Saturday, September 10, 2016

"An Never Ending Story"

                    Butterfly having a taste of flower for lunch. 9-10-2016 Perryton, Texas.
Its always nice to have a fresh cut lawn. Asparagus is falling over. Too tall for its weight. 9-10-2016 Perryton, Texas.

My lawn was nicely mowed today, and the butterflies were having a hey day with the flowers. It was a lovely late summer afternoon with a cool, enjoyable  breeze. I have been too busy to keep my asparagus plants tied up, and they do look un-kept. While sitting out after the lawn was finished being mowed, I wanted to call a friend to come over and sit out with me, and just relax for awhile. Then I realized it was too late in the afternoon, and I had several things yet to do. I know I need to manage to keep my social life going better than I have lately, but it gets put on hold many times. Hanging out with friends is not a waste of time. I believe it is a must if we want to stay happy. Sharing is very important especially when you live alone. I pray I will do better soon.

It seems like each day I learn something that surprises me, but yet it thrills my heart. It makes me to know that God is still moving in peoples hearts. He causes people to forgive one another, even when it seemed impossible. I am glad everyone is not as stubborn as me, when it comes to forgiving. I can forgive, but for some reason I cannot forget. I need to be able to forget, but I think my memory is better than anyone else’s  in the world when it comes to forgetting a wrong someone has done to me. What if our Lord was that way? I would be of all people most miserable. I don’t understand the human race, and the way it works. Therefore, I just try to do my best, and hope to please my Lord. However, that requires repenting every day for my sins.

I guess I am flustered after reading the 33rd chapter of Genesis last night. Jacob cheated his brother, Esau, out of his blessing twice, yet Esau was so happy and forgiving to welcome his brother back to his homeland after 20 years of absence. After Jacob cheated his brother twice, the Lord still blessed him and gave him patience to wait 14 years for the wife he was promised in just 7 years. He also gave most of his wealth to his future father-in-law and worked for him to pay for the girl he fell in love with. He ended up having to marry the sister of the girl he loved, but he did that just to finally marry the first love. Most of us know the story of Jacob how he had eleven sons by different women and handmaids, and his favorite of all of them was Joseph. The ten other brothers of Joseph was jealous and carried him a far off and put him in a deep hole to die. Joseph was found by slave buyers and  taken to Egypt and the story goes on and on. Jacob had the twelfth son after Joseph was taken from him, and his name was Benjamin.  The twelve become known as the twelve tribes of Israel. This story is so confusing to me, but I do not even try to understand. I only trust God to do with me what he wants to do. I hope I am willing to obey.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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