Monday, January 31, 2022

“Gone But Not Forgotten” It is so sad to be reading the news about Cheslie Kryst's death yesterday, Sunday January 30, on my birthday. Supposedly she leaped from an ninth story apartment terrace, but one news media states that the last time she was seen she was on a 29 story apartment terrace. She was living in the Manhattan 60 story Orion Building stated one news source. She was 30 years old, and a black 2019 Miss USA pageant winner. Her father was Polish, and her mother was African American. Her mother is married to another man now who Cheslie refers to as her father. Cheslie had beauty, intelligence, and fame, as stated by several news outlets. She left a note just before her death saying, “May this day bring you rest and peace.” I am aware of the epidemic of suicides in this world we live in now. I scream out every night to my Lord to help me to help them. I feel their misery, and I would do anything to help them get through it. The reason for much of it is caused by would be preventive medicines. Even though you wouldn't call a lot of it medicine, it was someones idea of finding peace enough to keep going. An incurable addiction nothing less. It finally reaches the point that no matter how much one increases the dosage the short time ease is no longer there. Death is the last hope. I believe there comes times when we all are met in a scrummage position. The advantage the Christians have is our Great God. We don't have to grab the bottle of pills or alcohol to beat the giants. I have talked to many ex druggies, or alcoholics who have told me no matter how long they have been drug free there still is a daily struggle. I have known some who finally was overwhelmed by temptation, and took their lives, even after years of fighting the habit. I am in no way referring to Cheslie Kryst, but surly she did have a problem that made her give up. Most of us can say we also have to fight daily against flesh and blood. We should never let one day pass without we thank God for keeping us free from man-made solutions to our problems. Of course we must use common sense, but only God can give us that also. I am being tried more and more every day by that old evil one to break my faith in God, but I am determined to hold out to the end. Grieve, yes. Think irrationally, yes. But deny my victory, no never. I can always get up, and walk away from it. In fact it walks away from me when it sees I have God by my side. Believe me friends, and loved ones, God is real, and you need to wake up to that fact. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, January 30, 2022

“The Last Chapter Of The Noodle Series” Today is the last of the noodle series. Chicken pot pie was made from the last bit of chicken I could scrape from the bone. All the vegetables, and broth that the chicken was wisp into made a good one dish meal. The cherry with pineapple jello completes the need for pretty. No more chicken for some time. Ground chuck will have to be it now for awhile. I have lots of a variety of ground beef. If you noticed yet I am changing my stories from politics to food. Not near as much stress involved. However, God still hears all about my views on politics. He finally got it across to me that He was in control, and I need to let Him take care of we Christians. The best news I had heard in a long time. Let us continue to eat, drink, and be merry. I still have my predictions, but that is not saying it is the best that can happen. I trust it is, but I still have my Lord's Word, He will take care of his own. As long as He is answering my prayers, like every day, I am getting through all the sorrow, and grief I have had. very well. It is nothing less than amazing. My cup runneth over. I don't know what I'm waiting for, but I am going through a time of, “be patient, and your long-time prayer will be answered.” Which one? I have several yet that I would like answered. Or maybe I just don't know what I'm really asking for. I will be patient, and hope everyone else is patient with me. “Not my will, but thine be done.” Let me be clear, God is allowing some things to happen to me that I have to wonder if He knows or not. Because it is so unbelievable. Yes, He knows, but I probably never will. If I need more of a discipline-type attitude I know God will provide it, but I never in many years had a mean like spirit to be part of me. In the beginning God gave me a reason to love everyone even those who were unlovable. He gave me reason to understand why people can be mean sometimes. He told me in the very beginning that, “vengeance is Mine, I will repay.” When God says it, it is easy to ignore the abuse. All I can say to that is, God will repay, but woe to that one who is guilty of such ungodly acts. I have seen it happen too many times to count. I loved everyone of those who were punished, but God is no respecter of persons. He loved them more than I. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, January 29, 2022

