Sunday, April 30, 2017

"Pre May Day Blizzard"

                               Poor plums! Did they get killed? 4-30-2017 Perryton, TX
What happened to out 70 and 80 degree weather for the past two or three weeks? 4-30-2017 Perryton TX

Well it did happen. The late freeze I was worried about did occur last night. It got down to 32 degree, and two inches of snow fell. The wind was terrific, and blew down electrical lines leaving us without electric power for several hours. I stayed in bed most of the day to keep from freezing. It will be a miracle if our fruit didn’t get killed. I don’t know if the Collar neck Dove’s nest is still there or not. It’s still to bad for me to go out and check. On the last day of April we get this terrible, blizzard-like, ice and snow storm. The wind has blown so hard I don’t see how the nest on top of an open-space fence post could still be sitting there. I have just about gotten to the point of even trying to figure things out. I know we have a lot to be thankful for. I am hearing on the news that south eastern Texas had several tornados to hit last night and killed several people besides destroying a lot of houses. Oklahoma’s governor declared 39 counties an emergency because of bad weather and floods. Let us all keep these hard-hit places in our prayers. No one on earth has control over God’s big world, and He is allowing these things to happen for a reason. Our faith must not wavier, nor our patience grow short. All God fearing believers of Jesus will be protected by the Holy Spirit. He is our security in the time of storm.

I had to miss all planned meetings I was anxious to attend this week-end. All meetings were cancelled. It has been a long, hard week-end to bear, but I know this bad weather happened for a reason. The wind is still blowing hard after nearly twenty hours. As long as our electricity stays on I am good to relax, instead of to go. I understand we are to have nicer weather tomorrow. It is supposed to be in the high 70’s. May Day may not be observed tomorrow if it don’t get a lot warmer soon. I will miss having lovely flowers put on my door handle if the weather don’t calm soon. I never know who leaves the flowers because it’s suppose to be a secret, but I sure do appreciate them. “Thank you, dear secret lovers.”

I talked to two of my sisters today who live in other states, Oklahoma and New Mexico. They both were experiencing bad weather also, but had not lost electrical power. They seemed to be their normal selves. I guess I am just a worry wart, because of all the bad news that I hear every day about the evil riots, and  increasing mobs of protesters who are against our country. I am in total belief that America is in a civil war, that is going to get worse before it gets better. We as a nation went too long without a president who would stop the lawlessness, but encouraged it. Our country has turned into a battleground without any identification of who is the enemy and who is not. If natural destruction don’t kill us all, our enemies will. “Keep your prayer life strong, and without interference.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

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