Sunday, April 30, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Pre May Day Blizzard"

Jean's Comment's: "Pre May Day Blizzard":                                Poor plums! Did they get killed? 4-30-2017 Perryton, TX What happened to out 70 and 80 degree weather fo...

"Pre May Day Blizzard"

                               Poor plums! Did they get killed? 4-30-2017 Perryton, TX
What happened to out 70 and 80 degree weather for the past two or three weeks? 4-30-2017 Perryton TX

Well it did happen. The late freeze I was worried about did occur last night. It got down to 32 degree, and two inches of snow fell. The wind was terrific, and blew down electrical lines leaving us without electric power for several hours. I stayed in bed most of the day to keep from freezing. It will be a miracle if our fruit didn’t get killed. I don’t know if the Collar neck Dove’s nest is still there or not. It’s still to bad for me to go out and check. On the last day of April we get this terrible, blizzard-like, ice and snow storm. The wind has blown so hard I don’t see how the nest on top of an open-space fence post could still be sitting there. I have just about gotten to the point of even trying to figure things out. I know we have a lot to be thankful for. I am hearing on the news that south eastern Texas had several tornados to hit last night and killed several people besides destroying a lot of houses. Oklahoma’s governor declared 39 counties an emergency because of bad weather and floods. Let us all keep these hard-hit places in our prayers. No one on earth has control over God’s big world, and He is allowing these things to happen for a reason. Our faith must not wavier, nor our patience grow short. All God fearing believers of Jesus will be protected by the Holy Spirit. He is our security in the time of storm.

I had to miss all planned meetings I was anxious to attend this week-end. All meetings were cancelled. It has been a long, hard week-end to bear, but I know this bad weather happened for a reason. The wind is still blowing hard after nearly twenty hours. As long as our electricity stays on I am good to relax, instead of to go. I understand we are to have nicer weather tomorrow. It is supposed to be in the high 70’s. May Day may not be observed tomorrow if it don’t get a lot warmer soon. I will miss having lovely flowers put on my door handle if the weather don’t calm soon. I never know who leaves the flowers because it’s suppose to be a secret, but I sure do appreciate them. “Thank you, dear secret lovers.”

I talked to two of my sisters today who live in other states, Oklahoma and New Mexico. They both were experiencing bad weather also, but had not lost electrical power. They seemed to be their normal selves. I guess I am just a worry wart, because of all the bad news that I hear every day about the evil riots, and  increasing mobs of protesters who are against our country. I am in total belief that America is in a civil war, that is going to get worse before it gets better. We as a nation went too long without a president who would stop the lawlessness, but encouraged it. Our country has turned into a battleground without any identification of who is the enemy and who is not. If natural destruction don’t kill us all, our enemies will. “Keep your prayer life strong, and without interference.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

Saturday, April 29, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Fruit For The Taste And Spirit"

Jean's Comment's: "Fruit For The Taste And Spirit": This is an example of what all my fruit trees look like. These plums are delicious when ripe. 4-29-2017 Perryton, TX Winter weather has ...

"Fruit For The Taste And Spirit"

This is an example of what all my fruit trees look like. These plums are delicious when ripe. 4-29-2017 Perryton, TX

Winter weather has come back to see us today. It is rainy, and the wind is blowing strong. It is 38 degree in Perryton, Texas, and there has been reports of possible snow. Yesterday the temperature was in the 70’s and no wind at all. I cut weeds from my flower garden for over an hour. We take it as it comes, and are glad for no hail nor tornadoes. All my fruit trees are loaded with fruit, and that is one of my main concerns. Surly we will not get a freeze this late in the season. I haven’t been outside this morning, but I hope the bird nest I posted yesterday built upon the top of a fence post, is still ok. The two eggs inside are so fragile. I was tempted to fasten an umbrella to the post and cover the nest, but one must not mess with mother nature. I think I am still learning something every day of my life. It’s fun, and exciting to share in the beauty of God’s great creation. I suppose heaven will be more beautiful than this earthly place we live in, but for now I am completely content. I wait every minute to hear about something interesting to happen. I am proudly saying that happens to me a lot. That’s what makes our tomorrows worth living. At the end of the day we are tired, and lack enthusiasm, but the morning lifts up out of bed rested, and eager to hear good news. God never fails to answer our nightly prayers while we sleep.

A call from my sister this morning was about the first good news of the day. We shared our latest blessings, and passed to each other all the news we had heard about our families within the past week. It was fortunately all good news. Now I am waiting to hear more of mixed news concerning our great country. I have no trouble keeping a positive attitude about our President and Vise President. They have a great team of Cabinet members, and I know our God is directing every step they take. We can eat, sleep, and be merry knowing that our life is in good hands. Pain is much less when we think positive than when we worry.

I will be enjoying the Widowed group this evening for a nice time of food and fellowship. I always look forward to this meeting. This is a time when I am reminded that I am not the only one living without their loving, life long mate. It just makes us feel a part of those, who like ourselves, are living with just half of our bodies now. The bible say’s when we are joined together in marriage we become as one. When one is taken from this joined body that leaves just one-half of it to function. It is possible that the remaining half can again become as a joined body, and be as one again. Who knows what God’s plan is for us. I am humbled to His will.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, April 28, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "One Of My Friend's Bird Houses"

Jean's Comment's: "One Of My Friend's Bird Houses": Another unbelievable site. Collar-Neck Dove nest on a fence post in my yard. See the brick on side of my house. 4-28-2017 Perryton, TX. ...

