Thursday, August 2, 2018

"The Wedding Cake Flower"

  Plant yourself a wedding cake flower. They make you stay young. 8-2-2018 Perryton, TX

I was amazed when I saw this flower today. The picture I took of it doesn't show the true design of the cake, but it does look like a three tired wedding cake with decorative writing on top. I don't know the name of this flower, but it is very unusual. I am still looking for that beauty that I said could be found it all things. I don't know why it took me so long to discover the beauty in this flower. The layers looks like chocolate and strawberry with some gold writing on top. I can't make out the writing, but I'm sure it is a short message of some kind. I am so obsessed with flowers till I don't know what I will do when they all die out. The temperature got below 65 degree last night so it won't be much longer before my yard will look like a graveyard. I was tempted to turn my heater on this morning, but instead I endured the chill for awhile. The first day of August in the North West Texas Panhandle is just to early for turning on the heater. Since noon today I have been running the air conditioner. Not sure what tomorrow will be like.

I had a nice time at Senior Citizen's today. There was a good crowd and the board met after lunch. The Center is making plans to take a group to the Amphitheater in Palo Duro Canyon at Canyon Texas to watch the play “TEXAS.”That is a good show but I've seen it several times. My youngest son played in that show when he was 13. To those who have not seen this play I'm sure you would enjoy it. Several things of interest are being discussed at the Center with intentions of adding more entertainment for the Senior group. I'm looking forward to doing more than just eating, and going home. We need to spend more time together.

On another note we as Americans need to get rid of a lot of hoodlums, and their supporters. We need to restore law and order. I believe we are making a lot of headway, but we have a long way yet to go. Some of the main hoodlums are still in power today. I cannot understand how they could be. It is going to take an act of God to fix the mess we're in. I am ready now for that to happen. I would hate to be out of touch of God at this time. Because when God has had enough He will use the same destructiveness that he used on Sodom and Gomorrah. People in those days wouldn't listen to God, and some won't listen today. A fool's mind is to be pitied, but it cannot be changed. Let us all brace ourselves for what may be ahead. Let us keep our passports up to date for “in such an hour as you think not the Son of Man cometh.” Not everyone will get to go. Only those who were waiting and watching for Him. “Hear ye the Word of God.”

God Bless

Myrtle Jean Sharp

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