Tuesday, April 25, 2017

"Toil And Occupy Till I Come"

Part of the mess I found on my drive from hail damage while I was gone. 4-25-2017 Perryton, TX

I have been out sweeping the driveway and picking up limbs from the yard. My next door neighbor told me while I was gone it hailed so much that her yard was solid white and it didn’t melt off for several hours. It looks like we may still get some more stormy weather today. I just hope it doesn’t hail again. I checked my rain gage when I got home, and it still had an inch and a quarter after several days since the rain. We are very grateful for the rain.

I have also been listening to the news this morning. It does sound like America is headed for an all out war with North Korea, and Russia , and possibly more countries than we expected. It just don’t sound good to me, and we have a president who will not back down on his promise to keep America safe. I for one have confidence in him, and will back him all the way. I believe we are not fighting against flesh and blood alone, but against the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit has had enough of evil corruption, and is now fixing to end it. I won’t budge away from His presence, and will be fighting right along with Him. This entire world is reshaping like it’s hard to believe. One has to read the Old Testament to even get an inkling of what might be happening in the near future. Does grace still abound? Yes, but so does the prophesy abound also. Grace just saves us from physical sin, but we must suffer from mistakes we have made. It’s time to re-dedicate our lives to God, and prepare for whatever may lie ahead for us.

I heard our president speaking to the Israelites this morning. He vowed to them that the United States would always stand with them through any, and all situations. This enough is cause for an all out world wide war. Israel, and the Jews, are hated by the largest majority of human life. Israel is God’s chosen people, and He promised them in His Word that He would never let them be destroyed. The Jews have paid a terrible price for their rejection of Jesus, but God still loves that sacred tribe, and will be with them, and save them in the end. I don’t believe that even bible scholars understand God’s plan for Israel, but I am sure God’s word is true, and He said in His Word that any country that didn’t stand with Israel will be destroyed. Our President believes that, and he has vowed to fight for that little nation who still hasn’t accepted Jesus Christ as their savior. For those who stand firm with the scripture that says, no one shall be saved except through Jesus Christ, John 14:6, please explain Romans 11:28 that says all Israel shall be saved in the end. They still have not accepted Jesus, and will they ever?  The word says “All” Israel shall be saved.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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