"One Of My Friend's Bird Houses"

Another unbelievable site. Collar-Neck Dove nest on a fence post in my yard. See the brick on side of my house. 4-28-2017 Perryton, TX.
This is the nest from front side of post. A grape vine is surrounding this post close to my house., but is not leafed out yet. 4-28-2017 Perryton, TX

I was alarmed this morning while walking through my back yard viewing all the fruit and berries growing by leaps and bounds. When I approached the grape vine a sudden flap of wings that sounded almost like a small bomb, flew up right in front of me. I did not see the bird, but the sound I decided, must have been one. I looked in the direction where the flapping occurred, and I saw a bird nest on top of a fence post near my house. It was in open view, and I was completely shocked. I reached up and felt to see if there was an egg, and sure enough I felt one. I took a picture and came in the house to get a step ladder. Chuck had come over to eat breakfast so I said to him, “I want to show you something you are not going to believe.” We took the ladder and climbed up to where we could see in the nest, and two large, white eggs were inside.  I took another picture. When Chuck saw the eggs he said they belonged to a Collar-Neck Dove. I am sure the mother Dove was somewhere watching us bothering her nest, and I hope she won’t abandon it. Chuck has been a nature lover all his life, and he also was surprised to see this unusual sight. He is forever educating me on birds, insects, frogs, snakes, squirrels, plants, trees, and many other things we share in our back yards. I have become a nature lover also. I am always looking for unusual things in my yard. I find something nearly every day.

The wicked, dark cloud I posted yesterday didn’t drop any unwanted, disastrous hail or wind. It let us be free from any worry or fear. Today is a bright, sunny day, and the temperature is 70 degree and steadily climbing. If this bird nest had been anchored on that post last week when the destructive hail storm hit us, it would have been totally destroyed. Maybe the Doves know when to build and when not to. Nothing is protecting this nest. I feel safer from storms now than I did yesterday. Somehow I feel as if even the birds trust Chuck and I or they would not put their nest where we can eyeball them anytime, and be within reaching distance of them. They probably have learned that we do all we can to help protect their babies. We still have some squirrels that make their way in my roof. They go under the roof right over where the nest is. Squirrels like to destroy the birds nest. Chuck said he was going to find some plastic owls to hang around the roof, and the squirrels won’t go near them. I hope he finds some. We do feel responsible to protect these little unborn Doves. For those who missed reading my blog last year, I helped a Robin to protect her nest in a plum tree near my office window. I also posted that picture of the nest, and even the little birds when they hatched out in the nest. At least that nest was hidden by leaves on the tree. It wasn’t far off the ground, but not easy to see unless you heard the mother when she would fly away when someone got close to her nest. Two cute little robins were born, and I listed their date of birth and birthplace along with their pictures still in the nest. Now I will be watching for two little Collar-Neck Doves to be born. God Bless the birds.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Jean's Comment's: Fear Not I Am With You Sayeth The Lord"

Jean's Comment's: Fear Not I Am With You Sayeth The Lord":                  Wicked clouds look like more hail for Perryton, TX.4-27-2017 Perryton, TX While driving home from the grocery store I s...

Fear Not I Am With You Sayeth The Lord"

                 Wicked clouds look like more hail for Perryton, TX.4-27-2017 Perryton, TX

While driving home from the grocery store I saw these heavy black clouds in the north west. It could possibly be more hail for Perryton. We had a great damaging hail last week, and people are trying to get their roofs replaced, but maybe they should wait awhile. So far this has been a bad season for our area. First we had a major ice storm that did thousands of dollars worth of  damage. Then we had a vast grass fire that destroyed some homes, and human lives, and thousands of head of livestock. Now we have had a major hail storm that has caused lots of damage to homes and vehicles and other property. How long it will continue is everyone’s guess. The people in our area have always felt blessed for not having any bad storms of any kind for many years. We are now made to wonder what has changed that. It has showed us one thing for sure. No matter who we are, or where we live, we are all made to suffer great loses just because we are human. Only those who have Jesus in their heart will be able to smile after the storm. “Because He lives we can face tomorrow.” Let us give thanks every day for what we have. It could always be worse.

I was able to take care of several bits of business today. In these times of change it takes a constant awareness to keep up with all of it. One must realize that companies who are in the business of making money from you are going to make all they possible can, even though they don’t always tell you why your premiums have gone up. It’s not like we pay what we owe, but we pay what everybody else owes. The company gets their money no matter who they get it from. And most of the time they get a bonus to boot. I have faith in our President Trump that he is going to change a lot of this greed and rip-off. There is one thing for certain about the dishonest companies. They end up loosing much more than they ripped off. Some people will just never learn this lesson.

I still feel blessed to be living in this little city of Perryton, Texas. Most of the people are honest, and will do anything possible to help you. The majority of the people are living on common ground, and have few  disagreements about their religious belief. Yes, there always is a minority, but it is so small that nothing of great concern lies within them. They are only harming themselves, but bless their hearts, they don’t even know it. We pray that someday they will be delivered from their ignorance. While so many small cities in America today are just remains of what used to be a city, Perryton has grown and prospered to a nice larger middle-class city  with  signs of continued growth all around. We are not a pistol-packing city or a bomb manufacturing site, but we do have something more protective that either of those. We have faith in a great, almighty God, whom will never leave nor forsake us.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp


Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Precious Memories How They Linger"

Jean's Comment's: "Precious Memories How They Linger": My sister, Betty, and her two daughters are placing flowers on our mother's grave. They came early from New Mexico, to Oklahoma for me...