“Noodle Doodle You Get Today” The day of noodles is over. Not one noodle was left to put in the freezer. God surly must have blessed them. I'm trusting Him for many more blessings. Today He blessed my energy level. Cleaned house, and washed, dried, and put away a large load of laundry. Cleaned the big bathroom, and emptied the trash. I hope my sweeper will stay put in the middle of the floor until tomorrow. The throw rugs will have to sleep in a strange place tonight also. But most of all I'm thankful for a beautiful, sunshine day. It is 64 degree, and no wind at 3:00 pm. I may think of something good to cook for dinner tomorrow. I have T-bone steaks in the freezer, but don't think I want to light up the grill. Tomorrow is my birthday, but T-bones are for something special. I would rather take the day off, and be praying for my sweet niece who will be having a memorial service for her loving husband who passed away a few days ago from a sudden aneurysm to the brain. He was the joy of her life, and so was she to him. He was 56 years old, and worked every day with no prior health issues. This was a terrible shock to everyone who knew him. His service will be in Fort Worth, Texas at a church he attended regularly. I cannot go, because my health is too bad, but I will be there in spirit. I have gotten peace over this, but I'm praying for my niece to get peace. The birthday card I received today from my daughter was meant to cheer me up, and it certainly did. An old lady with brush rollers in her hair, holding a cup of coffee. My daughter remembers me as being just such a mother. Brush rollers have long been gone, but I have a shoe box full still in my bathroom cabinet.. I sent her a picture of them and asked her to hunt for me some plastic pins so I can use them again. She thought that was funny, but I was serious. I thought this would solve the problem of being bald. I do have a plan to use them so they will curl even a few hairs. How many mothers have the joy of having a daughter so determined to make her mother laugh, and forget to be sad so much. She has been a blessing since the day she was born. Her dad did a good job of spoiling her. However, I take part of the blame. She never had a sister, and she kinda holds that against us. We did try, but it turned out to be another brother, which she still worships today. She was 11 when he was born, so she pretended he was a girl for a little while. She rolled his hair, but it didn't take long for him to get the message. She had two boys of her own, but now she has two granddaughters. She is a happy mom, grandmother, and wife. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, January 28, 2022

“Chicken Egg Noodles For Dinner” Cooking is the subject today. It caused me to be late with my blog, but when you're hungry for home made chicken noodles, that's alright. After frying the whole chicken yesterday, except the boney pieces, I decided to cook them today and make egg noodles. This involves a lot of time, but they are worth it. I had some chicken thighs in the freezer so I was able to have a pan full of rich broth. The chicken is still cooking so I have to wait awhile before I put in the home made noodles. I cut them as thin as tissue paper and as small as toothpicks. No quick, tricky way did I use. Cut one noodle at a time. The first time I ever did that. The freezer will keep some of these ready-cooked noodles for another time. Sorry you can't come and help eat them up now. Everyone is afraid of COVID, and it's a good thing to be cautious of it. I can't say I'm proud of what I accomplished today because outside of cooking I have done almost nothing. I had several things on my agenda today, but as usual will try again another day. If the weather stays good that will help my, want to, a lot. I have been upset every since I had to cancel my Dr. appointment in Amarillo last Thursday because of weather conditions. Now I have to wait another six weeks. By faith I will fair it fine. The COVID is so bad in Amarillo it probably was a good thing the weather turned bad. However, a friend had gone to a lot of trouble to keep me overnight so I could be there early for the appointment. She isn't too well herself, but she made sure I would have a good time while there with her. I think she deserves a great blessing from God. I won't list my plans for tomorrow because somehow they never seem to work out anymore. Maybe I will just list my accomplishments. I can say right now I am happy, and although I will have my 89th birthday this Sunday. I still feel pretty young. I'm sure I will be alone, but phone calls are all I need. I'm staying home due to the spike in COVID here in my city. I am thankful to have been freed from that awful virus, and I will do my part to keep it away. My heart does have great sadness to all who have not been so lucky, but we must keep trusting God. About the only advise I want to give others is TRUST GOD. He is in control. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, January 27, 2022

