Saturday, September 3, 2016

"Growing Natural And Spiritual Fruit For God"

Chuck's backyard garden. Worrying about it getting proper care while he was in the hospital helped him recover faster from open-heart surgery. 9-3-2016 Perryton, Texas
Some of a hundred or more cantaloupes he raised. Weighing as much as twelve pounds. 9-3-2016 Perryton, Texas.

After four weeks caring for my son, Chuck, while he was in the hospital, and after he got home, I am back to my blog writing. I have missed it a lot, but I never had time to hardly look up for the past month. Everything is looking good now. Chuck had lots of cantaloupes and tomatoes, and even okra to go to waste, but I just couldn’t give them away fast enough. They were very delicious. So sweet and juicy. He had planned to market them but he had the heart attack the first day he put some out to sell. He had at least 100 big cantaloupes and bushels of tomatoes, many of which went to waste. Chuck gets his farming blood from his grandfather Sharp. Grandpa Sharp took him on the tractor to plow when he was under two years old. Chuck loved it so much. We have never lived on a farm since Charles and I got married. Charles had had enough of the hard farm life while growing up. I kind of liked the farm as a child, but it just didn’t happen to us. We raised a communications professional who at 18 years old received a life long communication license. A Community Economical Development Director, a school teacher, and a backyard farmer. So proud of all of them. They are my grown-up babies who will always be babies in my heart. Three sons and one daughter. What a blessing!

I have finally got caught up on the presidential news. A lot happened while I was out of pocket, but I think for sure that God still loves us enough to give us another chance to put Him back in our government and into our lives. The only one who can do that is Donald Trump. He is moving up and passing Hillary in the polls now. I can’t thank God enough for that. I know the United States had sunken to a very low immorality level, but I also know God will save a nation if only a few God fearing, and God loving people will stand firm to the end. I’m glad to say I am standing firm and unmovable to His Word and His promises. I am reading Geneses now starting through the bible again for the numerous time. It is just as refreshing now as when I first read it many years ago. There is life in those characters even though they lived many years ago. Their spirit still speaks to us  today. I feel like I know them all personally. They are my friends indeed. How much I see some of them being the same kind of people I know today. Telling a few falsehoods when fear comes over them to protect their lives, but always admitting they told a lie. That is what our God is to us, forgiving and keeping on blessing us. But only if we truly do our best to please Him. I want to try harder each day to be that better person than I was yesterday.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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