"Precious Memories How They Linger"

My sister, Betty, and her two daughters are placing flowers on our mother's grave. They came early from New Mexico, to Oklahoma for memorial Day. 4-26-2017 Perryton, TX

My trip to Oklahoma City to see my doctor made cause for my sister in New Mexico to decide to celebrate Memorial Day early. She and two of her daughters met me, and my other two sisters in Norman and we spent three days together. Our mother’s grave site beside her husband was the setting for this picture I have posted. The cemetery is very beautiful, and so well kept. Our mother would be 93 years old the fourth of May. 2017. It was hard to stand and look down on the sweetest mother anyone could ever ask for, but God helps our heart to heal again and again. Our mother remarried after our dad died, and her husband is buried beside her. I am glad to be back home, and am slowly getting back to normal. I did have a wonderful time with my three sisters and three nieces. Together we laughed, we cried, we recalled old times, and enjoyed good food and craziness. Now I am living on leftovers of the three days of great fun. It’s time I clear my memory, and start my normal routine again. I think I can do that, but I’m not sure. Nothing seems the same since I’ve been back home. Give me a few more days and I will be the same old me.

If I get the urgent sum of business done the two days left in this week I will be 100 percent. Some things I just don’t enjoy doing anymore, but it must be done. Life without any hassle is not possible. The truth is the older we get the more hassle we have. All my friends agree with me on that. We make each other laugh when we’re trying to be serious. It’s all part of our make-up; it just don’t go on as smoothly as it used to. I am as positive as ever that God still hears and answers my prayers. As long as I can keep this positive feeling I can’t go wrong.

I was able to spread weed and feed on my backyard today. I have had to wait for the right kind of weather, and today was the day. It is suppose to be on the grass several hours before it’s wet down, but it looks like rain might happen tonight. I am extremely excited about all the fruit on the trees. The branches are already bending downward, and the fruit isn’t even a third grown. I should have enough fruit for everyone in the neighborhood. I have planted lots of flower seed so hopefully I will have a pretty yard full of flowers. When the weather warms up the flowers should pop through the ground.

One thing more. Is anyone else confused about what’s going on with Fox News? I think they are going to the dogs. I have watched almost no other channel for twenty years, and I am suddenly let down. Not with the anchors, but with the owners of the company. I believe they are totally political anymore, and not interested in giving the news and letting people make up their own minds. That’s ok Fox, join the evil world of fake news.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Toil And Occupy Till I Come"

Jean's Comment's: "Toil And Occupy Till I Come": Part of the mess I found on my drive from hail damage while I was gone. 4-25-2017 Perryton, TX I have been out sweeping the driveway and...

"Toil And Occupy Till I Come"

Part of the mess I found on my drive from hail damage while I was gone. 4-25-2017 Perryton, TX

I have been out sweeping the driveway and picking up limbs from the yard. My next door neighbor told me while I was gone it hailed so much that her yard was solid white and it didn’t melt off for several hours. It looks like we may still get some more stormy weather today. I just hope it doesn’t hail again. I checked my rain gage when I got home, and it still had an inch and a quarter after several days since the rain. We are very grateful for the rain.

I have also been listening to the news this morning. It does sound like America is headed for an all out war with North Korea, and Russia , and possibly more countries than we expected. It just don’t sound good to me, and we have a president who will not back down on his promise to keep America safe. I for one have confidence in him, and will back him all the way. I believe we are not fighting against flesh and blood alone, but against the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit has had enough of evil corruption, and is now fixing to end it. I won’t budge away from His presence, and will be fighting right along with Him. This entire world is reshaping like it’s hard to believe. One has to read the Old Testament to even get an inkling of what might be happening in the near future. Does grace still abound? Yes, but so does the prophesy abound also. Grace just saves us from physical sin, but we must suffer from mistakes we have made. It’s time to re-dedicate our lives to God, and prepare for whatever may lie ahead for us.

I heard our president speaking to the Israelites this morning. He vowed to them that the United States would always stand with them through any, and all situations. This enough is cause for an all out world wide war. Israel, and the Jews, are hated by the largest majority of human life. Israel is God’s chosen people, and He promised them in His Word that He would never let them be destroyed. The Jews have paid a terrible price for their rejection of Jesus, but God still loves that sacred tribe, and will be with them, and save them in the end. I don’t believe that even bible scholars understand God’s plan for Israel, but I am sure God’s word is true, and He said in His Word that any country that didn’t stand with Israel will be destroyed. Our President believes that, and he has vowed to fight for that little nation who still hasn’t accepted Jesus Christ as their savior. For those who stand firm with the scripture that says, no one shall be saved except through Jesus Christ, John 14:6, please explain Romans 11:28 that says all Israel shall be saved in the end. They still have not accepted Jesus, and will they ever?  The word says “All” Israel shall be saved.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, April 24, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "All Hail Broke Loose"

Jean's Comment's: "All Hail Broke Loose": Myself and my three sisters. Left to right in blue Myrtle Jean, Shirley, Colene, and Betty. $-24-2017 Perryton, TX. I returned home this...

"All Hail Broke Loose"

Myself and my three sisters. Left to right in blue Myrtle Jean, Shirley, Colene, and Betty. $-24-2017 Perryton, TX.