“Measure Me Now” No greater feeling can anyone have than to know the One who created the world and everything in it, including you and I, knows us by name. He knows how many hairs we have left on our heads. I don't think it would take long to count mine, but I really don't think God is one to appreciate jokes. He knows if we will be alive tomorrow or not. He knows everything we have forgotten, and will bring it to our memory some day. All things have been written down, not just the good. He knows how many times He has told me to Trust Him when I was afraid to keep walking in the dark. Being one of His little ones I believe He understands why He has to keep telling me to Trust Him. If we should live to be five hundred years old some of us would have not grown much spiritually. I believe that is why we so often are called children of God. I need to see, and feel the presence of my Father God, and His Son, Jesus Christ, every day. I have been able to do this every since I first met them both many years ago. Same face, and same nail scared hand,. is with me every time I pray. Yet I am in the human flesh, and must bear the fleshly pain. Jesus did it, and so must we. I am writing these words because in the past year I have lost several precious loved ones so unexpectedly, and many good friends who left me in shock upon hearing about it. Yes, I have been overcome with grief, but I am slowly coming back to peace again. It is a daily battle, but one day with me is like a thousand years with God. I had an unexpected visitor this week, and I almost become as a stone. But that little messenger boy whispered, it's alright, hold your peace. I feel sure I had a reason for this visitor, since I hadn't seen them in years. We had never been close friends, and we did not have much in common. But all went well, and I am trusting God for the future outcome. I am a believer God does strange things in strange places sometimes. Lord help me not to speculate, and only Trust You. I only want to fulfill my mission here on earth, and You are the Engineer. We may not understand now, but someday we will understand it all. We walk by faith, and not by sight. We all need more wisdom while we stumble through the wreckage. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

“Overcoming The Shock” Wow, I can't believe how many days I have missed writing a blog. But when the sleepy brain can't seem to wake up there is nothing I can do about it. Nature does have a way of controlling our lives. I have not been sick, but maybe that is because I have been taking it easy the past few days. Going out as little as possible, and making sure I eat a balanced diet every day. It's like I watch the clock a lot thinking soon everything will be back to normal. But something tells me we will never be the same as a nation, as a person, or as a controller of our minds. It's time now to trust God even when we have a blank-like discerned mind. If I remember right God struck Saul blind while on his way to Damascus to continue his persecution of the Jews. It was during this blindness that God was able to change Saul's life into a life that would become one of the most faithful servants Jesus ever had. Saul's name was even changed to Paul. While we might wonder today what is happening to our long time history of Jesus Worshipers, we need to just think of Paul. Not that we were ever against Jesus such as Paul was, but because God has a plan that must be carried out. Whatever we go through is for a reason that only God knows. He will never leave us but monetarily. I feel safe to say we must be completely fulfilling our dedication to God for Him to continue to use us. As long as I am well, contented, happy, and one hundred percent trusting God, why should I long to go back to the days of long gone? God will not let me cry more than I can stand. He promised me that in his Word, and it has always been right. Cry yes, grieve yes, those are the Jesus traits that all Christians should have. Jesus also promised us that some day all tears will be wiped away. I can wait, and be contented till He comes for me. And when He is ready for me to write, He will tell me what to say. Otherwise I will stay silent, and watch the clock do it's job, tick on. My only work today was fix my breakfast, monitor my blood pressure, call a friend to check on. I rested a lot, and then got up, cup up a fryer, and fried chicken for Chuck, and I. Guess what, for the first time in several days I was given some words to write down and post on a blog. I feel like I'm partly getting back to normal after so many alarming things has happened in recent days that take the joy away for awhile. It's bigger than most of us realize, but remember to Trust in God. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, January 16, 2022

