Friday, September 9, 2016

"Dark Clouds Are Real Problems Sometimes"

Rain is just minutes away. I am afraid hail is coming with it. 9-9-2016 Perryton, Texas.
Wicked looking clouds are hovering over Perryton, Texas this evening. 9-9-2016 perryton, Texas.

These dark clouds just appeared out of no where. It became almost pitch dark instantly. I guess I need to watch the weather channel more often. My next-door neighbors are at home, and they have a basement if we need to take shelter. Surly a tornado is not coming. We are living in scary times these days. In addition to bombs, floods, earthquakes, and tornados are hitting closer and closer each day. We never know what is going to happen tomorrow. “There is peace in the midst of storms and trouble” saith the Lord.

I spent several hours of hard labor today pulling up staples that were left in the floor after the old carpet was pulled up. Then my son and I scraped our hinnies off scraping up old foam padding that had been glued to the floor.
We are trying to prepare the floor for laying tile. I could not find anyone to do the job, so Chuck and I are doing it ourselves. The area is a kitchen and dinning room, and it had been covered with carpet. I would never put carpet on a kitchen. I do enjoy doing home repair and replacing old carpet and things, but it becomes harder every day that I get older. I don’t know when to say enough is enough. I am just thankful that I can do hard labor and enjoy it even with my pain. I think I can sleep good tonight.

I don’t know about others, but I am very concerned about our national security. I heard a General speak on Brit Hume’s program a while ago. He was saying the situation with North Korea and China looks very bad for the United States. He said most world leaders are taking advantage of our weak nation because of its leaders. I have agreed with Donald Trump on that opinion every since he announced his candidacy for president. He has constantly commented on that very important subject. How can any American citizen not see the truth in this General and others opinion. We have been sold out by the Obama administration with Hillary Clinton’s power as Secretary of State helping him do the perfect job of letting our enemy countries take us over. They received millions of dollars while our own people were starving. I believe they will not enjoy it long. But that doesn’t make things any better for the people who have lost all freedom and security in their Great United States. All the blood that has been shed for us just got mocked by these terrible leaders. They still have the beastly, evil audacity to help inhuman-like countries to obtain full power over our country. What a shameful disgrace shown by this present administration. If I am right I believe that both of these two and more, money and power seeking traitors will not be able to work against America much longer. God still answers prayer, and I am praying. Make your choice today between God or Satan.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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