I returned home this morning from a four day trip to Norman, Oklahoma. I am tired, but very happy to have spent several days with my loving sisters. We had a great time just living it up. My niece took pictures of us, and I have posted one on this blog. I am the oldest of the four. Our three brothers have all passed on so we girls are pretty close together now. My sister from Albuquerque, and her two daughters came early for Memorial Day to decorate the graves. We visited our mother’s grave in Norman, Oklahoma, and stayed three nights at the River Wind motel there. The last night of our stay the Casino was giving away $11,000 at 12:00 p m. by a drawing. We all were anxiously awaiting for our name to be called, but no such luck. One man walked away thousands of dollars richer. It was still fun just talking about what we would do with the money. I did not visit all the other gravesites in several other areas that my sister and nieces were going to because I was very worn out. I came home today, and have been resting every since. I would liked to have stayed longer, but the time does come for everyone to go home. I will be looking forward to doing this again.

On June the 10th our family will be having a reunion at Thunderbird Lake about 10 miles out of Norman. I am not for sure if I can make it or not since it’s so close to this trip I’ve just made. Several family members have made plans to go, but several had already made plans for vacations such as cruses, and Island trips before they were informed of the reunion. I know the lake reunion will be lots of fun, but for older people water skiing, and boating isn’t as much fun as it used to be, not to mention the heat. It’s always nice to see family that we’ve not seen for years.

There just isn’t any place like home, and I’m so glad to be back. I have missed a lot of news which I will be trying to catch up on, and it came a big hail storm while I was gone. I will be having to replace the roof on my house, and clean up a lot of limbs and other stuff off my yard. The fruit on the trees doesn’t seem to be hurt, but the yards look real shaggy. After a couple days of rest I will be ready to tackle the task of cleaning up the mess. It will take me awhile to get back on my schedule since I am still excited about the trip, but I will calm down and be normal again soon. I still have several unfinished tasks to get to working on. Maybe  the change of atmosphere will help to get the projects finished. Tomorrow will be a new beginning for me I hope.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "A Belated Easter Message"

Jean's Comment's: "A Belated Easter Message": The chives are blooming early. They make baked potatoes taste good when chopped up and sprinkled on for seasoning. 4-18-2017 Perryton, TX ...

"A Belated Easter Message"

The chives are blooming early. They make baked potatoes taste good when chopped up and sprinkled on for seasoning. 4-18-2017 Perryton, TX

I have been waiting on a battery for my camera to come in for nearly two weeks. That’s why I’ve been absent with my blogs. Now I will be leaving for a few days on a trip so I will be off the internet for another week or so. I hope to be back in full operation by the first of May. My life is centered around writing little blog messages, and sharing my daily joy’s with others. I do have viewers from several places around the world. That makes my heart glad, and I appreciate all who do show an interest in reading my blogs. May God bless each and everyone of you.

I am continuing to see more and more of my yard and garden annuals springing back to life every day. I posted a picture of the chives that have been part of my annual appetizers for many years. They are good seasoning for baked potatoes as well as other foods. I have been enjoying delicious asparagus for several weeks. Also the rhubarb  has been giving offers of great-tasting pies. but the occasion for making them hasn’t hit me yet. I need company, or a place to take and share the pies before I make them. It looks like we missed the late freeze that got all our fruit last year. Every tree is loaded with plums, cherries, apples, berries and grapes. And I must say they are all good tasting fruit that Chuck ordered from different nurseries from all around the world. Some trees have as many as four kinds of the same fruit, but with different tastes.

Since I missed posting my blog on Easter Sunday I will say now we had a beautiful service at First Christian Church. It was very touching, and oh, so beautiful the dozens of potted lily arrangements that adorned the sanctuary of the church. It has been a tradition of the church for many years to form a large cross from chicken wire mounted on a wooden stand and placed at the foot of the pulpit, between the alters. Each person, even to the smallest, is given a long stem flower when they enter the sanctuary. When the service starts while soft music is being played, each person marches in two single-file rows up the aisle and places their flower in one of the holes of the wire cross. When all flowers have been placed it is a beautiful site to see the cross completely covered with flowers. It’s hard to keep back the tears. Two men will then lift the flower-covered cross upon the platform at the back of the pulpit and it stands there till the service is over. After this little event is over the wonderful music of how Jesus was crucified on the cross, and arose from the grave begins. The tears immediately turn into joy, and everyone leaves the church with such thankful hearts.

When I got home from church I was reminded of an old friend who had just recently lost her life-long husband, and had been moved into the assisted living place here called “The Seasons.” Something told me to go visit her. I was sure her family had taken her out to lunch for Easter so I waited till I thought she would be back. I never expected this sweet lady to be so happy to see me. She is 93 years old, and has a sound mind. We talked for two hours about old times when we used to bowl together. She had wanted to stay in her home, but being in the country, and with only one son living here, he thought it was too risky for her to stay alone. She finally agreed to move into the seasons. She has to use a walker because of one bad leg, but she does fine with it. I invited her to go to the Senior Citizens luncheon the following Wednesday. She was so excited at being invited to that. With a big smile she said, “ I would love to go, and my son will be so happy.” Sometimes I wonder if I have an open heart and mind to hear that voice calling me to do more for those who are completely dependant upon someone else. I will be taking this friend with me to many places that I will be going, and I am so thankful for her friendship.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "A Cross And A Basket Of Eggs"

Jean's Comment's: "A Cross And A Basket Of Eggs":                                          An Easter bunny's joy. 4-15-2017 Perryton, TX Easter Sunday is the day chosen to be the da...