“The Parable Of The Sheep” JOHN ch.10, 1-6 Jesus said, “I am telling you the truth:the man who does not enter the sheep pen by the gate, but climbs in some other way, is a thief and a robber. The man who goes in through the gate is the shepherd of the sheep. The gatekeeper opens the gate for him, the sheep hear his voice as he calls his own sheep by name, and he leads them out. When he has brought them out, he goes ahead of them, and the sheep follow him, because they know his voice. They will not follow someone else, instead they will run away from such a person, because they do not know his voice.” Jesus told them this parable, but they did not understand what he meant. You need to read the rest of chapter 10 to fully understand what Jesus was saying. The part that took me aback was when he told them he was the shepherd and all other shepherds before him were thieves, and robbers. In my opinion there is no other way to heaven, but to follow Jesus. How many of us are actually following Jesus teachings, the entire New Testament? Just to believe in him is not saying you are following him. Here is where so many people drop the ball in someone else s court. You must hold onto that ball till you can make the goal in your own court. Yes, I played basketball in high school, and I am fully aware how hard it is to keep that opposing side from stealing your ball. My coach was looking on, and I knew what he had told me before the game. Thieves, and robbers were in the game also, and you must be smart enough to lock them out. This game of Christians verses evil doers is in full swing, and there is no time-outs allowed. I am tired, and need to rest, but I cannot stay in the game if I give into defeat. My prayer is, Jesus you accepted me as one of your players, and have given me spiritual strength all these years. I never gave up, and you never gave up on me, but the game isn't over and I need some time-out to talk to you personally. The thieves, and robbers are getting more brave every day. They are very wooing to the Christians, and have stolen much of their faith. You already know this Lord, but we need help to win this game/war, against evil. If you have a replacement for me Lord, please let me know. I'm no scorekeeper Lord, but maybe I can furnish water for the fighters. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, January 14, 2022

“Ventilator Times” I have been sitting here at my computer for some time waiting for the Lord to put words in my mind to write on my blog today. I wonder if I am failing to cooperate with God, and write what He really wants me to. I have opened my bible to two different places trying to get something I though was needed, but neither scripture seemed appropriate for what I feel is needed. I am focusing on a revival miracle, which neither of those scriptures seemed fitting. The first random scripture was telling how God added 15 years to King Hezekiah's life after telling him he was going to die. The other was from Paul, Silas, and Timothy talking to the Thessalonian church, and praising them for their good works, and faithfulness, after being persecuted so much. How could either of these scriptures excite to the point of Christians rising to their feet, and start dancing all over the church? Which is what I expect when a revival is happening. Been there, and done that. It's a moving of the Holy Spirit, and not of self. I must admit that both of these events were enough to make people shout, but we need a direct visit from the Holy Spirit in our churches to fill the place with joy, and thanksgiving. This may never happen again because the persecution the Thessalonians got might have been minor to what people would receive today. However, whether we accept, or disapprove, there will be a price to pay, saith the Lord. I feel so sure that a Luke-warm church will not be accepted by Almighty God. He said He would spew them out of His mouth. So where do we stand with God today? At his feet, or at a distance? Are we hypocrites, or are we true Saints of God? Are we free from fear, or are we bound by it. I agree to a certain extent. with some who say the church has gone to sleep, and will soon be buried. But Like King Hezekiah we can be given more years to live if we pray the prayer the King prayed. “Lord I have lived a good life. I have done what you asked me to do. I don't want to die.” God heard his prayer, and added 15 years to his life. Can we ask God to extend the life of our church, and make it a blessing for the whole world to talk about? Otherwise we won't be on life support much longer. Sorry I cannot lie against my personal feelings, and offer you a mansion on a resort, such as some preachers are doing today. They get the millions, and the donors get the scrub's. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, January 13, 2022

