Thursday, August 16, 2018

"My Creative Mind Is Blooming"

This large rock is a natural from the mountains of New Mexico. 500 pounds but no dimensions . 8-16-2018 Perryton, TX.
My son, Chuck, owns this huge rock delivered from the mountains of New Mexico to the state of north west Texas. It weighs approximately 500 pounds, and is probably thousands of years old. He has another one lying close to this one, but is not quite as big. I couldn't get both rocks in the picture without decreasing the size. The seller of these rocks was unable to deliver these two, so he stopped in the alley where Chuck lives and asked if he could leave them there. Chuck gladly accepted, but they are too heavy for him to move. I love these large stones, and would like to have them in my own yard. It would take a lift mounted to the bed of a truck to load, and unload them. I'm not sure I want them that bad. Both Chuck, and I, love the nature of God's creation. I have several rocks around my flower beds from different parts of the country, but none of that size. I will keep these in my mind for maybe further possibilities.

I'm not sure why, but for some reason I have had a good day. I spent 5 ½ hours at my son's house, and felt blessed to be with him that long. He has had a long siege of illness, but seems to be improving daily. He is the only close relative living near me. He has never had a family of his own, and most of his close friends live far away. I enjoy his company when he feels good. He is very knowledgeable on so many things. I depend on him a lot when I need to know something. I'm looking forward to helping fix his house up with paint, and some new furniture. He has finally decided that's what he wants, and except for our work involved there will be little expense. He has the funds saved for any needed improvements. He has great neighbors living on both sides of his place. I am thankful for that.

I too have wonderful neighbors, and should never think about changing our locations. If I ever have a need my good neighbor usually knows it before I do. He has done lots for me. I feel safe living next to this nice couple. There's no doubt but what God was looking out for me after my husband passed away. I have taken these nice people some of my special food, since I know what they like, several times. Most anytime I look out side if my neighbor isn't working, he is in the yard. His little dog, Molly, is always by his side. She loves me too, and literally shows it. This couple is in church every Sunday so I know they are teaching Molly about God. I can't remember ever hearing Molly bark. I suppose she can, but has been trained not to except if a prowler comes around. She minds better than most children. What a happy threesome they are.

God Bless

Myrtle Jean Sharp

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