Monday, August 6, 2018

"Prosperity In Spite Of Tragedy"

This is one of the many pumping oil wells that can be see while traveling through Ochiltree county. No cattle can be seen in this picture, but big herds are grazing the rich, green grass on thousands of acres. 8-6-2018 Perryton, TX
This pumping oil head is one of the pictures I took coming home yesterday. Most of these oil pumps are surrounded by hundreds of fat cattle feeding on the green grass. It is a sure sign of prosperity in our county. The wheat harvest is over for this year, but beautiful fields of irrigated maize is a sight to behold. We have to be thankful for this blessing, but we have had a terrible fire two years ago that destroyed thousand of acres of grassland and many head of cattle. Several homes, and a few human lives were destroyed also. It was due to nothing but an act of nature, We never know when, or what kind of another disaster might happen again. Life has no guarantee for any of us. People should never take life for granted. They should also thank God every day for health, and the essentials for living. The more we thank Him the more He blesses. Never a day goes by that I don't ask God for peace to deal with daily problems. The peace always comes, and I can rest assured that things will work out. God tells us in His Word to “TRUST ME, TRUST ME.” Why is it so hard to do sometimes? I want to always be that person to remind others of this plea from God. 

I will never say that life is easy for anyone. We weren't created that way. Only the Creator himself knows why we are born to suffer. He did give us His Word to help us endure the hard times of our life, and He promised that after this earthly life is over there will be no more suffering. His word plainly says that to die is to gain. I will TRUST him with that promise. “Thank you Jesus for allowing me to claim that promise.” And thank you Lord for letting me enjoy myself while enduring these trying times. I vow to never be one of those who grieves themselves to death, God forbid. I do grieve from time to time, but never to the point of no return. I have spoken before about feeling like a stranger to myself sometimes, and that happens more frequently all the time. I believe it's because we are a strange being, and God is letting us understand a little better just how strange we are. We are no stranger to Him because He created us. Someday we will know why we lived on this earth, and if it was a pleasing life for God. I hope I can say I did my best. With God's help I will not fail, and with God's help I will not fail others. Love is the key to the Kingdom of God. By faith I believe I carry that key with me at all times. I may not always agree with you, but I love you, and hope I don't have to hurt you to hold onto my heavenly key.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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