Thursday, January 13, 2022

“God Is No Fool” Today has been one of my crying days. I have listened to the song “The Only Scars In Heaven” by the Casting Crowns several times today. I don't know exactly what is happening to this big world we live in, but something is definitely changing the way we have lived for so many years. I think it is more real now after listening to a prophet speak on the internet awhile ago. I didn't catch his name, and I can't find him again, but he spoke almost exactly like I have been led to believe now for several months. It was about real demons are here with us now like never before. I have never been one to put a lot of faith in prophets in our times now, but the bible does tell us there are still real prophets. The man today seemed to have it all together like I have never heard before. I almost thought he was reading my mind. This is hard for me to say, but I do believe we are facing a time when if you are not very close to God, you will give up your life in order to be free from tormenting demons. The fact is there will be no way you can be free from them even if you die. WOW, sound awful? Yes it does, but who knows a demon is a demon, and anyway or anything they can do to torment people is what they will do. This applies even to God's own true believers. I somehow believe this treatment has been approved by God to test his own people. We have coasted along far too long. Now real life-like demons are here to make us either get serious with God, or be kidnapped by them. I truly believe we are just at the tip of the iceburg, and I have already experienced more than I can hardly handle. We need to be thinking more seriously about the songs of praise that are offered today for a way to worship God. We need to be making a joyful noise unto the Lord, instead of making sure we have every note perfect. What in the world has come over the Saints of God that they substituted the Glory of singing and made it into a begging session like they just can't get what they want? Is pleading for God's mercy more important than praising Him for His already mercy? Why not get those musical instruments tuned up like in olden days, and play and shout for the glory of God? I believe we have very little time left to show God we are putting Him first instead of demons. Can we just have a “Victory In Jesus,” song once in awhile? God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

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