Saturday, January 29, 2022

“Noodle Doodle You Get Today” The day of noodles is over. Not one noodle was left to put in the freezer. God surly must have blessed them. I'm trusting Him for many more blessings. Today He blessed my energy level. Cleaned house, and washed, dried, and put away a large load of laundry. Cleaned the big bathroom, and emptied the trash. I hope my sweeper will stay put in the middle of the floor until tomorrow. The throw rugs will have to sleep in a strange place tonight also. But most of all I'm thankful for a beautiful, sunshine day. It is 64 degree, and no wind at 3:00 pm. I may think of something good to cook for dinner tomorrow. I have T-bone steaks in the freezer, but don't think I want to light up the grill. Tomorrow is my birthday, but T-bones are for something special. I would rather take the day off, and be praying for my sweet niece who will be having a memorial service for her loving husband who passed away a few days ago from a sudden aneurysm to the brain. He was the joy of her life, and so was she to him. He was 56 years old, and worked every day with no prior health issues. This was a terrible shock to everyone who knew him. His service will be in Fort Worth, Texas at a church he attended regularly. I cannot go, because my health is too bad, but I will be there in spirit. I have gotten peace over this, but I'm praying for my niece to get peace. The birthday card I received today from my daughter was meant to cheer me up, and it certainly did. An old lady with brush rollers in her hair, holding a cup of coffee. My daughter remembers me as being just such a mother. Brush rollers have long been gone, but I have a shoe box full still in my bathroom cabinet.. I sent her a picture of them and asked her to hunt for me some plastic pins so I can use them again. She thought that was funny, but I was serious. I thought this would solve the problem of being bald. I do have a plan to use them so they will curl even a few hairs. How many mothers have the joy of having a daughter so determined to make her mother laugh, and forget to be sad so much. She has been a blessing since the day she was born. Her dad did a good job of spoiling her. However, I take part of the blame. She never had a sister, and she kinda holds that against us. We did try, but it turned out to be another brother, which she still worships today. She was 11 when he was born, so she pretended he was a girl for a little while. She rolled his hair, but it didn't take long for him to get the message. She had two boys of her own, but now she has two granddaughters. She is a happy mom, grandmother, and wife. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

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