Tuesday, April 4, 2017

"Weather And Whether To Punish"

Another rainy, cold day in Perryton, Tx.  Showing 40 degree on the themometer. 4-4-2017 Perryton, TX.

The 40 degree temperature and rain are keeping me inside today. I emptied the rain gage last evening. It had another ½ inch in it this morning. It started raining again after I emptied it this morning. We have had 4 inches of rain since last Tuesday. One week ago today. I’m still concerned about a freeze, but keeping my fingers crossed. This fourth day of April is not unusual, but a freeze hardly ever happens this late in the season, however we did have a killing freeze last April after Easter. It’s cloudy out now, and a slow rain is still coming down.

I’ve been watching news all morning. I feel like I need to go to Washington D.C. and tell them to get on the ball and arrest a bunch of traitors who have committed espionage to our country. They have been caught up with, but it seems like they just keep getting away with more crime. I know we are suppose to love our enemies but not to the extent that we keep letting them destroy us. I am usually a soft person when it comes to punishment, but I am now ready to call these United States criminals to the judgment seat for the toughest sentence possible. Lie, cheat, steal, and deceive, according to the bible, are crimes that carry, in some cases, the death penalty. Has God changed the rules since Jesus died? I don’t think so. People have changed them. Of course we are not still under Old Testament law, but Jesus made it plain that He did not come to do away with the law, but that the law through Him might be fulfilled. He told us to keep and honor the ten commandants, which is old Testament law. If we don’t obey these commandants then we are guilty of breaking the law. That is why so many liberals have fought to take the Ten Commandants out of the courthouse and any other public places of lawful respect. Christians have had to fight around the clock to keep our country bound to the Holy Bible. Far too many other religions have wanted to replace our bible with their own bible, that also goes for our constitutional laws. These same people who are now being found guilty of lying, cheating, stealing, deceiving, and trying to place the blame on honest people, are the same people who almost got control of our entire nation. “God help us.”  God did not allow that, and I believe He expects us to put the punishment on them that they deserve. I loved all my years of sweet peace, joy, and happiness, but I believe we have now come to the place where we have to choose between God or man. God is the Word that we live by. God is a just God, but God is also a God of anger and wrath. I would ask everyone to think long and hard before turning their back on God.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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