Tuesday, August 28, 2018

"They Make A Lovely Couple"

          Mr. and Mrs. Coconut made it to the cooking ceremony after all. 8-28-2018 Perryton, TX

Mr. and Mrs. Coconut made it just in time to get their picture in the cooking festival. They had to enter under desert category. The beroux will be entered in the bread, and meat stuffing, and the rest of the food will be as all. I am a little tired, but am planning on resting a lot this week-end. I did five hours of house cleaning for Chuck today, plus several other things for him. I'm thankful for all my energy now, because I usually don't have this much. The eight pounds I lost recently must have helped a lot. After I eat my light dinner this evening I am going to relax and catch up on the news. A lot has been going on today that I have missed. Many of our politicians are using Senator John McCain's death as a distraction from some very important issues with our country. I will be so glad when his funeral is over. I can't believe this is what he wanted, but evidently his family thought so. I hope they won't be disappointed in the end. I believe the bible teaches that many who have their reward on earth will not have much of one in the next life. I would rather wait, even though it's possible I may not have a reward either place. I can live by faith until that time comes. God is a just God, and no amount of earthly recognition will change His mind. If only people would believe, and read their bibles, what a difference it would make in our lives.

My time is running out before I have to clean up my kitchen. All those vessels I messed up cooking have to be washed, and I am becoming tireder by the minute. I will be back on tomorrow with a rested mind, and body.

God Bless

Myrtle Jean Sharp

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