“God Is No Fool” Today has been one of my crying days. I have listened to the song “The Only Scars In Heaven” by the Casting Crowns several times today. I don't know exactly what is happening to this big world we live in, but something is definitely changing the way we have lived for so many years. I think it is more real now after listening to a prophet speak on the internet awhile ago. I didn't catch his name, and I can't find him again, but he spoke almost exactly like I have been led to believe now for several months. It was about real demons are here with us now like never before. I have never been one to put a lot of faith in prophets in our times now, but the bible does tell us there are still real prophets. The man today seemed to have it all together like I have never heard before. I almost thought he was reading my mind. This is hard for me to say, but I do believe we are facing a time when if you are not very close to God, you will give up your life in order to be free from tormenting demons. The fact is there will be no way you can be free from them even if you die. WOW, sound awful? Yes it does, but who knows a demon is a demon, and anyway or anything they can do to torment people is what they will do. This applies even to God's own true believers. I somehow believe this treatment has been approved by God to test his own people. We have coasted along far too long. Now real life-like demons are here to make us either get serious with God, or be kidnapped by them. I truly believe we are just at the tip of the iceburg, and I have already experienced more than I can hardly handle. We need to be thinking more seriously about the songs of praise that are offered today for a way to worship God. We need to be making a joyful noise unto the Lord, instead of making sure we have every note perfect. What in the world has come over the Saints of God that they substituted the Glory of singing and made it into a begging session like they just can't get what they want? Is pleading for God's mercy more important than praising Him for His already mercy? Why not get those musical instruments tuned up like in olden days, and play and shout for the glory of God? I believe we have very little time left to show God we are putting Him first instead of demons. Can we just have a “Victory In Jesus,” song once in awhile? God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

“Peace Peace Please Jesus” I sit here in my warm home this evening just taking in all the bad news coming from every direction. I was very saddened this morning to hear a special nephew had just been taken to the hospital with a major stroke. He had been put on a ventilator. He had to be one of God's special workers also. The longer time goes on the more I am becoming confused about the global disaster that has, and is killing millions. I do believe in the wrath of God, but not to those who work so hard telling others to get prepared for God's wrath on evil men. My nephew was a devout Christian man, and now he is in danger of losing his life. Age 50 plus, but less than 60, is a young age to have a major stroke, possible aneurysm to the brain. This person had all covid 19 shots, and no previous health issues to worry about. This surprise was just one of the several I heard already today. I have heard bad news that I was not surprised at because I read God's Word every night, and He tells us these bad things are going to happen as a punishment to people who do not take Him seriously. Reading in Ezekiel chapter 3, last night I read where God made Ezekiel a watchman over others. He said it like this to Ezekiel,”if a good man begins to do evil and I put him in a dangerous situation, he will die if you do not warn him. He will die because of his sins... I will not remember the good he did... and I will hold you responsible for his death. If you do warn a good man not to sin and he listens to you and doesn't sin he will stay alive, and your life will also be spared.” How do you feel about the Old Testament? I believe in all of the Bible, not just parts of it. However, I believe in wisdom God said He would supply if anyone lacked it, and would ask of Him. All good things come from God, not from our own way of thinking. I believe many will die in their own way of thinking because they were too righteous to give an inch to others who believed they were living according to God's plan for them. Sound confusing? Yes it does, how can we tell others they are sinning (Ezekiel 3) if we are sure we are right? First we must be chosen by God to be a prophet like Ezekiel was. Second, Jesus, in the new Testament, chose all of his followers to proclaim His way, and preach His gospel to every creature, and to every nation. He did not say to judge them, but if we preach His Gospel, they will judge themselves if they truly are serious. The best way to teach Jesus' Gospel is to live our life as an example. But not claiming to be perfect. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, January 9, 2022

“ Two Extra Biscuits This Morning” It has warmed up to 43 degree in Perryton, Texas at 4 o'clock today. It was so cold this morning till I didn't get out and go to church. I have been content staying in my warm house all day. It looks like I may be staying in all next week. Sure am looking forward to spring. Just never did like winters, and especially since Covid was invented. However, week after next I have a doctor's appointment in Amarillo so will be driving the 130 miles one way for that. I did stock up on groceries before it turned cold. No worries there for awhile. The last time I bought groceries the shelves were pretty empty. But was able to get most of what I needed. Just praying we don't have another grocery shortage like when the Covid first hit. I will waste no time going back to the store again when it warms up a bit. Definitely do not want to be unprepared again. I'm glad I learned to cook at a very young age. Remember making biscuits at 6 and 7 years old when my mother had to be gone a day or two. Of course my dad was eyeing my every move. We were farmers, and farmer women cook most of what they eat. I loved watching my mother cook big meals, and it stuck with me. I love doing it myself now. I can make one biscuit or twenty. I can fry one potato or five pounds.”Tw I have cooking utensils that fits all needs. As long as the farmers are left free to work we shall have plenty to eat, but if another country takes control of us we shall suffer the great privilege we now have. Either way you look at the two chances we face now, I believe God will always be there for His own. He will make a way. He will increase our cup of flour to a gallon just like He did the widow in olden times. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. But our attitude means the difference. We must thank Him for our food even in times of plenty. He is, always was, and always will be our great provider, our healer, and our everlasting joy. Don't frown on Him or He will frown on you. We get what we deserve, except sometimes I feel like I don't deserve all the good things He does for me. I never question the times I have to sit in the corner for awhile. My Heavenly Father is just, and fair. I will always love, and trust Him. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, January 8, 2022

