Thursday, January 27, 2022

“Measure Me Now” No greater feeling can anyone have than to know the One who created the world and everything in it, including you and I, knows us by name. He knows how many hairs we have left on our heads. I don't think it would take long to count mine, but I really don't think God is one to appreciate jokes. He knows if we will be alive tomorrow or not. He knows everything we have forgotten, and will bring it to our memory some day. All things have been written down, not just the good. He knows how many times He has told me to Trust Him when I was afraid to keep walking in the dark. Being one of His little ones I believe He understands why He has to keep telling me to Trust Him. If we should live to be five hundred years old some of us would have not grown much spiritually. I believe that is why we so often are called children of God. I need to see, and feel the presence of my Father God, and His Son, Jesus Christ, every day. I have been able to do this every since I first met them both many years ago. Same face, and same nail scared hand,. is with me every time I pray. Yet I am in the human flesh, and must bear the fleshly pain. Jesus did it, and so must we. I am writing these words because in the past year I have lost several precious loved ones so unexpectedly, and many good friends who left me in shock upon hearing about it. Yes, I have been overcome with grief, but I am slowly coming back to peace again. It is a daily battle, but one day with me is like a thousand years with God. I had an unexpected visitor this week, and I almost become as a stone. But that little messenger boy whispered, it's alright, hold your peace. I feel sure I had a reason for this visitor, since I hadn't seen them in years. We had never been close friends, and we did not have much in common. But all went well, and I am trusting God for the future outcome. I am a believer God does strange things in strange places sometimes. Lord help me not to speculate, and only Trust You. I only want to fulfill my mission here on earth, and You are the Engineer. We may not understand now, but someday we will understand it all. We walk by faith, and not by sight. We all need more wisdom while we stumble through the wreckage. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

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