"A Cross And A Basket Of Eggs"

                                         An Easter bunny's joy. 4-15-2017 Perryton, TX

Easter Sunday is the day chosen to be the day Jesus was resurrected from the dead. Supposedly He was crucified the Friday before His resurrection. Easter is suppose to be all about Jesus, but where the bunny and the eggs came in I’m not sure. I suppose I was almost grown before I thought of Easter being anything but colored eggs, and hiding them in the grass for children to find. I have to admit I still love to think that way, although I do take a special time to worship Jesus for His gift of forgiveness by being crucified on that cruel cross. How blessed we are today to be able to join in fellowship with relatives and friends, and celebrate the life, and death of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. It’s nice to try and remember the first Easter egg hunt we ever went on. There were many for me, because I loved to run and try to gather more eggs than anybody else. I didn’t feel embarrassed about the challenge till way past the expected time. Like I said before I still have some of that childish activity in me. I still remember so well the many times I stood by my mother while she boiled, then colored a lot of eggs. My mother was a jewel of all precious stones, and her name, Opal Jewel, fit her perfectly. We will be celebrating her 103rd  birthday in a few days, May 4th  even though she won’t be with us.

As we all realize at this time that a religious war is going on between Christians and non-Christians. I don’t believe anyone ever guessed the severity of this bible prophesy until now when it has branched out all over the world. And according to my interpretation of the bible we haven’t seen anything yet. The worse is still to come. The bible speaks of blood standing  up to the horses bridles. Revelations 14:20. That would be an average of four feet deep. Everyone has a different opinion of what this means, but I believe it is actually true in some places of the world. The killing of a human being will no longer be seen as a crime, but an honor to God. To the Christian this is a false teaching. The martyr will join millions who have gone before them, and lie in wait till all prophesies are fulfilled. Here is my bible reference of this.

Revelations 6:9. When John saw the Lamb open the fifth seal in heaven he saw the martyrs’ lying under an alter. Ch 10. And they cried with a loud voice, saying, how long, O Lord, holy and true, doest thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on earth?  11. And white robes were given unto every one of them; and it was said unto them, that they should rest yet for a little season, until their fellow-servants also and their brethren, that should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled. 

I have painted a picture on canvas of this sixth chapter of revelations. If you are acquainted with how to pull up my you can find this painting. It’s probably been three or four years ago. I felt inspired to paint this revelation as John saw it with his own eyes.

Now we are seeing more of these things coming to pass every day. No one should doubt God’s Holy Word.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, April 10, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Oh What A Beautiful World"

Jean's Comment's: "Oh What A Beautiful World":                  This was a shot of the moon last evening at 7:30 p.m 4-10-2017 Perryton, TX. I was in awe last evening when I opened th...

"Oh What A Beautiful World"

                 This was a shot of the moon last evening at 7:30 p.m 4-10-2017 Perryton, TX.

I was in awe last evening when I opened the door to look out at the beautiful blue sky that I could see through my living room window. It seemed just a slight distance from the ground that I saw this gorgeous bright moon shinning so brightly. A blue sky with a golden moon was extraordinary beautiful. The moon has been wonderful to look at the past few days, and the air has been so fresh after the week or so of rain. It really lifts my spirit, and makes me feel less apprehensive about the future. I see God in that moon every time it pops up. He is the light of the world, and in Him there is no darkness. I go to sleep each night when the moon is shinning knowing that God is watching over me. What a joy it is to be a child of God.

Today has been a day of taking care of business. I am amazed at how many necessary trips, and how much business I took care of here in my own city. No hassling with computers, or leaving word to be called back. I still love walking into offices and speaking face to face with my business people. I probably will always be old fashioned, at least I hope so. I believe I save a lot of money by talking to the managers of Insurance companies in person. That also applies to contractors, and general fixers of all things. Any way I was relieved today from a lot of worrying about so many things that needed to be taken care of promptly. I can leave on my short trip in ten days from today without worrying about something I failed to take care of.

I plan to attend a membership dinner tomorrow night at “The Museum Of The Plains.” This will be my first meeting with all the members, and I am excited. I feel that this place is going to be a great blessing to me. Many things of interest goes on there. I am acquainted with most of the members, but just have not been directly involved. I look forward to helping plan, and serve, in any way possible. I am also meeting a friend there who is a new member also. I know it will be a great evening. The next day I will be eating lunch with my friends at the Citizens Center. A time also I enjoy a lot. I’m so thankful for such a wonderful community with so many nice things to do. For several years after I lost my husband I thought there was no place to go in this city, or nothing of interest for me at all. I have over come that discouraging thought, and am now having a time of my life. I see nothing but sunshine, and moonshine ahead. Hallelujah I am free, Jesus gave me victory. Here is wishing  to all my viewers a same measure of joy that I have been given.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "I Started Sewing At Age Six"

Jean's Comment's: "I Started Sewing At Age Six": Pantsuit I finished today. Not a good display but was rushed for time. 4-9-2017 Perryton, TX The shoes that caused me all this trouble. ...

