Friday, January 14, 2022

“Ventilator Times” I have been sitting here at my computer for some time waiting for the Lord to put words in my mind to write on my blog today. I wonder if I am failing to cooperate with God, and write what He really wants me to. I have opened my bible to two different places trying to get something I though was needed, but neither scripture seemed appropriate for what I feel is needed. I am focusing on a revival miracle, which neither of those scriptures seemed fitting. The first random scripture was telling how God added 15 years to King Hezekiah's life after telling him he was going to die. The other was from Paul, Silas, and Timothy talking to the Thessalonian church, and praising them for their good works, and faithfulness, after being persecuted so much. How could either of these scriptures excite to the point of Christians rising to their feet, and start dancing all over the church? Which is what I expect when a revival is happening. Been there, and done that. It's a moving of the Holy Spirit, and not of self. I must admit that both of these events were enough to make people shout, but we need a direct visit from the Holy Spirit in our churches to fill the place with joy, and thanksgiving. This may never happen again because the persecution the Thessalonians got might have been minor to what people would receive today. However, whether we accept, or disapprove, there will be a price to pay, saith the Lord. I feel so sure that a Luke-warm church will not be accepted by Almighty God. He said He would spew them out of His mouth. So where do we stand with God today? At his feet, or at a distance? Are we hypocrites, or are we true Saints of God? Are we free from fear, or are we bound by it. I agree to a certain extent. with some who say the church has gone to sleep, and will soon be buried. But Like King Hezekiah we can be given more years to live if we pray the prayer the King prayed. “Lord I have lived a good life. I have done what you asked me to do. I don't want to die.” God heard his prayer, and added 15 years to his life. Can we ask God to extend the life of our church, and make it a blessing for the whole world to talk about? Otherwise we won't be on life support much longer. Sorry I cannot lie against my personal feelings, and offer you a mansion on a resort, such as some preachers are doing today. They get the millions, and the donors get the scrub's. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

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