Saturday, July 6, 2019

"Oh Really"

I don't know what this plant is but it's in my flower garden and I had nothing to do with it being there. 7-6-2019 Perryton, TX 
I am writing about something unfamiliar to me. But like many times before I took a picture after a thought struck my mind. This plant is very thorny and dangerous to touch, but it does have a flower that I think is interesting. I did not plant this unwanted flower which I'm guessing is a plant from the cactus family, but since I have it blooming in my flower garden I'm not disowning it. This plant was durable enough to grow, and make a pretty flower in a flower garden that had been neglected for good reasons. Only a small part of my flower garden got attention this year because I have not felt like taking care of it. It's very noticeable, but I have accepted the malnourished, and under watered flowers that voluntarily came up. I have a lot of tropical grass growing that don't require much care, so the crop of this grass has almost crowded out all other green herbs, and even weeds. The cactus-like plant I have posted is the only one of it's kind in the entire flower garden. It's the only one that has a flower that looks healthy, and even interesting. The thought that came to me was, I believe, an example of what I had been asking God to explain to me why something happened to break my heart. At least I am satisfied with what I think God showed me through this thorny plant with a pretty flower.

Most all parents, and grandparents have a plan for their children, and grandchildren when they are growing up. Sometimes the plan comes true, but many times it doesn't. It's always easy to understand why children who have had a terrible upbringing turn out to be bad, but those who sometimes seem to have had a proper upbringing with lots of tender loving care, turn out to be mentally unable to accept the hardships of life. They struggle with keeping a positive outlook on life after they have been thrown from the nest. Those loving parents, and grandparents never stop loving the unsuccessful children they raised or had a hand in raising, but the growth of the body, and soul, have developed the way it will forever be regardless of any advise the parents give now. If it has to live as a thorny plant in an neglected flower garden, at least someone is getting some good out of their beauty. Because of their natural durability they will keep living, and blooming in their time, but they will never have the eye of their thriving cousins who had to bear their cross also. Only God knows, and will keep the reason for thorny plants to Himself, but He will help us to understand that He too loves all His children whether they be perfect, or imperfect. He has a reason for all things, and no matter how much our hearts have to break, He loves even us.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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