Sunday, January 9, 2022

“ Two Extra Biscuits This Morning” It has warmed up to 43 degree in Perryton, Texas at 4 o'clock today. It was so cold this morning till I didn't get out and go to church. I have been content staying in my warm house all day. It looks like I may be staying in all next week. Sure am looking forward to spring. Just never did like winters, and especially since Covid was invented. However, week after next I have a doctor's appointment in Amarillo so will be driving the 130 miles one way for that. I did stock up on groceries before it turned cold. No worries there for awhile. The last time I bought groceries the shelves were pretty empty. But was able to get most of what I needed. Just praying we don't have another grocery shortage like when the Covid first hit. I will waste no time going back to the store again when it warms up a bit. Definitely do not want to be unprepared again. I'm glad I learned to cook at a very young age. Remember making biscuits at 6 and 7 years old when my mother had to be gone a day or two. Of course my dad was eyeing my every move. We were farmers, and farmer women cook most of what they eat. I loved watching my mother cook big meals, and it stuck with me. I love doing it myself now. I can make one biscuit or twenty. I can fry one potato or five pounds.”Tw I have cooking utensils that fits all needs. As long as the farmers are left free to work we shall have plenty to eat, but if another country takes control of us we shall suffer the great privilege we now have. Either way you look at the two chances we face now, I believe God will always be there for His own. He will make a way. He will increase our cup of flour to a gallon just like He did the widow in olden times. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. But our attitude means the difference. We must thank Him for our food even in times of plenty. He is, always was, and always will be our great provider, our healer, and our everlasting joy. Don't frown on Him or He will frown on you. We get what we deserve, except sometimes I feel like I don't deserve all the good things He does for me. I never question the times I have to sit in the corner for awhile. My Heavenly Father is just, and fair. I will always love, and trust Him. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

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