Thursday, July 4, 2019

"My Home Of Fifty One Years"

                      Home is the best place to be on the 4th of July. 7-4-2019 Perryton, TX
I am all for celebrating the 4th of July, but I will let others go to the lake, or places where fireworks are being shot off. The mosquitoes, and heat are too much for me. I've enjoyed the cool quietness of my home today. My flag has been waving for three days now. It speaks for me, and my love for country. I have watched beautiful movements of men and women in uniform marching in parades on television today. No doubt this has been one of the greatest 4th of July celebrations America has ever presented. It comes after a big number of angry people decided to stand up and fight at home for out country. God answered the prayers of millions of country-dedicated citizens who finally said enough is enough. He sent us a President who has done the impossible of making America Great again. God Bless our President Trump, and his God loving, country loving, vice President, Mike Pence. They have not wavered in their promise to clean up the mess that some evil seekers had managed to almost destroy America. Now today we are screaming victory to the housetops. Of course we know the battle is not over, but the Lord is on our side. We have to be brave, and strong, and continue to fight for our country. We must never forget those who have lost their lives fighting for our country both at home and abroad. Our tears must never stop for them, and their families.

I plan to be staying home the rest of the week since so many who usually attend the things I enjoy have gone out of town for the week-end. Next week will be a whole new different place of pleasure. The kind that lets us use our slow-motion while chatting, and dinning at the same time. We Senior Citizens have been finished with our hard work, and traveling to and fro, for a long time. We enjoy our leisure time, and give our praise unto God for letting us relax. We can all look back and wonder how we handled all the never ending hard jobs of working, and raising our families. I certainly do not want to do it again. I have to be reminded of President Trump who is 72 years old, and sleeps only four hours out of twenty-four. I have to doubt that he even sleeps that much. He does not have time to sleep with all the accomplishments he has made for you, and I. I compare him to the iron man. He has at least another six years to speed the days and nights away while the rest of us in our seventies, and eighties are barely moving. Anyone in their right mind would have to know that it is only with God's grace that this President could do this. Those who are fighting President Trump are actually fighting God. Beware of how you treat him.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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