Tuesday, September 20, 2016

"Beauty And The Best"

Asparagus plants are probably 9' tall if staked up. So thick I can't stake them. Should have a bountiful crop next year. 9-20-2016 Perryton, Texas.
                       Gold is the name of this group. Marigold. 9-20-2016 Perryton, Texas.

One more day of enjoying my flower garden. I’m sure it will all be dead in a few more days. It seems like such a short summer, I can’t believe it’s nearly over. Time is going by very fast now. Just a few more days and I will be gone also. In fact we all will be gone. Here today, and gone tomorrow. What was it all about? As I’m reading in the book of Genesis I become so amazed at all the happenings that led us to be here today. The bible is a history book of how it all started, how it progressed, and how it will end. But what then? Everyone has their own idea of what will happen after this life is over, but I don’t even give an opinion on that. I just trust my God to take me safely and securely to another place much better than where I’ve lived for several years. I have to struggle every day and night to get my friends and loved ones who have gone on before me off my mind. But I know they are one step ahead of me, and I have to continue to wonder what’s out there. I can’t see how anyone can read the bible without lamenting. I call it the ‘book of bloodshed.” From Geneses to Revelations there is the stories of sorry and bloodshed. Surely there has to be something better in the future. I would never trust scientist to reveal that to me because no human being on earth will ever know the mysteries of God. I am still here in this world to help anyone in anyway to survive the hurt and agony they are feeling. Why else would any of us be here if not for that reason?  Jesus tells us to occupy till He comes. I am doing that, but with much effort.

So as I enjoy my flowers, dream my dreams, and brake a rule now and then, I am moving on to a better life. I don’t believe in perfection, so I will not even try to empress anyone as being such. I try hard to please God, by loving His children, and feel their pain just as He does. I try hard to forgive, and turn the other cheek just as Jesus asked us to do. But I am just human and I cannot be perfect. For those who think they are, sorry, but I love you too. I may not lie to you and tell you I think you are a great Christian, for like I said no one is great except God the Father, but neither will I reduce you to ashes if you make me disagree with you. “Love covereth a multitude of sin.” Sin is not always recognized by putting someone in jail. Those who say they are good are sinning already, because Jesus said,” no one is good except God.” I am not good, but I am trying hard to be. That’s all he asks us to do.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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