Wednesday, September 28, 2016

"Sisterly Love is A God Sent"

                            Here I am back home safe and sound. 9-28-2016 Perryton, Texas.

Here I am back home after a pleasant trip to visit two of my sisters in Oklahoma City. The trip was enjoyable after I got there, but on the way down I drove through a terrible flood for about twenty-five miles. It was very scary because some of the time I couldn’t see a white line at all on the highway. Trucks were whizzing past me constantly because I was driving slowly. I couldn’t see how to get off the highway so I kept on driving. My silent partner kept telling me to have faith and everything would be OK. When I finally got to I-35 where I turned off to go to Norman the rain had stopped, but I came upon a traffic jam where the cars were almost stopped for miles. After a lengthy period of start, stop, I saw a wreck and when I got waved through that it was much better. Then a litter farther down the road I came upon construction, and again I was slowed down for quite awhile. When I finally got to the motel in Norman my sisters were waiting for me and we checked into the room and relaxed for awhile. I was too tired to go out and do much so I mostly rested the rest of the evening.

The next day we began to laugh and get involved in our old time kidding each other. We went for breakfast then played the slots for awhile. That night, Monday, was the presidential candidate debate and I was determined to stay rested up for that. I can say I had a great time and came home rested and refreshed. I thank God for His mighty protecting hand. I believe He knew I needed to get away, and made sure I was treated with tender, loving care. I also thank my sisters and a niece for treating me so nice. If it would have been possible I would have stayed longer, but I had to get back to business.

About the debate I believe Donald Trump made Hillary Clinton look even more non-presidential than she already looked. She is totally unfit to be our president. This next month and few days is going to be very exciting. The time will tell if our great God has given us another chance to repent and turn from our wicked ways; or if He has made up His mind that we are not ever going to be worthy of his blessings again. I have to believe he is going to be merciful to us. We have the candidate who can make our country great again, but whether God will allow it to happen or not remains to be seen. It does seem like the greatest kind of evil has been unleashed upon us. The only hope is if God will stop the corrupt government we now have, and let a good, honest, American-loving man named Donald Trump take the reins of leading America to victory. I don’t think its over yet.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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