Thursday, October 3, 2019

"Not My Best Time To Take A Selfie"

       Tired but happy to be going to a meeting with a friend. 10-3-2019 Perryton, TX
I'm a little tired after working today, and not too excited about going to this meeting, but I promised this friend I would go so very soon I will be gone. I don't have much time to spend on my blog today. but didn't want to miss saying hello to everyone. This meeting is going to be good as it is being given by a lady who has become very successful in teaching others on “Creating brilliance.” She has 200 employees, and has written books on this subject. She will be speaking at the college here in Perryton tonight. I have no idea what to expect, but it does sound good. I could use some advise on how to become more brilliant, if that is what I think it might be. I just quickly took my own picture because I had no time to find another, and no time to expound on anything else. This picture is very truthful, without any disguise at all. I hope I can manage to put on a nicer face when I get to the meeting . Some days are just more tiring on me than others. I certainly am not angry, instead I am very happy behind that frown.

It's time for my friend to be here so I will sign off for now, and will tell you all about the meeting latter on. I will be rested when tomorrow comes.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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