Wednesday, January 5, 2022

“A Train Is Coming Clear The Tracks” My leave of absence is over. Time for me to get back to my blog business. I am caught up on all my other business so now I am ready to chat full blast. So thankful for my friends at the Center who keep me caught up on everyone there. I learned today that two of our regulars have had the covid, and have been pretty sick. We are hoping they are out of the woods now. If all goes as planned I will be back at the Center next week. I have not been sick, but had company for several days during Christmas. Also the Center was closed for Christmas and New Years so it has been awhile since I have been present. I am proud to say this New Year has started off great for me. I am stronger both physically, and spiritually. My outlook has improved so much, and I am more positive about God answering my prayers. Of course it still is His decision to answer my request, but I have seen Him already moving in my direction. He is our Heavenly Father, and He cares for us. There is no limit to what He will do if we are honest, and faithful to Him. In this global time of death increase we have a Savior who knows who is guilty, and who is guilty by mistake. We all are sinners, but we don't all knowingly sin. Then there is a time for repentance also. God never shortens our time to make things right with Him, but He does have a limit. How many of us are guilty of tempting Him for more time? Are we driving nails in our own coffin? I think we all should stop and take an inventory of our lives. How can anyone believe that God has not sent death angels to earth to prove his promise to punish all unbelievers of His Word? And those who are not following His Word to the best of their ability? How many of us truly believe we will be in that number, “When The Saints Go Marching In”? We all should be making this a daily concern. I never wanted anyone to be punished for the hurt they caused me, but it is not my call to not let this happen. God said, “vengeance is mine I will repay.” I believe I am honest when I say I have never tried to pay someone back for what they did to hurt me. However, there was never a doubt that they would be punished for it. Thank God for His perfect justice. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

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