Monday, August 20, 2018

"Peace Peace But There Is No Peace"

                    A butterfly on a flower beside my bird feeder. 8-20-2018 Perryton, TX
A bird feeder, and a butterfly feeder in the same picture make an unusual, interesting subject. It would have been nice if some birds would have been feeding, but
they had already eaten for the day. This late in the summer the weather is bringing in more butterflies, and all kinds of other insects, some of which I can't identify. I don't get close to them, because they look poisonous. The mosquito's have let up a lot, but the other insects are just as fearful, as they all are known to carry deadly diseases. Spiders are also showing up in my yard a lot more than normal. I have seen hardly any frogs this summer, and that is very unusual also. We have had a quite a lot of rain, but still no frogs. All and all it's just been an blah summer.

Speaking of fear, and caution about insects, I am seeing more and more fear from people living in America, of things much more harmful than insects. I am not sure just what it is, but I am very alarmed of how so many I have noticed lately are showing fear of something. In this day and time most everyone has an I phone or some kind of phone with a camera built into it. I have been a picture taker most of my life. My first camera was a Brownie I purchased when I was about 12 years old. It had to be loaded with film, and when the film was all taken up it had to be sent to a processing center. I have advanced from year to year with the latest technology in cameras. Until just recently I have never been questioned about my camera. I find that those who have suspicions of me are from a different race. I can understand that a little, but why every time I am seen with my camera in motion, would certain people want an explanation from me when I am not taking a picture of them? I mean I've been questioned even when it has not been in motion. In my own home by television installers, and in my long time neighborhood by a new neighbor just moving in. Both of a different race. I have been thinking about a quote I heard years ago from a Russian Leader. I looked it up on google to refresh my mind. I did not find the exact source of this quote, but several sources have published it also. Nikita Khrushchev. “Whether you like it or not, history is on our side, we will bury you.” Following that this same Russian Leader said this. “I once said, we will bury you, and I got into trouble with it. Of course we will not bury you with a shovel, your own working class will bury you.” Another quote that is famous, but I could not find who said it is this. I believe it was said by a Russian leader also. Not the exact quote, but almost. “We will not bury you by bombs nor guns, but by your own fear.” Our great American country is reeking with fear, I believe more so than most believe. I even feel threatened myself, just because I am a fighter for our country, and a strong believer of our Constitution. I honor my voter rights, and use them with every opportunity I get. We are in deep trouble with our free country, and I hope everyone will wake up to that fact.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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