"I Started Sewing At Age Six"

Pantsuit I finished today. Not a good display but was rushed for time. 4-9-2017 Perryton, TX
The shoes that caused me all this trouble. Python purse needed some accessories also. 4-9-2017

I have been busy the past three days designing, and sewing a pantsuit for myself. It would have gone faster but I had sewing machine problems. My sister in Albuquerque spent some time on the internet trying to help me fix it, but I think it needs some major overhaul work. I had not used the machine in several years. I had finished all the garment but the sleeves, when the machine took a turn for the worse and locked completely up. I had three other machines here, but none of them were working either. My sister suggested I try one of them anyway so I did. After about an hour of working with the one I like best, I finally got it to working. I completely finished the pantsuit, and considering all the sewing problems I had it looks very well.

I thought I had to make this pantsuit because I couldn’t find anything in any of the dress shops that would look good with a pair of shoes I just recently purchased. I have been out of the garment making for years, but looks like I may be back in it. I didn’t take any pains in displaying the outfit, because it was getting late, and I wanted to put it on my blog tonight. It really does look better on my body than hanging. At least I haven’t lost all my sewing skill, just part of it. Between my art work, and sewing, my house looks like a cyclone has hit it.

I think the good Lord wanted me to find something to get my head out of the television for awhile. I was obsessed with all the news that just kept sounding worse all the time. It finally got me thinking that I was being too involved with something I couldn’t do anything about. I still know that our country is in a state of disarray, but that doesn’t me I have to be that way myself. The more I watched, and read on the internet, the more I began to realize that some good people are surly loosing their minds. I find it shocking to hear what some have to say when it is the total opposite of what they’ve been saying. They outright say they’ve been misled when I’m sure they have not. The agitation is becoming compulsive for so many. It is best to walk away and tell God it’s in His hands. I will continue to keep occupied with my hobbies, and run my own business, leaving everyone else’s alone. Of course I will keep paying attention to what is going on in the world, but I will not let it take over my life completely. My prayers will forever be going up for all the hurting, and desperate persons who are trapped in evil and despair. God hears, and answers prayer or I wouldn’t be wasting my time on it. I am positive, and not probably, on that one thing. I know how to trust Him.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "A Mother's Love Is Indispensable"

Jean's Comment's: "A Mother's Love Is Indispensable": This mother rabbit just delivered her babies. She is not getting very far away from them. 4-6-2017 Perryton TX This mother rabbit just d...

"A Mother's Love Is Indispensable"

This mother rabbit just delivered her babies. She is not getting very far away from them. 4-6-2017 Perryton TX

This mother rabbit just delivered her babies. Usually she would hit the exit out of my yard as soon as I opened my door, but this morning I walked up close to her and she never moved. She is positively protecting her babies. Animals are sometimes better mothers than humans are. My daughter-in-law is the director of a foster care facility. It breaks my heart to hear about some of the saddest stories of when little children have been taken out of abusive homes and brought to her facility to be cared for until they can be placed in a foster family provider home. Many times the little angels will be adopted out to good parents, but not until they have cried many of nights for their mommies. I’m too soft-hearted to listen to these sad, sad stories. I rise to the point I want to go find the mothers, and fathers, of these children and tell them how sorry, and no good, they are. Then I’m reminded of how many little children were not fortunate enough to be put in foster care before they were brutally murdered, after being tortured for most of their lives. How thankful I am for dedicated men, and women, who give their love, and time, to these precious little ones. Their heavenly reward will be great since they are really caring for God’s little children. I mention them in my prayers each night.

I have accomplished a lot today. The sun is shinning finally, and the rain-soaked ground is drying fast. I spent several hours paying bills and doing some shopping. I cooked lunch for Chuck and I, and I feel like I have earned my pay today. I did spend some time talking with my sister on the phone, but that too I feel was important. For so long I was in a rut and didn’t go out much or do anything at home either. It has taken me four years to get to this, “better outlook on life,” since I lost my life-long husband. I’m now finding more things to do than I have time to do them. Thank God, he never gave up on me. I sure wasn’t going to give up on Him. Happy, happy, am I as I keep traveling this long road to eternity. I lost another friend this past Sunday. She was several years younger than me, but had battled sickness for a long time. She said she was ready to go. I have two more friends who are struggling with health issues. I bought both of them a recovery card today. I will mail them with my best love, and blessings, tomorrow. I have already waited too long about doing it. I do pray that I will be more prompt in doing things that I feel compelled to do. Sometimes we just need to forget our own pain and think about others. I can, and with God’s help I will do that.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Snow That Didn't Last"

Jean's Comment's: "Snow That Didn't Last":   Whata you know? Snow in April at this Texas panhandle town. 4-5-2017 Perryton TX What a surprise this morning to see large flakes of s...

"Snow That Didn't Last"

  Whata you know? Snow in April at this Texas panhandle town. 4-5-2017 Perryton TX

What a surprise this morning to see large flakes of snow coming down like magic. It quickly covered the grown like a thick blanket of carpet. In the eventide the snow began to melt just as fast as it had fallen. The temperature was in the thirties, but the warm ground melted the snow quickly. It did deliver us another ¾ of an inch of moister. Blessed are the days of slow coming moister. Within a nine day period we have had almost 5 inches. This makes us rejoice and feel soaked with wet blessings.

Today is the day after. The sun is shinning brightly, but the wind is very cool. We got a low last night of 32 degree, but I don’t think it hurt the fruit. This cool weather will keep the ground wet for awhile yet. The grass is getting taller every day. We hope by Saturday it will be dry enough to mow. The back yard failed to get fertilized before the rain started, but it will be in good shape for accepting the weed, and feed, with good results. I just feel anxious to get it done. It is a main part of my “to do” list before I leave in two weeks to go on a three day trip. A trip that I’m also very excited about. It will be so nice to meet my three sisters in Oklahoma City for a time of fun and craziness. One sister, who lives in Albuquerque, I haven’t seen in over two years. That was a time of her Husband’s funeral, and the occasion was too sad to enjoy our togetherness. We four widows have planned for a great time of new endeavors to become free, and successful. A great challenge, but worth a try.

