inhale more successful wind with each step they take. A winner of tough tackles to say the least. How far do we go with this game of hard play? As long as we live. The game isn’t over till we are laid in a casket. That goes for winners and losers. Life comes with those struggles after Adam and Eve failed to keep God’s command, and not eat from the forbidden fruit tree. Let’s face it. We were born to work for our living no matter how much wealth we may have been born into. Mom and dad’s money can’t buy us a ticket to heaven. We must earn it ourselves. No other way. The sooner we realize that, the happier we will be. I’m so glad I learned it young.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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