Tuesday, August 7, 2018

"Nature Made My Fence Holy"

                  A Holy background for my flowers. 6-7-2018 Perryton, TX

After several years of knotty fence it has now become Holy. Yes, the flowers don't know how blessed they are to have a Holy fence to protect them. The holes in this fence could be mistaken for flowers, but the knots have fallen out, and now my fence is Holy. Thank you Lord for age that makes us look more Holy everyday. We no longer have a sexy body to show off, or a two-step thriller. Our eyes don't sparkle any more, and the bald keeps showing up on our heads. Our skin is allowing wrinkles to pop out, and our minds changes from day to day. I don't want to be replaced with a new body because like the fence now a days, I would look strange, and lose my Holy appearance. There are face lifts, wigs, implanted eyebrows, padded bras, and buttocks, but I would be living a false image if I traded my Holy body for a new formed one. Like the fence I will keep letting the knots fall out, and let my Master keep me standing. I can't tell you how many times I have taken the hammer, and nails and repaired my fence. My Father keeps me repaired in the same manner. Anything with an antique look is admired by the young, and the old. I love to remember my childhood days, and the romantic way my boy friend stole my heart. I wish I still had him, but his body took a lot more muscle wrenching than mine. He finally became irreparable. In one more year I will be the age he was when God said it's time to come home. I thank God for the many good years He let us spend together.

If I still seem like a mystery person to you I am sorry. I am a mystery to myself. I have tried with my blogs to show you who I am, but I feel like a failure in doing so. Maybe it's suppose to be that way, with only God knowing who we are, and what makes us unique. I try to label everyone as such. In doing so we cannot tell people how to live, but where do you draw the line in telling people about Jesus, and your understanding of what He told His believers to do? There has to be some kind of mystery connected here. Jesus showed anger more than once in His life time on earth, but He was also the perfect One without sin. I take His anger as knowledge to those of us who might be guilty of doing the same things Jesus rebuked others for. He is also the stated example of how others should follow. Nothing less than sincere prayer to Jesus for wisdom to know what to do in times of wonder can ever keep us anyway near Holy. I will repeat the words again that God gave me when I asked Him one time to help me. “TRUST ME,TRUST ME” That's all we need to do. But of course we have to make choices or we wouldn't be alive. I believe God meant to always trust Him with every decision we make. Today, tomorrow, and forever.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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