Tuesday, April 18, 2017

"A Belated Easter Message"

The chives are blooming early. They make baked potatoes taste good when chopped up and sprinkled on for seasoning. 4-18-2017 Perryton, TX

I have been waiting on a battery for my camera to come in for nearly two weeks. That’s why I’ve been absent with my blogs. Now I will be leaving for a few days on a trip so I will be off the internet for another week or so. I hope to be back in full operation by the first of May. My life is centered around writing little blog messages, and sharing my daily joy’s with others. I do have viewers from several places around the world. That makes my heart glad, and I appreciate all who do show an interest in reading my blogs. May God bless each and everyone of you.

I am continuing to see more and more of my yard and garden annuals springing back to life every day. I posted a picture of the chives that have been part of my annual appetizers for many years. They are good seasoning for baked potatoes as well as other foods. I have been enjoying delicious asparagus for several weeks. Also the rhubarb  has been giving offers of great-tasting pies. but the occasion for making them hasn’t hit me yet. I need company, or a place to take and share the pies before I make them. It looks like we missed the late freeze that got all our fruit last year. Every tree is loaded with plums, cherries, apples, berries and grapes. And I must say they are all good tasting fruit that Chuck ordered from different nurseries from all around the world. Some trees have as many as four kinds of the same fruit, but with different tastes.

Since I missed posting my blog on Easter Sunday I will say now we had a beautiful service at First Christian Church. It was very touching, and oh, so beautiful the dozens of potted lily arrangements that adorned the sanctuary of the church. It has been a tradition of the church for many years to form a large cross from chicken wire mounted on a wooden stand and placed at the foot of the pulpit, between the alters. Each person, even to the smallest, is given a long stem flower when they enter the sanctuary. When the service starts while soft music is being played, each person marches in two single-file rows up the aisle and places their flower in one of the holes of the wire cross. When all flowers have been placed it is a beautiful site to see the cross completely covered with flowers. It’s hard to keep back the tears. Two men will then lift the flower-covered cross upon the platform at the back of the pulpit and it stands there till the service is over. After this little event is over the wonderful music of how Jesus was crucified on the cross, and arose from the grave begins. The tears immediately turn into joy, and everyone leaves the church with such thankful hearts.

When I got home from church I was reminded of an old friend who had just recently lost her life-long husband, and had been moved into the assisted living place here called “The Seasons.” Something told me to go visit her. I was sure her family had taken her out to lunch for Easter so I waited till I thought she would be back. I never expected this sweet lady to be so happy to see me. She is 93 years old, and has a sound mind. We talked for two hours about old times when we used to bowl together. She had wanted to stay in her home, but being in the country, and with only one son living here, he thought it was too risky for her to stay alone. She finally agreed to move into the seasons. She has to use a walker because of one bad leg, but she does fine with it. I invited her to go to the Senior Citizens luncheon the following Wednesday. She was so excited at being invited to that. With a big smile she said, “ I would love to go, and my son will be so happy.” Sometimes I wonder if I have an open heart and mind to hear that voice calling me to do more for those who are completely dependant upon someone else. I will be taking this friend with me to many places that I will be going, and I am so thankful for her friendship.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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