Monday, September 5, 2016

"A Light Bulb In The Sky"

10:00 moon hanging low in the west. No zooming in on this one. Taken from my back yard. 9-5-2016 Perryton, Texas.
Same moon, but zoomed in on this shot. Almost looks like a light bulb. 9-5-2016 Perryton, Texas.

I am feeling so good tonight. I have a secret that will be told soon. When I glanced out my kitchen window while putting the coffee on for in the morning I saw this lovely moon just a little above my back fence. I had to take a shot of it. I think it was a sign that something good is about to happen. I love this kind of feeling, and wish it happened more often. Since this was Labor Day I didn’t do anything but relax and watch TV. I felt the presence of God in a mighty way today. Sometimes I think we are too busy or too involved with feeling sorry for ourselves till we don’t listen to what God is saying to us. I know I heard him today. Praise His Holy Name!

I can’t say a lot about my blessing today, but I believe it was a special time for me to claim victory over several things I had been struggling with for some time now. When I was a child we used to sing in the children’s booster band at church, “My cup is full and running over.” I feel like singing that song tonight. It’s funny how one never forgets those childhood songs. I am so grateful for all the times I was taken to church and heard the word of God preached. Those memories are still a big part of my life today. A million dollars couldn’t buy those sweet memories from me even if it were possible. Some things are worth much more than silver and gold. Everyone likes to have enough money to live comfortable, but we should never put money before God. The Lord said, “I would that you prosper and be in good health even as your soul prospers.” 3 John 1:2 KJV. I take that to mean if we put God first in our lives we will be in good health and prosper financially. We should remember that our father owns all the cattle on a thousand hills. We should ask Him for anything we need and be given it. He did tell us to do that.

Our health, and protection from all harm, are our Father’s greatest concern. We are His children, and He said in His word. “Ye, being evil know how to give good gifts unto your children how much more does your Father in heaven know how to give good gifts unto you if ye ask?”  Is there any excuse that we cannot have anything we ask God for? It’s a matter of guilt. We know when we have been bad, and we hesitate to ask blessing from God, but He is quick to forgive if we will be quick to change our bad ways. No one is perfect, not even the angels, but we all must strive to be perfect. A command from our heavenly Father. Give this message some thought and prayer then see what happens.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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