I came away from the Citizen’s luncheon today a bit sad. Our director gave her notice of resignation. She has been a devoted, and loving leader of the Center for several years. I can’t imagine the Center without her big smiling face, and open arms, to greet everyone who walked through the door. She was offered a much better paying job, and felt like it was a blessing from God, so she accepted. She could not hold back the tears as she told everyone good-bye. I am so happy for her, but we will miss her so much. I have to have faith that we will get another good replacement. This special leader of the Center has been almost like a daughter to me. In fact she and my daughter graduated .together. I have never been treated any nicer by anybody than what this sweet lady has treated me. Those kind of people are few, and far between these days. I have to put my sorrow in the same place I have put many before. Life goes on, and I will adjust as usual. That is easier said than  done, but with God’s help I will move on. God bless you Marilyn. I love you.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Weather And Whether To Punish"

Jean's Comment's: "Weather And Whether To Punish": Another rainy, cold day in Perryton, Tx.  Showing 40 degree on the themometer. 4-4-2017 Perryton, TX. The 40 degree temperature and rain...

"Weather And Whether To Punish"

Another rainy, cold day in Perryton, Tx.  Showing 40 degree on the themometer. 4-4-2017 Perryton, TX.

The 40 degree temperature and rain are keeping me inside today. I emptied the rain gage last evening. It had another ½ inch in it this morning. It started raining again after I emptied it this morning. We have had 4 inches of rain since last Tuesday. One week ago today. I’m still concerned about a freeze, but keeping my fingers crossed. This fourth day of April is not unusual, but a freeze hardly ever happens this late in the season, however we did have a killing freeze last April after Easter. It’s cloudy out now, and a slow rain is still coming down.

I’ve been watching news all morning. I feel like I need to go to Washington D.C. and tell them to get on the ball and arrest a bunch of traitors who have committed espionage to our country. They have been caught up with, but it seems like they just keep getting away with more crime. I know we are suppose to love our enemies but not to the extent that we keep letting them destroy us. I am usually a soft person when it comes to punishment, but I am now ready to call these United States criminals to the judgment seat for the toughest sentence possible. Lie, cheat, steal, and deceive, according to the bible, are crimes that carry, in some cases, the death penalty. Has God changed the rules since Jesus died? I don’t think so. People have changed them. Of course we are not still under Old Testament law, but Jesus made it plain that He did not come to do away with the law, but that the law through Him might be fulfilled. He told us to keep and honor the ten commandants, which is old Testament law. If we don’t obey these commandants then we are guilty of breaking the law. That is why so many liberals have fought to take the Ten Commandants out of the courthouse and any other public places of lawful respect. Christians have had to fight around the clock to keep our country bound to the Holy Bible. Far too many other religions have wanted to replace our bible with their own bible, that also goes for our constitutional laws. These same people who are now being found guilty of lying, cheating, stealing, deceiving, and trying to place the blame on honest people, are the same people who almost got control of our entire nation. “God help us.”  God did not allow that, and I believe He expects us to put the punishment on them that they deserve. I loved all my years of sweet peace, joy, and happiness, but I believe we have now come to the place where we have to choose between God or man. God is the Word that we live by. God is a just God, but God is also a God of anger and wrath. I would ask everyone to think long and hard before turning their back on God.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, April 3, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "No Rainbow Yet"

Jean's Comment's: "No Rainbow Yet":        My little yellow tulip finally opened up and smiles at me. 4-3-2017 Perryton, Texas. A very beautiful, sunshiny, day is visiting...

"No Rainbow Yet"

       My little yellow tulip finally opened up and smiles at me. 4-3-2017 Perryton, Texas.

A very beautiful, sunshiny, day is visiting us today. It’s so nice to have sunshine and flowers with the fresh smell of rain. We had a total of 3 and ¼ inches of rain this past week. Everyone is happy for all the nice moister. The grass needs to be mowed, but it can wait another week or two if the good Lord decides to send us more rain. There are heavy clouds hanging around, and it will possible rain again tomorrow.

I almost finished a portrait of Melania Trump this morning. I think I can post it Wednesday. I have spent more time on this painting than any I’ve painted so far. I should have quit on it some time ago, but I kept seeing little things that I thought needed to be improved. Each time I tried to improve something I made it worse, and had to put it back like it was. I don’t know what you call this, but an artist is never completely satisfied with the final results of a painting. This is true especially in portraits. I have never learned that sometimes the expression of a person, or an object, is part of the realistic subject which need not be made different than what the artist sees. That is why every artist is unique in their own way. I work hard to put feeling into my paintings even though some may not like the feeling I give to the subjects. I do look at pictures of persons while painting them, but I never want it to look copied. I only want to use the likeness to create my own personality of the subject. I feel very honored living in a house with so many famous people that I have painted hanging on my walls. I call them my guest, and when people come to my house they always let me know they can identify every person I have painted. My days are filled with excitement when I am painting. I do have trouble getting all the materials that I want when deciding to do a certain painting. My ordering suppliers are very limited as to what I need, but when I go to a large city I usually stock up. The canvas, brushes, paint, and frames are expensive when I do a special portrait. It is worth it when the party is completely satisfied with the painting.

