Monday, April 3, 2017

"No Rainbow Yet"

       My little yellow tulip finally opened up and smiles at me. 4-3-2017 Perryton, Texas.

A very beautiful, sunshiny, day is visiting us today. It’s so nice to have sunshine and flowers with the fresh smell of rain. We had a total of 3 and ¼ inches of rain this past week. Everyone is happy for all the nice moister. The grass needs to be mowed, but it can wait another week or two if the good Lord decides to send us more rain. There are heavy clouds hanging around, and it will possible rain again tomorrow.

I almost finished a portrait of Melania Trump this morning. I think I can post it Wednesday. I have spent more time on this painting than any I’ve painted so far. I should have quit on it some time ago, but I kept seeing little things that I thought needed to be improved. Each time I tried to improve something I made it worse, and had to put it back like it was. I don’t know what you call this, but an artist is never completely satisfied with the final results of a painting. This is true especially in portraits. I have never learned that sometimes the expression of a person, or an object, is part of the realistic subject which need not be made different than what the artist sees. That is why every artist is unique in their own way. I work hard to put feeling into my paintings even though some may not like the feeling I give to the subjects. I do look at pictures of persons while painting them, but I never want it to look copied. I only want to use the likeness to create my own personality of the subject. I feel very honored living in a house with so many famous people that I have painted hanging on my walls. I call them my guest, and when people come to my house they always let me know they can identify every person I have painted. My days are filled with excitement when I am painting. I do have trouble getting all the materials that I want when deciding to do a certain painting. My ordering suppliers are very limited as to what I need, but when I go to a large city I usually stock up. The canvas, brushes, paint, and frames are expensive when I do a special portrait. It is worth it when the party is completely satisfied with the painting.

I must get back to the news. Several exciting things are happening now. I do hope the evil doers are made to pay for their terrible crimes for giving our country away for money. I won’t stop praying until they all are brought to justice. Only God can do that, but I see Him doing just that. God gave us a President who He can use to punish all the hypocrites who have been handing our country over to the enemy for the millions of dollars they now have. This is about to come to an end. I will never doubt the power of our Almighty God. Keep your eyes on the goal.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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