Wednesday, August 22, 2018

"Cooked To A Perfection"

Bacon wrapped charcoal grilled steaks at the Sharp's house tonight. 8-22-2018 Perryton, TX

It was time for a good old grilled steak. The thick, bacon wrapped sirloin steaks turned out delicious. I already ate one half of one just coming off the grill. It was very tender and juice. I will eat the other half later on this evening. Chuck went to Pampa today, and will probably be hungry when he gets home. I grilled several hamburger patties also for later on. I cooked them well so they are good and crispy and can be eaten alone. My diet calls for a lot of meat, but no bread. I've got it made now. Just cook more on the grill. And you certainly won't have to force water down. You can't seem to get enough water, and that is important with a low carb diet.

A friend called and asked me to go with her to a fellowship meal at one of the churches here. I'm sure glad I was grilling steaks at the time otherwise I would have gone and indulged in all kinds of good food including deserts. I have my desired weight at a perfect mark on the scales, but I do have to maintain it. I don't think an alcoholic, or a smoker, has any more trouble giving up their habit than I do giving up my good food. It's all bad for you if abused, I even lost my wardrobe for awhile. That's what really brought me to my senses. I have found it now, and I am excited about dressing up and going out. I never lose my shoes, boots, or purses. If I should gain up to 300 pounds I could still wear, and carry my collection of walkies, and pockies.

I'm not sure what I will do this week end. The Perryton celebration has been going on all week, but I haven't attended any of it yet, except the rodeo dance. I may go to the bar-b-q Saturday, but not excited about that. I don't like big crowds, or the hot weather we have to deal with in attending most of these events. I possibly am going to take in the entertainment provided at The Museum of The Plains. We can sit inside the large dinning room, and hear, and see the band through a wall of glass, and loud speakers. Food is available with home made ice cream that's out of this world. I haven't missed one of these events in years. But this year for some reason I'm not excited about going. The following week-end I will be joining two of my three sisters in Clinton for a couple of days. We always have boo coos of fun when we get together. I just need to keep my spirit up until the time for that needed get together comes. I haven't seen either of these sisters for over a year. We haven't gotten any younger, but maybe a little more senile. Like the diet it's time to get serious with my sisterly love. They help make my life worth living.

God Bless

Myrtle Jean Sharp

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