Saturday, April 1, 2017

"A Soaking Rain"

         No April fool. Rain,rain, rain. Better than the fires we've been having. 4-1-2017 Perryton, TX

It is continuing to rain in Perryton, Texas. We have already had three inches this week. It certainly is a great blessing after a long month of destructive fires that destroyed thousands of acres of grass land, and several thousand head of cattle, several homes, and some human lives. This rain will make the grass start growing again, and hide all the ugly, black scenery that is covering miles and miles of land. As for now I’m staying in my ark, and hopefully will not have to sent out a dove to let me know when it’s safe to go out. Our God is the Great Creator, and Curator of all things. The story was told thousands of years ago, and still is being told today. “Noah and the Ark, and a little dove who delivered the victory message.” For any who may not be able to grasp the severity of human danger while here on this earth, let me encourage you to start reading your bible. It is a true story, without any modification. If anyone needs proof of that let him test by their own personal contact with God. Only a coward would not be challenged by this request. 2 Corinthians . “Come ye out from among them and show yourself approved.” I am glad to belong to the family of God.

The single’s meeting, and dinner I was planning to attend this evening has been canceled because of the rain. I will miss this great time of fellowship, but it is good that they cancelled it. We were having to drive 17 miles, and that was not a wise thing to do. Next Saturday will be another day to eat and enjoy. We will just not be able to pull off our April Fools jokes then. That also can wait for another year. My dear friends are very good about lying when it comes to jokes. I may have forgotten that it was April Fool’s Day, and had a heart attack at some of the news I was given. Sometimes I am a poor discerner of jokes. I always try not to lie, and I always try to believe people when they tell me something. I do know the difference in gossip and reality. That’s why I don’t like April Fool’s Day. I have always felt since my commitment to God, that I was given a special discernment talent, but that is not to say I am infallible. I really do appreciate a good joke when it’s not on me. The joke I love the most is one I heard a preacher tell. He said once he was having a hard time delivering a “not too sweet of a sermon,” and everyone was showing it on their faces. But in the congregation one little lady keep nodding her head yes at what he was saying. This little lady was all that saved his effort to preach that sermon. Then after the sermon the preacher learned the little lady had Parkinson’s disease. I have never forgotten that joke, and approve it. The preacher admitted to what a fool we all can sometimes make of ourselves.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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