Wednesday, January 12, 2022

“Peace Peace Please Jesus” I sit here in my warm home this evening just taking in all the bad news coming from every direction. I was very saddened this morning to hear a special nephew had just been taken to the hospital with a major stroke. He had been put on a ventilator. He had to be one of God's special workers also. The longer time goes on the more I am becoming confused about the global disaster that has, and is killing millions. I do believe in the wrath of God, but not to those who work so hard telling others to get prepared for God's wrath on evil men. My nephew was a devout Christian man, and now he is in danger of losing his life. Age 50 plus, but less than 60, is a young age to have a major stroke, possible aneurysm to the brain. This person had all covid 19 shots, and no previous health issues to worry about. This surprise was just one of the several I heard already today. I have heard bad news that I was not surprised at because I read God's Word every night, and He tells us these bad things are going to happen as a punishment to people who do not take Him seriously. Reading in Ezekiel chapter 3, last night I read where God made Ezekiel a watchman over others. He said it like this to Ezekiel,”if a good man begins to do evil and I put him in a dangerous situation, he will die if you do not warn him. He will die because of his sins... I will not remember the good he did... and I will hold you responsible for his death. If you do warn a good man not to sin and he listens to you and doesn't sin he will stay alive, and your life will also be spared.” How do you feel about the Old Testament? I believe in all of the Bible, not just parts of it. However, I believe in wisdom God said He would supply if anyone lacked it, and would ask of Him. All good things come from God, not from our own way of thinking. I believe many will die in their own way of thinking because they were too righteous to give an inch to others who believed they were living according to God's plan for them. Sound confusing? Yes it does, how can we tell others they are sinning (Ezekiel 3) if we are sure we are right? First we must be chosen by God to be a prophet like Ezekiel was. Second, Jesus, in the new Testament, chose all of his followers to proclaim His way, and preach His gospel to every creature, and to every nation. He did not say to judge them, but if we preach His Gospel, they will judge themselves if they truly are serious. The best way to teach Jesus' Gospel is to live our life as an example. But not claiming to be perfect. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

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