Friday, July 5, 2019

"A Time To Show Up And Shout Out"

The blackberries are starting to ripen. They make delicious cobblers. 7-5-2019 Perryton, TX
These scorching hot days are making the fruit ripen fast. The blackberries are looking good. With all the rain we had they are fat with lots of juice for making cobblers. No bugs have touched them. But I must say this year the birds pecked on every plum. They also ate the grapes. I don't mind because I wasn't going to use them anyway. I will use the blackberries though. I sat out under the apple tree awhile today, and was not bothered with mosquitoes. The cool breeze seemed nice, and relaxing. I had just finishing painting for two hours on the family portrait of my children, and grandchildren. I think every muscle in my body is put under stress when I paint on this special family portrait. I'm loving it even if it is my own depicting of them with the help of a photo. They all four have made great faces for me to paint. I will say this portrait is not a serious one, but it portrays the loving souls they really are. I will have to make a copy of this portrait when it is finished. The original will go the the close knit family. One would have to know this family to appreciate the portrait. I cherish the love they all have shown to me. I thank God for letting them be part of my own.

Now that the 4th of July celebration is over, I am left with a brain full of explosives. I'm thinking of how to set them off without getting into trouble. I have a dinner tomorrow evening with the widows group, and I'm thinking about blowing up the lifeless crowd with some of my leftovers. Would that be wise or not? I guess it depends on how powerful I let it go. I know several old-folk jokes and usually our crowd gets a bang out of them. When we get too old to laugh at a joke then we are too old to be out of the Nursing Home. I call myself one of the Golden Girls, and we have a lot of fun being just that. How I love my funny friends who are always making people laugh without even trying. Those gals have been winners over accidents, loss of husbands, and children, and all kinds of ailments. One would never know they ever had a time for tears. I have to call them Angels on the go. The few widowed men we have attending our group are mostly quiet. God bless them they have had their time of hard work, and illnesses. We are trying to get some new blood in our crowd who have some dynamite still left in them. The kind that kicks the heck out of your funny spot. I think a few things can be changed that will attract more men of this character. We just need to think about it more seriously.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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