The new computer has decided to give me some trouble. The last blog I wrote was deleted without me asking it to, and even though I had saved it I could not find it anywhere. I was upset, and refused to write another one for several days. Those words just would not come back to me, so I took it that God did not want me publishing some of those. I am thankful for a guarding angle. At least my anger turned into something more important than my blog. I got started back on a painting I had put aside for several months. Every day I promised myself I would start again tomorrow, but it just never happened, The past two days I have been making much progress, and my anger has all vanished. I am reminded of the old saying, “when God closes one door He opens another.” My artistic desires need to stay positive, and now they are in full motion again. I have never see Amsterdam me it was a very sinful place. Well for sure it is very beautiful, but I don;t think I would ever want to go there. I have too much country in me. Laying aside all the bad talk about Amsterdam I am seeing some of the beautiful, exotic, vacation in person, nor could I find a picture of it that explained every detail it showed. So much of it was just a guess, but I am using my imagination and making an interesting depiction whether it's exact or not. I don't think Amsterdam could be more sinful than what I'm making it appear to be. My daughter and son-in-law told resorts made by man. I do not believe every person who visits there are bad. This can be said about all places even in America if you want to get judgmental about places of pleasure. So I will put my love for beauty into this awesome Amsterdam painting. If you are good at guessing you may even like the painting more. If you can believe my yard just got mowed today, January 8, 2022. My son called my mower, and I knew nothing about it. But I have to be so thankful for such sweet children. My yard is now ready for spring treatment which is coming up fast. I was ready to pay the man, but he didn't even come to the door. It was then that I knew my son, Kent, had called him after being here for Christmas. I am ready to publish this bit of news, and hoping it doesn't get deleted. May the new year keep blessing you, and filling your heart with joy. God Bless Myrtle jean Sharp

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

“A Train Is Coming Clear The Tracks” My leave of absence is over. Time for me to get back to my blog business. I am caught up on all my other business so now I am ready to chat full blast. So thankful for my friends at the Center who keep me caught up on everyone there. I learned today that two of our regulars have had the covid, and have been pretty sick. We are hoping they are out of the woods now. If all goes as planned I will be back at the Center next week. I have not been sick, but had company for several days during Christmas. Also the Center was closed for Christmas and New Years so it has been awhile since I have been present. I am proud to say this New Year has started off great for me. I am stronger both physically, and spiritually. My outlook has improved so much, and I am more positive about God answering my prayers. Of course it still is His decision to answer my request, but I have seen Him already moving in my direction. He is our Heavenly Father, and He cares for us. There is no limit to what He will do if we are honest, and faithful to Him. In this global time of death increase we have a Savior who knows who is guilty, and who is guilty by mistake. We all are sinners, but we don't all knowingly sin. Then there is a time for repentance also. God never shortens our time to make things right with Him, but He does have a limit. How many of us are guilty of tempting Him for more time? Are we driving nails in our own coffin? I think we all should stop and take an inventory of our lives. How can anyone believe that God has not sent death angels to earth to prove his promise to punish all unbelievers of His Word? And those who are not following His Word to the best of their ability? How many of us truly believe we will be in that number, “When The Saints Go Marching In”? We all should be making this a daily concern. I never wanted anyone to be punished for the hurt they caused me, but it is not my call to not let this happen. God said, “vengeance is mine I will repay.” I believe I am honest when I say I have never tried to pay someone back for what they did to hurt me. However, there was never a doubt that they would be punished for it. Thank God for His perfect justice. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, January 2, 2022

