Sunday, January 2, 2022

“Fear And Respect Both Have A Place In Man” On this 2nd day of January it is very cold, and the ground is covered with snow. Church was canceled today because of bad weather. I turned it into a work day, and cleaned my living room after taking down the Christmas tree yesterday on New Year's Day. I was well pleased with the way I managed to put my new vacuum sweeper together without calling on my good neighbor. I think I'm getting smarter in my olden days. The vibrator my children got me for Christmas is also limbering up my lazy bones. I feel a new year coming on with a much better outlook on life than I have been having. However, I still believe we must use wisdom while dealing with this wicked disease that is definitely a reality. I will not brag to that old devil that he is not giving the deadly disease to me like I have heard some say. Many people just do not know how powerful that old creature is. God is the best protector we can ask for. But He expects us to even respect the old wicked demon to the point of not accepting him for who he is. We can tell Jesus what we think of him, but not the demon personally. I truly believe we are now living in a time of tribulation, and who knows when we can be exempted from being tried if ever? Jesus was tried for 33 years before being set free from that wicked old demon. His rescue was death on the cross. I trust that His faithfulness was also to help me to be faithful, but I don't think we will have to be that death-bound to prove our faithfulness. I am trusting we will not. I am sure of one thing not one human soul not even the brilliance's of the greatest of scientist know the mysteries of God. They cannot predict our life after death. Not even the Arch Angel can do that. Some things have to be left untouched else God will wipe the noisy ones out. Such as we might call fortune tellers. This is my personal belief, but I do trust God to be merciful in the end. I would never try to convince anyone of my personal belief, but I also think if the truth was known most Christians feel the same way as I. Otherwise why would people fear death so much? I had a dear friend tell me she thought God was punishing her by making her to live. She suffered from depression all of her life. She said she would have committed suicide many times but she was afraid she would go to hell if she did, so she prayed daily that God would take her life. She is still living, and declaring that same feeling. So I contend, life is a mystery, death is a mystery, and living is a blessing to those who know God personally. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

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