Saturday, April 29, 2017

"Fruit For The Taste And Spirit"

This is an example of what all my fruit trees look like. These plums are delicious when ripe. 4-29-2017 Perryton, TX

Winter weather has come back to see us today. It is rainy, and the wind is blowing strong. It is 38 degree in Perryton, Texas, and there has been reports of possible snow. Yesterday the temperature was in the 70’s and no wind at all. I cut weeds from my flower garden for over an hour. We take it as it comes, and are glad for no hail nor tornadoes. All my fruit trees are loaded with fruit, and that is one of my main concerns. Surly we will not get a freeze this late in the season. I haven’t been outside this morning, but I hope the bird nest I posted yesterday built upon the top of a fence post, is still ok. The two eggs inside are so fragile. I was tempted to fasten an umbrella to the post and cover the nest, but one must not mess with mother nature. I think I am still learning something every day of my life. It’s fun, and exciting to share in the beauty of God’s great creation. I suppose heaven will be more beautiful than this earthly place we live in, but for now I am completely content. I wait every minute to hear about something interesting to happen. I am proudly saying that happens to me a lot. That’s what makes our tomorrows worth living. At the end of the day we are tired, and lack enthusiasm, but the morning lifts up out of bed rested, and eager to hear good news. God never fails to answer our nightly prayers while we sleep.

A call from my sister this morning was about the first good news of the day. We shared our latest blessings, and passed to each other all the news we had heard about our families within the past week. It was fortunately all good news. Now I am waiting to hear more of mixed news concerning our great country. I have no trouble keeping a positive attitude about our President and Vise President. They have a great team of Cabinet members, and I know our God is directing every step they take. We can eat, sleep, and be merry knowing that our life is in good hands. Pain is much less when we think positive than when we worry.

I will be enjoying the Widowed group this evening for a nice time of food and fellowship. I always look forward to this meeting. This is a time when I am reminded that I am not the only one living without their loving, life long mate. It just makes us feel a part of those, who like ourselves, are living with just half of our bodies now. The bible say’s when we are joined together in marriage we become as one. When one is taken from this joined body that leaves just one-half of it to function. It is possible that the remaining half can again become as a joined body, and be as one again. Who knows what God’s plan is for us. I am humbled to His will.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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