“Fear And Respect Both Have A Place In Man” On this 2nd day of January it is very cold, and the ground is covered with snow. Church was canceled today because of bad weather. I turned it into a work day, and cleaned my living room after taking down the Christmas tree yesterday on New Year's Day. I was well pleased with the way I managed to put my new vacuum sweeper together without calling on my good neighbor. I think I'm getting smarter in my olden days. The vibrator my children got me for Christmas is also limbering up my lazy bones. I feel a new year coming on with a much better outlook on life than I have been having. However, I still believe we must use wisdom while dealing with this wicked disease that is definitely a reality. I will not brag to that old devil that he is not giving the deadly disease to me like I have heard some say. Many people just do not know how powerful that old creature is. God is the best protector we can ask for. But He expects us to even respect the old wicked demon to the point of not accepting him for who he is. We can tell Jesus what we think of him, but not the demon personally. I truly believe we are now living in a time of tribulation, and who knows when we can be exempted from being tried if ever? Jesus was tried for 33 years before being set free from that wicked old demon. His rescue was death on the cross. I trust that His faithfulness was also to help me to be faithful, but I don't think we will have to be that death-bound to prove our faithfulness. I am trusting we will not. I am sure of one thing not one human soul not even the brilliance's of the greatest of scientist know the mysteries of God. They cannot predict our life after death. Not even the Arch Angel can do that. Some things have to be left untouched else God will wipe the noisy ones out. Such as we might call fortune tellers. This is my personal belief, but I do trust God to be merciful in the end. I would never try to convince anyone of my personal belief, but I also think if the truth was known most Christians feel the same way as I. Otherwise why would people fear death so much? I had a dear friend tell me she thought God was punishing her by making her to live. She suffered from depression all of her life. She said she would have committed suicide many times but she was afraid she would go to hell if she did, so she prayed daily that God would take her life. She is still living, and declaring that same feeling. So I contend, life is a mystery, death is a mystery, and living is a blessing to those who know God personally. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, January 1, 2022

“A New Year A New Vision” Happy New Year to me. I just finished taking my tree down and put away. Now for the vacuum to clean up all the mess. First I have to put my new vacuum sweeper together that my daughter-in-law got me for Christmas. I am going to attempt to do it myself before calling on my good neighbor. It was a late bonus present, and my children had already gone home before the sweeper arrived. I am so thankful for the wonderful Christmas I had this year. I had way more blessings than I deserved. My children went all out for me. I love them so much, and thank God for blessing them to the fullest. This new 11 model computer I'm using now is also a gift from them. It is top of the crop. I'm catching onto it quicker than I thought. I hope it never wears out, or gets overtaken by new technology. Sounds like I might be around for a long time yet, and I do. If I knew how to turn the music on this computer I would dance a jig. I will do that later. This past year has been devastating to most of us, but I fully believe we can claim victory now. Oh I'm sure we will still have battles, but that old evil one knows his work is cut out for him now. We Christian believers know that God is still with us, and He will fight our battles for us if we give Him a chance. We must never think we can do it without Him. How can a hand full of dust know more than the One who made that handful of dust into a living soul? That should stop you in your tracks if you think you can take care of your own problems. King David said life is useless. We work all of our lives trying to get ahead, and gain wealth. Then we return back to dust, and everything we have accomplished will be left behind. Only what we have accomplished for God will be recognized in heaven. Paul said Jesus said occupy till I come. That is what I am trying to do. However, that does not mean do nothing for God. Paul was one of God's greatest apostles. He never stopped preaching Jesus Christ after his conversion. .Jesus also warns of too much occupied time in leisure. Luke 21, 34-36. “Be careful not to let yourselves become occupied with too much feasting and drinking and with the worries of this life, or that Day may suddenly catch you like a trap. For it will come upon all people everywhere on earth. Be on watch and pray always that you will have the strength to go safely through all those things that will happen and to stand before the Son of Man. Sounds to me like Jesus is saying be careful and not drift too far from me or you will be trapped. Taken from the Good News Bible. Today's English Version. . God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp