Sunday, January 30, 2022

“The Last Chapter Of The Noodle Series” Today is the last of the noodle series. Chicken pot pie was made from the last bit of chicken I could scrape from the bone. All the vegetables, and broth that the chicken was wisp into made a good one dish meal. The cherry with pineapple jello completes the need for pretty. No more chicken for some time. Ground chuck will have to be it now for awhile. I have lots of a variety of ground beef. If you noticed yet I am changing my stories from politics to food. Not near as much stress involved. However, God still hears all about my views on politics. He finally got it across to me that He was in control, and I need to let Him take care of we Christians. The best news I had heard in a long time. Let us continue to eat, drink, and be merry. I still have my predictions, but that is not saying it is the best that can happen. I trust it is, but I still have my Lord's Word, He will take care of his own. As long as He is answering my prayers, like every day, I am getting through all the sorrow, and grief I have had. very well. It is nothing less than amazing. My cup runneth over. I don't know what I'm waiting for, but I am going through a time of, “be patient, and your long-time prayer will be answered.” Which one? I have several yet that I would like answered. Or maybe I just don't know what I'm really asking for. I will be patient, and hope everyone else is patient with me. “Not my will, but thine be done.” Let me be clear, God is allowing some things to happen to me that I have to wonder if He knows or not. Because it is so unbelievable. Yes, He knows, but I probably never will. If I need more of a discipline-type attitude I know God will provide it, but I never in many years had a mean like spirit to be part of me. In the beginning God gave me a reason to love everyone even those who were unlovable. He gave me reason to understand why people can be mean sometimes. He told me in the very beginning that, “vengeance is Mine, I will repay.” When God says it, it is easy to ignore the abuse. All I can say to that is, God will repay, but woe to that one who is guilty of such ungodly acts. I have seen it happen too many times to count. I loved everyone of those who were punished, but God is no respecter of persons. He loved them more than I. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

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