I must get back to the news. Several exciting things are happening now. I do hope the evil doers are made to pay for their terrible crimes for giving our country away for money. I won’t stop praying until they all are brought to justice. Only God can do that, but I see Him doing just that. God gave us a President who He can use to punish all the hypocrites who have been handing our country over to the enemy for the millions of dollars they now have. This is about to come to an end. I will never doubt the power of our Almighty God. Keep your eyes on the goal.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "A Welcome Song To The Sun From The Birds"

Jean's Comment's: "A Welcome Song To The Sun From The Birds":               The sun is trying to shine, and the birds are joyfully singing. 4-2-2017 Perryton, TX It must be Sunday. The birds are all...

"A Welcome Song To The Sun From The Birds"

              The sun is trying to shine, and the birds are joyfully singing. 4-2-2017 Perryton, TX

It must be Sunday. The birds are all singing and dancing through the trees. I think they are praising God for the sun that is trying to shine. We truly do need some sunshine for a few days. We have had lots of rain, and the sun will make everything start growing nicely. Like the birds I am in a singing, and dancing mood this Sunday morning. I have been lifted above the dark clouds of worldly gloom and despair. I am so positive that God is on our side, and we will win the terrible war of evil. We must stay positive in spite of all the negative news that tries to persuade people to give into an evil, dominated world-wide influx.

God never goes back on His promise, and He promised Israel to never leave them forever. He did make them pay for their mistakes many of times, but He always came back to them when they called upon Him. As little as some might believe, I think it’s plain from my bible studying that all Christians are descendants of Israel. We were grafted into that nation of Jews by Jesus, even though the Israelites did not believe in Jesus.  We have to pay for our faults, but God always hears us and comes to our rescue when we call upon him. Like I heard the birds singing, and rejoicing, this morning, we as Christians should be following that same pattern. We need to sing in the night just like we do in the day. Night time is dark, and we are tired from a long day’s exhaustion. It is easy for us to be attacked by that evil spirit. We start to wonder if we have made right choices that day, or if we have wasted our time and effort trying to be a better person. Even the slightest bit of doubt can stop our joy bells from ringing. We often fall asleep from fearful exhaustion. We had no song in our hearts to fall asleep on. Our night’s rest was hindered several times, and the song just did not come to us.

When a dark cloud comes over me I pray for protection while it keeps me in darkness. I will not make any drastic decisions during my dark days even though the enemy tells me this cloud is permanent, it will not go away. I still stay firm in my belief that God will keep His promise. I did not change a thing about my original commitment with God. My contract is still in force, and I try hard to keep it up to date. If I don’t get delinquent on my renewal, I will always have a song in my heart, even in the night. Yes, there is a way to keep victory in our hearts. It requires us to hold onto our first love of Jesus Christ. There is no other way to be happy if we divorce our first love, Jesus. Don’t even give it a thought.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "A Soaking Rain"

Jean's Comment's: "A Soaking Rain":          No April fool. Rain,rain, rain. Better than the fires we've been having. 4-1-2017 Perryton, TX It is continuing to rain in...

"A Soaking Rain"

         No April fool. Rain,rain, rain. Better than the fires we've been having. 4-1-2017 Perryton, TX

It is continuing to rain in Perryton, Texas. We have already had three inches this week. It certainly is a great blessing after a long month of destructive fires that destroyed thousands of acres of grass land, and several thousand head of cattle, several homes, and some human lives. This rain will make the grass start growing again, and hide all the ugly, black scenery that is covering miles and miles of land. As for now I’m staying in my ark, and hopefully will not have to sent out a dove to let me know when it’s safe to go out. Our God is the Great Creator, and Curator of all things. The story was told thousands of years ago, and still is being told today. “Noah and the Ark, and a little dove who delivered the victory message.” For any who may not be able to grasp the severity of human danger while here on this earth, let me encourage you to start reading your bible. It is a true story, without any modification. If anyone needs proof of that let him test by their own personal contact with God. Only a coward would not be challenged by this request. 2 Corinthians . “Come ye out from among them and show yourself approved.” I am glad to belong to the family of God.

The single’s meeting, and dinner I was planning to attend this evening has been canceled because of the rain. I will miss this great time of fellowship, but it is good that they cancelled it. We were having to drive 17 miles, and that was not a wise thing to do. Next Saturday will be another day to eat and enjoy. We will just not be able to pull off our April Fools jokes then. That also can wait for another year. My dear friends are very good about lying when it comes to jokes. I may have forgotten that it was April Fool’s Day, and had a heart attack at some of the news I was given. Sometimes I am a poor discerner of jokes. I always try not to lie, and I always try to believe people when they tell me something. I do know the difference in gossip and reality. That’s why I don’t like April Fool’s Day. I have always felt since my commitment to God, that I was given a special discernment talent, but that is not to say I am infallible. I really do appreciate a good joke when it’s not on me. The joke I love the most is one I heard a preacher tell. He said once he was having a hard time delivering a “not too sweet of a sermon,” and everyone was showing it on their faces. But in the congregation one little lady keep nodding her head yes at what he was saying. This little lady was all that saved his effort to preach that sermon. Then after the sermon the preacher learned the little lady had Parkinson’s disease. I have never forgotten that joke, and approve it. The preacher admitted to what a fool we all can sometimes make of ourselves.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp